F*ck the market this year!

I can confirm that it really is a headache out here. (eastcoast)

The market will self-correct, nobody in their right mind would even trim at these prices let alone grow the product for sale.
Someone needs to put a leash on these corporate whores in CO/CA, am tired of seeing their outdoor commercial shit 1,500 miles away.
Being sold by dealers at $300+/zip.
The market will self-correct, nobody in their right mind would even trim at these prices let alone grow the product for sale.
Someone needs to put a leash on these corporate whores in CO/CA, am tired of seeing their outdoor commercial shit 1,500 miles away.
Being sold by dealers at $300+/zip.
States and local areas tax the hell out of the bigger growers ,
The small growers do not pay the tax,
Everyone knows the government is just like the mafia, if you want to play on their turf you have to pay or they will shut you down.
And enforce it so you can't compete with those who pay.
The larger growers will grow thousands of plants and do it at a much lower unit cost.
It's not that the smaller growers can't compete they will just have to be really good and super productive,
Kind of like micro brewery's vrs Budweiser
I think indoor growing for big bucks is long gone with 3000-4000 lbs,outdoor light dep is the way to go I can produce lbs out door for less than Hondo each, just lots of work. not even going to bother with full season plants that harvest in a flood.an that outdoor dep is as good or better than the ins around here
Maybe shake is $3, but bud?

"$6 grams everyday!
We always have two strains to choose from for our $6 grams daily. ($7.00 a gram after tax)

Valid until 2/10/2020."
Here We go,, this is progresive collectives menu from TOday on leafy,, this is a popular dispensary here in Oregon,, there are 1/8 ounce flowers ,, great stuff,, for 15 bucks ,, there is even an 1/8 for 10 bucks,, this is not shake, this is good flower,, heck check out the other prices as well, https://www.leafly.com/dispensary-info/prog-collective/menuhlhklh.png
Dude is a snitch
I appreciate any heads up.
I do not do anything, anymore ,
I am looking at work, I may move here to Cali for a bit ,
I am not fond of it here. Like the weather.
Just thought I would mention there is stupid work here if anyone wants any work.
Laborers are getting 43 dollars a hour plus 400 a week perdium. Equipment operators and dump truck drivers are getting 100 bucks a hour, electricians , construction will start soon for the clean up of the fires , these fires have really wrecked things here .
This is going to go on for years .
I am doing load calculations for power and meeting with electricians to set transformers .
Just in case anyone wants to know.
So you can just throw out an accusation like that but you can't back it up?

Here we go again.

Who the fuck are you, anyway?
I got a screenshot of a respected riu member claming you tried to set him up. Want me to post it? Your choice, let me know...
I have more concern that members here when they get but hurt go snitch to a admin.
You know someone that big a bitch would also snitch to the law