Well-Known Member
Haha thanks!
Yep, the balance is all wrong in all my soils and VC at the mo. The fungal side has been weak to nonexistent, and for nutrient cycling I mainly had tons of bacterial feeding / omnivorous nematodes, but hardly any flagellates. And while it's normal to see either the one or the other predominate, I had this hunch it shouldn't mean a complete absence of flagellates as I was seeing in the soil. I did check on populations a few weeks after (I've found taking samples always damages the roots, so I'm trying not to do that all too often), and things aren't sooo much better, but that bit of a shift has seemed to have done it for now
But what really got her started downhill - right at the beginning, in the second week of her life - was the VC- & DE-heavy seedling mix she sprouted in - its water-holding capacity was way too high whilst still being all fluffy, probably leading to anaerobic minisites that got the problems started in the first place
Well now I know it's a mistake to think of VC as being interchangeable with leaf mold, and not to try using DE powder as part of the aeration component (add in amendment-amounts instead)! The joys of learning by doing![]()
oh yeah i could see that mix going anaerobic no doubt. waaaaaaay too much surface area with the DE powder, lots of water holding capacity! Glad you got it all figured out. interesting about the microbe populations. I think that's the next step my garden is going. I need to get a scope though. I was checking out some on ebay a while back and there were some pretty decent deals. I definitely want one i can hook up to a computer so i can scan around the image more easily.
i've definitely been slacking in the compost tea department. i mean, i wasn't even putting them in my re amended mixes. here recently though, i've been doing a few EWC extract teas. who needs to brew? just rinse/massage that shit and all its goodness

DT has sparked my interest with the insect frass and i'm going to be applying it to the cheese ladies i just flipped over the weekend. This coming weekend i'm gonna hit em with the "bloom mix" so that can start breaking down. then a couple weeks after (prolly week 4) i'm gonna hit em with the insect frass as a topdress as well. these two plants have a lot of potential (they're huge!), i hope they reach every bit of it!!