F*ck the market this year!

Here We go,, this is progresive collectives menu from TOday on leafy,, this is a popular dispensary here in Oregon,, there are 1/8 ounce flowers ,, great stuff,, for 15 bucks ,, there is even an 1/8 for 10 bucks,, this is not shake, this is good flower,, heck check out the other prices as well, https://www.leafly.com/dispensary-info/prog-collective/menuView attachment 4077327
I Just drove past a place [shango] that was advertising $4 grams. Its always bud. The only shake sold is in pre-rolls as far as I know. The bad part about the deal is the shitty weed you're getting. I've bought the 3rd tier shit once and I regretted it as soon as I smoked it. It was Harsh and not very appealing to the eyes.
I Just drove past a place [shango] that was advertising $4 grams. Its always bud. The only shake sold is in pre-rolls as far as I know. The bad part about the deal is the shitty weed you're getting. I've bought the 3rd tier shit once and I regretted it as soon as I smoked it. It was Harsh and not very appealing to the eyes.

The shitty part is, it costs just as much to grow shitty weed.
I Just drove past a place [shango] that was advertising $4 grams. Its always bud. The only shake sold is in pre-rolls as far as I know. The bad part about the deal is the shitty weed you're getting. I've bought the 3rd tier shit once and I regretted it as soon as I smoked it. It was Harsh and not very appealing to the eyes.
i guess the point i was trying to make is the legal market ,, at least in Oregon is putting the pinch on the black market now, sure the black market is alive, but most people are starting to just grow thier own since its legal, which waters down the black market even more, the state legal stores are selling awesome clones for only 15 bucks,,, i mean wow,, it just keeps getting better and better
i guess the point i was trying to make is the legal market ,, at least in Oregon is putting the pinch on the black market now, sure the black market is alive, but most people are starting to just grow thier own since its legal, which waters down the black market even more, the state legal stores are selling awesome clones for only 15 bucks,,, i mean wow,, it just keeps getting better and better
I put use to my 4 legal plants each season. I get far more than I can put use to in a year. I rarely put use to the dispensaries. Every now and again I'll pick up an eighth.

I do love how easy it is to pick up clones around here. I think I spent $20-$25 a pop last May.
You replied to me first. I don't even know who the fuck you are. Other than some wannabe grower looking for advice on how to water a house plant.
ahh no (page 5) I replied to max and the you quoted me. And I hope you don't know who I am, you are a snitch. is that why you keep asking who I am? So you can rat me out to.

And would you kindly stop starting conversations with me. You're a snitch and a Trump supporter. Not the kind of person I surround myself with.
I haven't verified the accuracy of anything this dispensary employee said, but... I was at a dispensary yesterday and the guy working there told me that currently in the state of Oregon, the amount of legally and licensed grown, harvested, dried, ready to sell cannabis is 20x the amount actually being consumed here.

He said that OLLC who is running the show, did not put any limits on canopies or how many licenses they will allow -- each license to grow rec weed makes them money so they have sold and will sell as many as they can. That dispensary is having a promotional where they sell $1 grams on Fridays. This is not "top shelf" stuff, it's mediocre bud from the seemingly endless ocean of outdoor weed that was harvested at the end of last summer. There is a giant inevitable and painful market correction that has already started, and who knows how long it will take to iron out.

And as a side note, the black market will always exist (at a much smaller scale) since the age to go into a dispensary is 21. Anyone here smoke in high school? I'm guessing the kids are still doing it.
I haven't verified the accuracy of anything this dispensary employee said, but... I was at a dispensary yesterday and the guy working there told me that currently in the state of Oregon, the amount of legally and licensed grown, harvested, dried, ready to sell cannabis is 20x the amount actually being consumed here.

He said that OLLC who is running the show, did not put any limits on canopies or how many licenses they will allow -- each license to grow rec weed makes them money so they have sold and will sell as many as they can. That dispensary is having a promotional where they sell $1 grams on Fridays. This is not "top shelf" stuff, it's mediocre bud from the seemingly endless ocean of outdoor weed that was harvested at the end of last summer. There is a giant inevitable and painful market correction that has already started, and who knows how long it will take to iron out.

And as a side note, the black market will always exist (at a much smaller scale) since the age to go into a dispensary is 21. Anyone here smoke in high school? I'm guessing the kids are still doing it.

The figure I heard is there are roughly 1 million pounds of product registered in the tracking system. Current demand is roughly 500,000 pounds a year. So that is quite an excess inventory position given that new product is constantly being grown.

Since it's a controlled market, they can't cross borders with it, and they can't sell it on the BM. It has to go through licensed processors and sellers.

So either demand needs to go way up, or production needs to be cut way back. They are fire sale'ing the exxcess inventories to increase demand and get it off the shelves. But it isn't sustainable. If I buy extra now because the prices are low, it's product I won't be buying later unless I start consuming a lot more, which isn't really likely.

Until there is a national/international market, these micro markets will either be unstable or will need production caps - which nobody will like.
And as a side note, the black market will always exist (at a much smaller scale) since the age to go into a dispensary is 21. Anyone here smoke in high school? I'm guessing the kids are still doing it.

True that, but at $1/gm, I'd buy it legally and sell it on the BM for a profit before I'd grow it to sell. Not that I sell, but it would be the way to go if you did......
The figure I heard is there are roughly 1 million pounds of product registered in the tracking system. Current demand is roughly 500,000 pounds a year. So that is quite an excess inventory position given that new product is constantly being grown.

Since it's a controlled market, they can't cross borders with it, and they can't sell it on the BM. It has to go through licensed processors and sellers.

So either demand needs to go way up, or production needs to be cut way back. They are fire sale'ing the exxcess inventories to increase demand and get it off the shelves. But it isn't sustainable. If I buy extra now because the prices are low, it's product I won't be buying later unless I start consuming a lot more, which isn't really likely.

Until there is a national/international market, these micro markets will either be unstable or will need production caps - which nobody will like.
Yeah, that was another thing he said -- that if it became federally legal we could supply Nevada (for instance). But that's not happening any time soon. And I would not be surprised if his "20x" remark was an exaggeration, that's why I qualified my repeating it. Thanks for clarifying the surplus numbers.

Regardless of the amount, there is way more supply than demand and assuming the current trend continues, it will drive down profit margins enough to bankrupt small growers and eventually only growers producing massive amounts would still profit enough to make it worthwhile to grow. When growers are trying to grow as cheaply as possible, quality will go down. From those ashes I imagine the niche market for top quality bud will resurface, and then hopefully stabilize. If that weren't the case, we'd still be smoking brick-weed from Mexico.

It is a controlled market, I did not mean to imply that some amount of the license-grown pot would make it to the black market. The comment about the black market was something I was informed about by a college student, it was something I hadn't really thought about (at the time he was trying to convince me to sell my surplus... but he had no idea of the depth of my profound aversion to incarceration).

True that, but at $1/gm, I'd buy it legally and sell it on the BM for a profit before I'd grow it to sell. Not that I sell, but it would be the way to go if you did......
I didn't ask for details because I grow my own, but I suspect there is a limit per customer on this deal. Otherwise they'd be selling $28 ounces.
I do love how easy it is to pick up clones around here. I think I spent $20-$25 a pop last May.

Clones are still expensive (before rec became legal they were $10-15 each), but their prices should come down. The guy I was talking to yesterday at the dispensary said that availability of clones is rising because some (probably smaller) growers crunched the numbers and decided that they could make more money cutting up their plants for clones than they would finishing them for flower. I just hope this infusion of new clone makers doesn't water down the quality -- if I can't reliably get good genetics and bug free clones, I'll go back to seeds.
Am hoping you could expand a bit on these abbreviations, for my future genetic purchasing.
And I really hate to say this, but I miss Nancy Reagan and her bullshit...at least the market remained stable back then.
SSSC was.Super Sativa Seed Club. A very early.cannabis seed vendor. Along with Positronics ran by Wernard Bruning...these people were there in the early days. Skunk#1..NL.. Hazes...Affies amd whatnot. Awesome genetics.
The figure I heard is there are roughly 1 million pounds of product registered in the tracking system. Current demand is roughly 500,000 pounds a year. So that is quite an excess inventory position given that new product is constantly being grown.

Since it's a controlled market, they can't cross borders with it, and they can't sell it on the BM. It has to go through licensed processors and sellers.

So either demand needs to go way up, or production needs to be cut way back. They are fire sale'ing the exxcess inventories to increase demand and get it off the shelves. But it isn't sustainable. If I buy extra now because the prices are low, it's product I won't be buying later unless I start consuming a lot more, which isn't really likely.

Until there is a national/international market, these micro markets will either be unstable or will need production caps - which nobody will like.
Ive heard that the entire American marijuana consumption can be grown on roughly 20,000 acres. Give or take. Thats NOTHING for an ag crop. The average decent sized farm..whether its corn..soy..or whatever is 1,000 acres. So about 20 average farms (greenhouses or warehouses or wherever - acreage is acreage) can handle ALL of it. The big players are going to make a move soon. I believe once federally legal. They will step in and say we will regulate this cowboy crazy industry. Monopolize it. Set price...quality standards..and whatnot. You "craft grown" or "small batch" quality growers...I dont know what to tell ya. It will be 200 bucks a pound or less..watch. And thats HUGE profit margins for ANY crop. More than just about any in the history of modern agriculture. No one will be growing indoors in 7 to 10 years. The price of marijuana cannot and will not justify it. If you want really good stuff..your gonna grow a couple plants out back or the top shelf will be grown in the very few high tech supplemented greenhouses. Or take very decent but still average and make concentrates. The entire black market (indoor lights..etc) illegal paradigm will shift with legality. Who knows with federal legalization. The big ag players might even skip all domestic and import super cheap from a.piss poor equator country. I dont know. But what I do know is 99.9% of us (especially indoor growing) wont be doing this for money for very much longer. You dont see many of us growing tomatos and veggies in a hydroponic system with vent fans and co2 and expensive growlights with air conditioners for a reason.
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Ive heard that the entire American marijuana consumption can be grown on roughly 20,000 acres. Give or take. Thats NOTHING for an ag crop. The average decent sized farm..whether its corn..soy..or whatever is 1,000 acres. So about 20 average farms (greenhouses or warehouses or wherever - acreage is acreage) can handle ALL of it. The big players are going to make a move soon. I believe once federally legal. They will step in and say we will regulate this cowboy crazy industry. Monopolize it. Set price...quality standards..and whatnot. You "craft grown" or "small batch" quality growers...I dont know what to tell ya. It will be 200 bucks a pound or less..watch. And thats HUGE profit margins for ANY crop. More than just about any in the history of modern agriculture. No one will be growing indoors in 7 to 10 years. The price of marijuana cannot and will not justify it. If you want really good stuff..your gonna grow a couple plants out back or the top shelf will be grown in the very few high tech supplemented greenhouses. Or take very decent but still average and make concentrates. The entire black market (indoor lights..etc) illegal paradigm will shift with legality. Who knows with federal legalization. The big ag players might even skip all domestic and import super cheap from a.piss poor equator country. I dont know. But what I do know is 99.9% of us (especially indoor growing) wont be doing this for money for very much longer. You dont see many of us growing tomatos and veggies in a hydroponic system with vent fans and co2 and expensive growlights with air conditioners for a reason.

I agree with pretty much everything here. Once fed legal almost all small time growers for profit are done.
I agree with pretty much everything here. Once fed legal almost all small time growers for profit are done.

Once (never happen soon though) cannabis is fed legal, production will be controlled much like wheat. They will artificially limit production to keep it profitable for the big farms. Home grows will be eliminated. craft growers may be allowed to exist, but it won't be a gold rush, and the financials will be stacked against them.

It's just what they do.
Once we get past Trump...in 2020 it might not be a topic/debate brought up because the plates will be full with his goofy antics. But you better bet by 2024 that federal marijuana legalization will have come to fruition or be talked about in campaigns. States are popping with medical and/or recreational left and right. The feds cant ignore it much longer. Its has to come to a head.
Dam their really fucking with people over weed ,2 people got popped and raided they not fucking around just wen I thought it was laxxed no way!!!!! They are popen mother fuckers left and right
Dam their really fucking with people over weed ,2 people got popped and raided they not fucking around just wen I thought it was laxxed no way!!!!! They are popen mother fuckers left and right
They want their tax $. This Is the only reason why it's "legal" now. Can't get it with the black market under cutting them.