Getting jobs at legal grow sites.

I love you Canadians. Always so polite. Always so open to others pov. ;)

But it will probably a lot like working for walmart in the us. Walmart has hundreds of thousands of employees, and it's security department is the largest private security organization in the world.

But, chances for advancement are pretty much non-existent. The job you are hired to do is pretty much all you will ever have. Management is hired through a separate channel; assistant managers are really just another way to exploit hourly workers into doing more for less.

Now there is nothing wrong with that in a lot of cases. Lots of people need jobs. They don't want to do anything else. They don't want to be management.

So if all you want is a min wage job, and need to pay bills, go for it. But don't expect to go from the trim table to master grower. That's not a career path in these ops.
IBut don't expect to go from the trim table to master grower. That's not a career path in these ops.

there are some here who think they have a shot ... and want a shot..
but they fail to see the true nature of this shit deal ........thats NOT going to WORK!
Master grower at a "regular" greenhouse clearing over 100k? seriously? not to mention working with cannabis all day and directing how LP's conduct growing?

Around here a select few hate them. For fuck sakes you guys need to get a life and stop crying to people about LP's mad because the Gov will not let you sell weed from your shitty home grow? get over it.
All the guys on here crying about LP's are all the same guys that wanted to be an LP way back, fuck you guys are no different, you want to grow weed to sell to your so called "patients" get outta here with that old bull shit.
Every man has a price, I put money on it most of you on here crying about LP's price would actually be cheep.
So all LP's are bad but some how the almighty hippy and GB and a few others and good? get the fuck out of here with that. Fact is in time LP's will get better, they will hire the right people, and eventually you guys will be dinosaurs, this is evolution my friends.
You guys are truly fowl for telling people to not go after their dreams and to not look for work. SMH...........
Not my fault or problem you got no pride.
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I was BM? are you kidding me? you are BM, I never was BM and never will be, you on the other hand are peddling your shitty weed right here on RIU, fuking BM, what a joke.
Oh got me figured out...were you peeking again? Ok everyone who wants some weed send me a and the cart will be over shortly to peddle some.
Yes I must be a telephone tough guy lol
Much better then being a little bitch who seems to think it is ok to spout their opinion about other peoples medicine.
Like I said you are a straight mutt fucking goof. That ain't me being tough. It is me making a judgement about you based on the complete bullshit you seem to want to continuously post. That judgement again is ,you are a little wanna be LP dick riding bitch boy, that doesn't have a fucking clue about medical cannabis.
Again not me being a telephone tough guy, just stating what you keep making seem like fact.
So again fuck you and your ignorant ass opinions.
Cheers :)
Good Judgment.:bigjoint:

R u saying you've never bought any BM weed? You've only smoked LP weed then? Did you just start 3 years ago?

what is he now?
Again I am a mutt because I told someone some good advice about a question they asked when all you of cocksuckers posted garbage and hatred. Like I said keep your words to your self if you have nothing useful to say, if you want to run your mouth set up a meeting time and place, I travel the country frequently and will gladly meet you next time I am in your neck of the woods, then you can give me your opinion about me to my face, until that day comes you are publicly the one who is a goof and all the other stuff you called me, based on your use of the word goof I can tell you are one of them jailhouse inbreed scum bags,lol.
Lots of people on this site have met me in person and smoked with me and traded cuts with me and so on and so on, you are a chump who hides online and uses foul words to try and seem cool. I never said jack shit about your "meds" and if I did so fucking what? All I did was tell you all you are asses for the way you all responded to the original post in this thread, they asked a legit question and all you guys could do is cry about LP"s like little bitches in an empty strip club.
Bottom line speak like that to my face I will smack the shit out of you in front of your friends, family, kids, I do not give a shit, be respectful or get taught respect.

I am sure all the sane normal people who read how you guys talk will agree with me. You guys all make Canada look bad, with all your crying like bitches. Grow a pair of balls, meet me, otherwise we could give 2 fucks about your opinion about me.
Respect is earned....when are you in Nelson?
No I am saying your a chump, and you spread lies and falsehoods, stop misleading the people. You said I am somehow involved in the BM, I said no I am not, but you are. What does how I got my weed when I was 13 years old have to do with now in 2018? Times a changing, LP's are here now, know one needs your bunk ass larf weed covered in your nasty pubic hairs, all touched up by your greasy dirty shit covered fingers. wtf gross.

Know one needs your nasty weed when they can produce their own or buy from one of the meany licensed grows.
So you still smoke BM weed but don't care for BM folks. How do you live with yourself......seriously. You'd gladly use any side that would benefit you! I like folks who appreciate their past better than you seem too. You seem to be the kind who'd leave a brother on the battlefield to save your own ass. Sorry for ya man.
Again I am a mutt because I told someone some good advice about a question they asked when all you of cocksuckers posted garbage and hatred. Like I said keep your words to your self if you have nothing useful to say, if you want to run your mouth set up a meeting time and place, I travel the country frequently and will gladly meet you next time I am in your neck of the woods, then you can give me your opinion about me to my face, until that day comes you are publicly the one who is a goof and all the other stuff you called me, based on your use of the word goof I can tell you are one of them jailhouse inbreed scum bags,lol.
Lots of people on this site have met me in person and smoked with me and traded cuts with me and so on and so on, you are a chump who hides online and uses foul words to try and seem cool. I never said jack shit about your "meds" and if I did so fucking what? All I did was tell you all you are asses for the way you all responded to the original post in this thread, they asked a legit question and all you guys could do is cry about LP"s like little bitches in an empty strip club.
Bottom line speak like that to my face I will smack the shit out of you in front of your friends, family, kids, I do not give a shit, be respectful or get taught respect.

I am sure all the sane normal people who read how you guys talk will agree with me. You guys all make Canada look bad, with all your crying like bitches. Grow a pair of balls, meet me, otherwise we could give 2 fucks about your opinion about me.
Don't think anyone wants to fight ya. I just don't think they like your methods or what you have to say.
What if someone said yes to you and the guy was more than you counted on. I think you'd be best not encouraging that sort of thing meds. I wouldn't go around saying you can take on don't know everyone.
So you still smoke BM weed but don't care for BM folks. How do you live with yourself......seriously. You'd gladly use any side that would benefit you! I like folks who appreciate their past better than you seem too. You seem to be the kind who'd leave a brother on the battlefield to save your own ass. Sorry for ya man.
Have not smoked BM weed in over 10 years. I am actually not very trusting of BM weed, I only smoke shit form people I know or from licensed growers who test there shit.
Again I am a mutt because I told someone some good advice about a question they asked when all you of cocksuckers posted garbage and hatred. Like I said keep your words to your self if you have nothing useful to say, if you want to run your mouth set up a meeting time and place, I travel the country frequently and will gladly meet you next time I am in your neck of the woods, then you can give me your opinion about me to my face, until that day comes you are publicly the one who is a goof and all the other stuff you called me, based on your use of the word goof I can tell you are one of them jailhouse inbreed scum bags,lol.
Lots of people on this site have met me in person and smoked with me and traded cuts with me and so on and so on, you are a chump who hides online and uses foul words to try and seem cool. I never said jack shit about your "meds" and if I did so fucking what? All I did was tell you all you are asses for the way you all responded to the original post in this thread, they asked a legit question and all you guys could do is cry about LP"s like little bitches in an empty strip club.
Bottom line speak like that to my face I will smack the shit out of you in front of your friends, family, kids, I do not give a shit, be respectful or get taught respect.

I am sure all the sane normal people who read how you guys talk will agree with me. You guys all make Canada look bad, with all your crying like bitches. Grow a pair of balls, meet me, otherwise we could give 2 fucks about your opinion about me.

Thank you for proving everything I have been saying to and about you, to be true.
Again, sweet website you have there little fella hahaha
Don't think anyone wants to fight ya. I just don't think they like your methods or what you have to say.
What if someone said yes to you and the guy was more than you counted on. I think you'd be best not encouraging that sort of thing meds. I wouldn't go around saying you can take on don't know everyone.
I did not say I can take everyone, i told fuck wad who called my mom a crack whore to meet me, I could careless if he is 1000# all muscle, I will put my foot in there ass. Real talk, I never said anything foul about anyone until you fuck wads disrespected my mom, again post a time and a place like I give a fuck, I know you are pussy because real men do not diss peoples moms who they have never met over the internet, so I am calling him out, here pussy pussy pussy......