Screw it, shut it down

Should the government shut down over DACA?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • No

    Votes: 10 37.0%

  • Total voters
Looks like some tin-can garbage studs to me. Real men frame with 20ga or thicker studs :-D
At least they stood them up the right way. Makes me laugh when you see the knockouts the wrong way.

what do you think of a customer you are building a house for, goes after hours, to hammer in nails right next to where you (contractor) hammered them.."for extra strength"?
what do you think of a customer you are building a house for, goes after hours, to hammer in nails right next to where you (contractor) hammered them.."for extra strength"?
As long as they were wearing a hard hat and safety glasses, i’d tell them to have at it. Better yet, i’d hook them up with a nailgun.
Looks like some tin-can garbage studs to me. Real men frame with 20ga or thicker studs :-D
At least they stood them up the right way. Makes me laugh when you see the knockouts the wrong way.
I'm not responsible for the framing. I just install the heat and air. Mickey mouse GC on this job.
I've spent most of my life on job sites. When a guy spent too much time on in the shitter, they'd end up with their bags nailed twenty five feet up a tree. You sound more like an unskilled labor without bags, in which case I'd just kick the side of the urinal sending the peppermint Patty directly into your face while yelling at you to get back to work.
And you sound like
I've spent most of my life on job sites. When a guy spent too much time on in the shitter, they'd end up with their bags nailed twenty five feet up a tree. You sound more like an unskilled labor without bags, in which case I'd just kick the side of the urinal sending the peppermint Patty directly into your face while yelling at you to get back to work.
You'd be lost in my field kid.
Day four of the so called sell out by Democrats.

The White House is demanding 25 billion dollars for the freedom of Dreamers and a path to their citizenship. Right wing anti-immigration groups are livid:

A call about the White House's newly released immigration plan between Stephen Miller, the conservative White House adviser who has been spearheading the West Wing's immigration push, and representatives of hardline immigration groups grew heated Thursday, multiple sources tell CNN.

Miller, according to the sources, called the groups together to pitch them on the plan, which proposes giving 1.8 million undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship in exchange for $25 billion for his long-promised wall and a host of other strict immigration reforms.

White House proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million people

The call grew contentious, some of the sources said, when Miller began to solicit input from the conservative immigration groups, many of which have long advocated restrictions on legal immigration and no amnesty for undocumented immigrants currently in the United States. For the hardline groups, the main issue is that the "amnesty" -- the citizenship for 1.8 million people -- is not offset by corresponding cuts to the legal immigration system.

"Nobody raised their voice but there was real pushback," said Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies, who complained that there was little to no consultation with any of the conservative groups before the plan was released.

"It's a letdown because if this were the end result after fighting in Congress and you had to either take this or nothing, I don't know, I can't say that I would definitely say no," he said. "But to start with something like this is absurd."

He added: "I am starting to think not only did the President not write the 'Art of the Deal,' I am thinking he didn't even read the book."