Craft Growing opportunities....what are they really?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
There is a lot of talk on here about becoming a craft grower. I read discussions on costs, setup etc. from the guys on here.
But my question is......if your in a province that is setting up it's own sales stores like Ontario, Quebec and a few others I think...who's gonna buy it?
Ok so in Ontario where the WeedCBO is being created how can a craft grower expect any sales. From my look out point I see it as a non starter. Are the buyers at any provincial monopoly setup going to buy craft grown? I doubt it. They are in the mind set of buying from LP's. The only legal source for them.
Maybe in BC I can see it....but everywhere else I think you be shutout...and probably busted after they rat you out.
So you guys who want to setup a 10 or 20 light garden...who's the target purchaser. I doubt the Gov is going to buy any. They want to shut that down. They feel 100 or so LP's will fill that bill.
I'm not against it guys.....just can't see them buying from the craft market system.
Even if allowed....stores can only stock so many skews. Now if independent store were allowed...a whole new ball games can be started.
I hear ya much do you think the weedcbo is gonna pay /lb? Lol. Personally, I think anyone looking to be a craft grower will have to be at the top of their game especially in Ontario...

If you cant hit maxium yield with any strain you wont be in business long.
There's that shit pile no one yaps about Eh Hippy...
and...when it doesn't sell? Return it for FRESSH PRODUCT and even then.. lol :spew:
Shwags WILL NOT SELL! .....
I ask people . that don't smoke now if they plan on trying it later lol
not even one has said maybe!..(:
Well pie eyed hopes in the sky. What legal market will there be for craft grown weed...even if it's outstanding.
If independent small stores were allowed and craft growing was have a winner.
Otherwise I don't why to open a craft grow.
There's that shit pile no one yaps about Eh Hippy...
and...when it doesn't sell? Return it for FRESSH PRODUCT and even then.. lol :spew:
Shwags WILL NOT SELL! .....
I ask people . that don't smoke now if they plan on trying it later lol
not even one has said maybe!..(:
Oh I predict they will have more legal weed than they know what to do with...gonna be so funny as the first shipments age.
What will they say when asked " I didn't like this, can I return the rest "
ive read snippets of interviews and articles. From what I understand, you ship your product to a LP and they middle man it to provinces stores and online outlets. What some are afraid of is you ship all product and it fails QA. A few things I know for sure, micro producers will have a minimum of 2 employees. There is no limit to licenses. 10 or 20k sqft max indoor. I believe it’s 5k plants. Security is very lax. Storage isn’t intense anymore. Video surveillance is enough. There’s nursery licenses, production licenses and extracts, last I heard there trying to combine them all production. Everything must be tagged seed to sale. At first glance it doesn’t seem hard at all. No crazy safe with sensors in the floor with 8ft of concrete surrounding them...way way way more feasible then mmpr.
Oh ya LPs will offer you what it costs them to grow. Want to get involved open a MOM and have 150$ ounces to the door...done.
100 dollar oz's ...:bigjoint:or less ;)

they wont allow it lol
Yeah but operating a business paying bills shipping packaging and growing the stuff a 100$ ounce doesn’t work. If it’s hand to hand and your doing it all day sure not a problem I could offer that.
Those monstrocity corporate facilities don't even care about Canada's limited market, they are looking globally. The niche to be filled will be small batch limited run coniseur grade flowers. The big guys product will mostly be used in extracts and edibles, leaving a hole for Craft. A good example would be the Craft wine and beer industry competing with Budweiser or Labats. You are right about Ontario, they are fucked!....but things are looking good for the west coast. All you need is to supply locally and follow the fresh, local, organic movement. Those are your target market.

100 dollar oz's ...:bigjoint:or less ;)

they wont allow it lol
it's more about quality than price.
the big LP's can under-price you no problem. you've got much less margins with smaller grows, but also much better quality control.

in time there will be legal room, but for now; gonna have to reside in that uncomfortable -but all too familiar- grey area. they're making sure to lock out their competition (the skilled small grower)

really the small/passionate growers should be smart and create some quality 'seal of approval' type thing, if not for now; for later.
because folks will want quality and care.. eventually. *i don't think it will take most too long to realize the LP crap is crap.
A herbal dispatch model would be interesting. Craft growers make a brand name, sell it through the website and the customer chooses what ever catches their eyes
i think there's a lot of room for craft growers and even if you're local with some delivery options, you could get a nice little enterprise going especially if you're talented and grow good quality. I've seen too many would be corporate types claim that spending anything less than a million is a waste of time but many of the LPs started that very way and if anything their quality went down as they moved to gigantic facilities. Having something special and unique is what's going to differentiate most craft growers in the long term. Growing whatever is popular will be hard to stand out when there's thousand of others providing it unless yours ends up being the best. The government's doing all it can to keep the competition low and LPs are lapping it up.
craft growing opportunities thus far are pretty much non existent ...
it would be nice to see some actual quadruple A meds being grown....and for sale...
but like the former markets the best stuff usually goes to friends of the grower...and never even hit any kind of market...
and when you were lucky enough to score that excellent would keep that info to yourself.