How many of you guys dislike Donald Trump?


Well-Known Member
I tended bars for a few years when I was younger. Trumps reminds me of the older regulars, the ones that came most days often the first to arrive in the mornings. Sober or drunk their sounds were similar.
We cant put the genie back in the bottle, the system is wide open to the taking now and our stage performers, barons and gladiators will soon be our ruling class while they pimp for the Corpocracy and themselves. Hold on its going to be a bumpy ride this time around.

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, like this post if you dislike Donald Trump or if you do not want him as our President
Trump said he hadn’t given ‘any thought’ to firing Mueller two months after he tried to do so

“I haven't given it any thought,” he told reporters in New Jersey back in August, two months after he not only gave it thought, but decided to do it. “I've been reading about it from you people. You say, 'Oh, I'm going to dismiss him.' No, I'm not dismissing anybody.” Trump was joined in his denial by White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, who said around the same time that the White House hadn't “even discussed” the idea of firing Mueller.

Trump and his scamming entourage are an American criminal, moral and cultural disaster
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Well-Known Member
Donald Trump is a stable genius, believe me. Many, many people say so. He's a tremendous genius, many tremendous people are saying it. If you don't agree, then you hate America. Donald Trump is America.

Trump is playing multi-dimensional chess, while everyone in the media is thinking its checkers. This guy is really that tremendous as a genius!


Well-Known Member
In one swipe the man could gain the love of so many here so quickly I suspect, just sweep his sticky mess away with one signature I bet.


Well-Known Member
In one swipe the man could gain the love of so many here so quickly I suspect, just sweep his sticky mess away with one signature I bet.
Maybe some who come to RIU might take the cheese, but not the ones who hang around these parts of the forum. Pot will be legalised, probably by the coming democratic congress, Pence might even sign it!

If Trump legalises treason, perjury, money laundering and obstruction of justice too, he might get a pass from Mueller. Too bad they didn't catch Trump with a joint hanging out of his mouth, instead of Putin's dick, the GOP would legalise immediately!
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