In layman terms. The Navy's missile tracking systems uses laser sights to track other ships on the open ocean. These targets can be tracked for several hundred miles out over the ocean. Proving the oceans surface are in fact LEVEL because lasers don't curve. Remember now, according to your scientist the earth curves at 8 inches squared per mile. So if the earth is 73% water then we have a problem when were talking about a sphere. Polaris aka the north star is stationary. Time lapse video has shown that all the other stars rotate around Polaris. In line with a firmament/dome/ionosphere put there as a clock for man to use. Moon phases, sunrises, sunsets, equinox, eclipses, meteor showers and Haley's Comet are cosmic events that are predictable and happen precisely. The groundwork for predicting cosmic events was laid down by ancient man and is still in use today. The Mayans built an observatory near Cancun that can still be visited. They studied the dome and its intricate design over many years and basically mastered it. Most of their work was destroyed by foreign invaders. Doesn't sound like cosmic chaos of a big bang theory but in line with intelligent design by a creator.