The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

has to be declassified first. would be nice if it was in hillys email server then we all would have read it.

he's the fucking president, he gets to decide what is classified and what isn't.

that's why he didn't get into any trouble when he decided to give away top secret code name israeli intelligence to his russian owners you fetid neo-confederate spammer.
he says it'll all be over in 11 days. february 1st.

have you ever seen something so pathetically sad?

Kush and jr are yet to be indicted, they cut one helluva deal with Flynn for a reason and papadopoulos has been wearing a wire for months and got a nice deal too. Bannon's balls are being squeezed and there are lots of people talking to Mueller. Trump has had his nose shoved so far up Putin's ass he can taste his lunch, cause Putin owns him a dozen different ways. Many of the fuckups you see and in particular the lack of funding and personal in the state department are because of marching orders from Moscow, treason plain and simple.

None of this stuff is hard for Mueller to prove either, these morons left lot's of evidence like financial records, emails and texts. All the trials and shit will be timed to the lead up to the midterm elections so that it will be difficult for the GOP to obstruct justice if they are facing an election. They might have their tribe, but treasonous behaviour is a serious matter in an election year, even the base will blanche at the prospect of overlooking it.
Kush and jr are yet to be indicted, they cut one helluva deal with Flynn for a reason and papadopoulos has been wearing a wire for months and got a nice deal too. Bannon's balls are being squeezed and there are lots of people talking to Mueller. Trump has had his nose shoved so far up Putin's ass he can taste his lunch, cause Putin owns him a dozen different ways. Many of the fuckups you see and in particular the lack of funding and personal in the state department are because of marching orders from Moscow, treason plain and simple.

None of this stuff is hard for Mueller to prove either, these morons left lot's of evidence like financial records, emails and texts. All the trials and shit will be timed to the lead up to the midterm elections so that it will be difficult for the GOP to obstruct justice if they are facing an election. They might have their tribe, but treasonous behaviour is a serious matter in an election year, even the base will blanche at the prospect of overlooking it.
Kush and jr are yet to be indicted, they cut one helluva deal with Flynn for a reason and papadopoulos has been wearing a wire for months and got a nice deal too. Bannon's balls are being squeezed and there are lots of people talking to Mueller. Trump has had his nose shoved so far up Putin's ass he can taste his lunch, cause Putin owns him a dozen different ways. Many of the fuckups you see and in particular the lack of funding and personal in the state department are because of marching orders from Moscow, treason plain and simple.

None of this stuff is hard for Mueller to prove either, these morons left lot's of evidence like financial records, emails and texts. All the trials and shit will be timed to the lead up to the midterm elections so that it will be difficult for the GOP to obstruct justice if they are facing an election. They might have their tribe, but treasonous behaviour is a serious matter in an election year, even the base will blanche at the prospect of overlooking it.

God i hope ur a damned rui prophet
I fear it could be never if russia has infiltrated NRA, not a goper around gunna stand up for truth now. I predict all out war from gop to end free and fair elections by 18 if something, idk what, doesnt happen to stop it...

The republic is in peril... im praying for salvation but expecting purgatory at best for us as a nation..
I fear it could be never if russia has infiltrated NRA, not a goper around gunna stand up for truth now. I predict all out war from gop to end free and fair elections by 18 if something, idk what, doesnt happen to stop it...

The republic is in peril... im praying for salvation but expecting purgatory at best for us as a nation..

You'll have free and fair elections or civil war. Elections are local affairs in America and I don't think the base feels that strongly for Donald to try and cheat. Voter ID laws, gerrymandering, voter suppression and of course russian help as usual, everybody is packing a cellphone with a video camera these days, blatant violations are becoming rare. What the republicans hope to do is limit the congressional investigations and public exposure, they can't do much about Mueller and if they try, they will go to jail for obstruction of justice. The GOP put party and personal interests far above country, not just Trump has been toying with treason. Nothing is being done to protect America from russian attacks because the GOP figure the russians are on their and Trump's side. The unspoken deal will be a soft line on russia, Vlad and his buddies win, if there were war, American troops would die in large numbers because of intelligence failures, so would Canadians fighting at their side.

Speaking of russian help, the GOP talking points on the "Nunes memo" (a smoke screen) are identical to the russian ones, coincidence or treason? This is the second time Nunes has tried this kind of shit, who the fuck elected this guy anyway? Paul Ryan appointed him to head the house intelligence committee, why? He has no experience in these mattes and had to recuse himself from the russian investigation before, why is he still the chairman? Why is he still involved in the russian affair? I'd have a lot of questions for Kevin Nunes, Mueller might have more one day. Whatever he is up to with the WH, it will be exposed when the crowd around Trump start singing. I wonder what would motivate a guy like that to do these kind of things, Paul Ryan is behind it for sure, he appointed him and keeps him in the Chairmanship.
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You'll have free and fair elections or civil war. Elections are local affairs in America and I don't think the base feels that strongly for Donald to try and cheat. Voter ID laws, gerrymandering, voter suppression and of course russian help as usual, everybody is packing a cellphone with a video camera these days, blatant violations are becoming rare. What the republicans hope to do is limit the congressional investigations and public exposure, they can't do much about Mueller and if they try, they will go to jail for obstruction of justice. The GOP put party and personal interests far above country, not just Trump has been toying with treason. Nothing is being done to protect America from russian attacks because the GOP figure the russians are on their and Trump's side. The unspoken deal will be a soft line on russian, Vlad and his buddies win, if there were war, American troops would die in large numbers because of intelligence failures, so would Canadians fighting at their side.

Speaking of russian help, the GOP talking points on the "Nunes memo" (a smoke screen) are identical to the russian ones, coincidence or treason? This is the second time Nunes has tried this kind of shit, who the fuck elected this guy anyway?

Mueller is deep in traitor Nunes' ass. He's not going to survive. He knows it by now.
Mueller is deep in traitor Nunes' ass. He's not going to survive. He knows it by now.
He's from California, it's hard to believe this guy is gonna get re elected in 2018, if I were a rich patriotic American I'd pull out all the stops in his district this fall. I figure they are gonna concentrate on his district if required, I'd have traitor billboards from one end of his district to the other, and they would have been up for awhile.

I dunno if Nunes and Ryan realise that this WH is gonna be laid out bare for all to see in public records and testimony. All their conversations about this shit with Trump and his advisers will become public record one day through witness testimony at legal proceedings. There are lots of strings hanging out of this one and Mueller is tugging on them and unraveling interesting things. All the efforts to hide and cover up this shit will come out in court, hope it's before the election on this one.
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He's from California, it's hard to believe this guy is gonna get re elected in 2018, if I were a rich patriotic American I'd pull out all the stops in his district this fall. I figure they are gonna concentrate on his district if required, I'd have traitor billboards form one end of his district to the other, and they would have been up for awhile.

I dunno if Nunes and Ryan realise that this WH is gonna be laid out bare for all to see in public records and testimony. All their conversations about this shit with Trump and his advisers will become public record one day through witness testimony at legal proceedings. There are lots of strings hanging out of this one and Mueller is tugging on them and unraveling interesting things. All the efforts to hide and cover up this shit will come out in court, hope it's before the election on this one.

All signs say Ryan knows he's fucked too. I've got plenty of popcorn.
When the democrats take the house and senate in 2018 there is gonna be a lot of shit to rub the GOPs nose in. They are gonna need help, multiple commissions and independent investigations. First protect the country, stop the on going attacks on democracy and the election system, then investigate collusion in depth, new laws to protect the election system and punish those who would conspire with adversaries. The list of duties for congress is very long and important in this matter, Mueller can only prosecute things that are against the law, more of this shit needs to be made illegal. It is the duty of the president to protect the country in the short term, but he is clearly an incompetent traitor.

If you don't think Trump is a traitor (literal, not legal) what do you think would keep him from selling out his country? His conscience or deep sense of duty? His love of country?

Everybody knows that Donald will lay down his fortune (such that it is) not to mention his life for his country right? If you elect someone to be president (commander & chief) who is not prepared to do both, yer in trouble, deep trouble. You expect those he commands to lay down their lives for their country, don't you?

Are ya tired of winning yet?
When the democrats take the house and senate in 2018 there is gonna be a lot of shit to rub the GOPs nose in. They are gonna need help, multiple commissions and independent investigations. First protect the country, stop the on going attacks on democracy and the election system, then investigate collusion in depth, new laws to protect the election system and punish those who would conspire with adversaries. The list of duties for congress is very long and important in this matter, Mueller can only prosecute things that are against the law, more of this shit needs to be made illegal. It is the duty of the president to protect the country in the short term, but he is clearly an incompetent traitor.

If you don't think Trump is a traitor (literal, not legal) what do you think would keep him from selling out his country? His conscience or deep sense of duty? His love of country?

Everybody knows that Donald will lay down his fortune (such that it is) not to mention his life for his country right? If you elect someone to be president (commander & chief) who is not prepared to do both, yer in trouble, deep trouble. You expect those he commands to lay down their lives for their country, don't you?

Are ya tired of winning yet?

The dems need to armor the fuck up, roll up their sleeves and get ready for an all out war that cannot be lost. When it turns, I don't want to hear one democrat utter the word bipartisanship with regards to the Republican party for years if ever again. The repugs need to be put down hard. No more fucking around. Our republic cannot survive any more of their "leadership". The gloves better be all the way off.
The dems need to armor the fuck up, roll up their sleeves and get ready for an all out war that cannot be lost. When it turns, I don't want to hear one democrat utter the word bipartisanship with regards to the Republican party for years if ever again. The repugs need to be put down hard. No more fucking around. Our republic cannot survive any more of their "leadership". The gloves better be all the way off.

A house divided cannot stand, Vlad knows where the weakness and divisions are in American society and is gonna go full out to exploit them. Welcome to the club, all the western democracies are in the same boat and under attack, there's an opportunity here, allies. Trump isn't causing as much damage with your friends as you think, those who understand democracy understand how a Trump can happen. Most people know how the majority of Americans feel about Trump, the 30 some percent exist everywhere, even here in Canada. Google the late Toronto mayor Rob Ford, if ya wanna preview of Trump, Rob was more tragic than evil, he didn't have nukes and as far as I know, he wasn't a traitor...

You need to deal with the causes of Trump, not worry too much about punishing those who were hornswoggled by bullshit, a big drive to create a couple of additional political parties would help a lot here. It can be done and might be a good project for a few patriotic billionaires to deal with the roadblocks and hurdles, then get out of the way. Gerrymandering is so distructive it fucked the republicans by electing radical right loonies in safe districts (freedom caucus), it must be dealt with and above all else ya gotta get the money outta politics.

The government has long since stopped doing the peoples bidding and only act for the 1%, it's recently gotten much worse with Trump. In a functioning democracy Cannabis would be legal by now cause a super majority favor it and it's as good an example of a broken federal government as any. There is a bit of inertia when it comes to legalizing pot that is more a hangover from the propaganda war against cannabis than anything else, a mere echo from the past.
I don't mean to piss off patriotic Americans, I'm Canadian, but I seem to like America more than a lot of Americans I see in the news, including the president! My country has multiple defense agreements with the US NATO and NORAD are a few, we even share sports leagues like MLB, NBA and NHL (we have our own football CFL), so you could say yer cousins have a passing interest in the Affairs of Leviathan. The fact that a complete psycho has weaseled his way into the presidency tends to get our attention too!
good point.

View attachment 4076668 View attachment 4076669

if they don't release it or leak it then they're simply posturing.
Perhaps you could reduce the size of your sig graphics, since they are clutteringing up my thread. It's a sig not a bill board, it's not exactly impressive either, I don't mind graphics and videos, but this shit in a sig file gets tiresome, drowns out what you have to say. What's more important, your sig graphics or your voice, cause it's difficult to hear it among all the clutter. It's a sleazy way to take up the conversational space without really saying anything, kinda like Trump...
Perhaps you could reduce the size of your sig graphics, since they are clutteringing up my thread. It's a sig not a bill board, it's not exactly impressive either, I don't mind graphics and videos, but this shit in a sig file gets tiresome, drowns out what you have to say. What's more important, your sig graphics or your voice, cause it's difficult to hear it among all the clutter. It's a sleazy way to take up the conversational space without really saying anything, kinda like Trump...

I don't have any sig graphics, I made two attachments in a single post related to the quote I responded to and it will only take one post in your precious thread.

my sig has two conversational quotes, both very short. trump loves the uneducated, now that you know the difference between post attachments and a sig I feel you are better armed in your endeavors.

you're welcome.