Well-Known Member
Once you've reflashed the Sonoff it won't work with or need the welink app. Homeassistant is a little more complex setting up learning all the syntax and how to modify the config files. A good place to start would be https://home-assistant.io/blog/2017/07/25/introducing-hassio/ and then there a few good youtubers that go over more in-depth configs like BruhAutomation and DrZZZ if you can handle the editing. If you're trying to just set it up to control the Sonoffs that's pretty straightforward and I can share some of my configs to get you started if you want. Oh and for the Raspberry Pi no HDD is needed as it uses the SD card as the hard drive.
Okay, thanks for the offer!
But I have to read in there first. I have no idea about encoding, just flashing Custom Recoveries and Roms on my Android devices, which is really easy. If I'm confident, I'll send you a PM. If its above my horizon then not, Lol!
Is Homeserver.oi the only working solution for a flashed Sonoff?