Preregistration For The Great Party Cup Grow Off Of 2018

Bro I am an HID grower with 1 toe into the led world. Optimistic but not 100% impressed yet myself. That said I love all growing and methods and feel there is no wrong way as long as the grower is having a good time.
Actually, failing is part of the fun of learning and having a bad ass hobby.
It really doesn't matter much what media one uses but they are going to be feeding. That is what I meant about not making it to the end.
Anyone thinking they are doing a charged or "living no till" with no liquid feeds isn't going to be very excited about their results :lol:
You'd be surprise what compost can do
Cheers :) I'll try better and upload a photo if need be.

Are you sure that's allowed ;)? I can't quite picture it he he.

I'll sketch something up tomorrow, basically its a party cup within a party cup acting as a theoretical "netpot" per the rules. The inside cups walls are made of flyscreen and act as an airpot, the bottom of netcup is removed having the "flyscreen netpot" filled with coco sitting on 1.5" perlite in the outer 16oz party cup with 1/4" drain hole that can be used or plugged per the requirement. The top of the inside netpot is level with the outside 16oz party cup :). Any better :/?
As promised, here's a sample soil/peat cup, took about 4 minutes to make, including the awesome artwork (optional).

Notice the (badly) hand-written labelling, this keeps folks honest and not being accused of swapping cups.
  • Strain Name
  • Date of Germination
  • Date of planting in soil
In past comps the cup rules weren't as tight and additional holes were allowed for custom fabric-lined (patent pending) cups. This is a new/special rule trying to keep me from winning. But I've got some other tricks up my sleeve dealing with large plants in small containers, will still kick his @The Dawg ass to the curb :mrgreen:

16oz-Cups.jpg Sample-Soil-Cup-2.jpg Sample-Soil-Cup-1.jpg Sample-Soil-Cup-3.jpg

Cheers :bigjoint:
Going to drop some seeds in a few days.

Don't know why the dawg won't add me. Just because of asking for clarification. Still got none. Never even said I was going to use the hose on the hole in the bottom.

He even just said hoses are allowed as long as they are contained in the cup. I just don't get how it breaks the rules.

Anyways. Dawg add me to the list. Ill follow the arbitrary no hose in the bottom.

I'm using soil anyways. Probably pure compost.
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As promised, here's a sample soil/peat cup, took about 4 minutes to make, including the awesome artwork (optional).

Notice the (badly) hand-written labelling, this keeps folks honest and not being accused of swapping cups.
  • Strain Name
  • Date of Germination
  • Date of planting in soil
In past comps the cup rules weren't as tight and additional holes were allowed for custom fabric-lined (patent pending) cups. This is a new/special rule trying to keep me from winning. But I've got some other tricks up my sleeve dealing with large plants in small containers, will still kick his @The Dawg ass to the curb :mrgreen:

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Cheers :bigjoint:
:D Groerr you've dun it again you crazy fuck. You're so O.T.T with you design, you trying to push the boundaries of reality with that shit? Will wait for confirmation from the dawg if that's allowed...
As promised, here's a sample soil/peat cup, took about 4 minutes to make, including the awesome artwork (optional).

Notice the (badly) hand-written labelling, this keeps folks honest and not being accused of swapping cups.
  • Strain Name
  • Date of Germination
  • Date of planting in soil
In past comps the cup rules weren't as tight and additional holes were allowed for custom fabric-lined (patent pending) cups. This is a new/special rule trying to keep me from winning. But I've got some other tricks up my sleeve dealing with large plants in small containers, will still kick his @The Dawg ass to the curb :mrgreen:

View attachment 4076195 View attachment 4076194 View attachment 4076193 View attachment 4076192

Cheers :bigjoint:
Is that a metric screwdriver?
If so it's probably 10mm or 0.254in.

Put your soil in a 16oz condom and fuck yourself

:D Groerr you've dun it again you crazy fuck. You're so O.T.T with you design, you trying to push the boundaries of reality with that shit? Will wait for confirmation from the dawg if that's allowed...

Kiss Ass!

Thanks for the reminder.

Old needling list:

LED Growers.
Hydro Growers.
Insecure small pricks, it's Valentines after all.

Add to list:
Kiss Asses. Why am I adding that, that's right up there with Gang Banging Trolls lol ;).
Lol, don't underestimate your skills, it's a pretty even playing field in the grow end. No matter what your skills are in regular growing methods, party cup 12/12 from seed is a whole new ball game. There's not enough medium to gain a significant advantage one way or another nor take them to the finish line (feeding, organic or synthetic is absolutely necessary, regardless of medium). In the end the genetics you pull and being able to commit to 11-15 weeks of daily watering should get you in the top ten based on history. Shit talking skills can be acquired as you go, thick skin is definitely required, pussies finish last or drop out and go running home to mom ;)
Love this post. Cups are cute too!
Can't wait, 1st time I've seen a cup.
I'll learn a lot that I'm confused about.
I'm sure I'm going to learn a lot about hydroponics.
Sorry, just an over excited kid who hasn't trash talked on RIU for a month as I promised when I changed my avatar while in the LED vs HPS thread when LED got there butts kicked.
Bro I am an HID grower with 1 toe into the led world. Optimistic but not 100% impressed yet myself. That said I love all growing and methods and feel there is no wrong way as long as the grower is having a good time.
Actually, failing is part of the fun of learning and having a bad ass hobby.
It really doesn't matter much what media one uses but they are going to be feeding. That is what I meant about not making it to the end.
Anyone thinking they are doing a charged or "living no till" with no liquid feeds isn't going to be very excited about their results :lol:
I do have a lot to learn about these tournaments.
This one is educational.

Side note. I won't officially be involved. I will be playing along for fun with my 9 oz cups for practice.
I promise not to trash talk anyone after February 15th. I will sit with my bong and watch the show so don't worry about me.
Also I never attack anyone that does not open the door for me so STFU and have fun lol.
In a short period of time you should be warmed up and fighting with each other ;).

I should actually shut my mouth Valentines day when the tournament starts but shit, who knows what jokes I may not have thought of yet or questions about when you germinated or seeded or whatever it is you guys might be doing when you should be thinking about winning a new light for your dining room. :lol:
i don't undertand what in thee fuck is going on... why anyone wants to try and be a troll is beyond me. @Buba Blend you seem like a good dude,not a troll,please dial it back or get the fuck in the comp, bro!
You got it Bro!
I will sit back and watch and learn. Promise.
Just practicing some trash talk as a newbie to this lol.
I'll be to busy anyway!
Update: 18 hours none have germinated lol.

Edit: One is. Healthy lot I suppose.

I was not going to post again if conversations picked back up but I guess I have the mike still huh!

Don't leave my post hanging there for 1/2 a day after you guys were buzzing along.
Geez Guys, get back to talking about cup mods or something. I'm out!
Don't go quiet guys. You can't argue and fight if you don't post.

50% or less of you will not understand what I am about to say.
I'll know who you are if you respond to this with some childish responce.
Some men with real world experience will get it.

I have been trained by the best in the world at trash talking and at getting under peoples skin. Face to face, not through a pussy computer. Then they eventually became my friends. They improved any insecurities I have.
Anyone that is generally a secure person and got a jolt from something I said should analyze why and over come that weakness.
Don't worry about me taking sides.

I have sat with two enemies at the same table.
A native from Iraq and Iran.
A native Palestinian and Israeli.
A Native North Korean and South Korean.

I have a dear friend. A Jew from Germany. His whole family was killed in the concentration camps. He managed to survive.
He hated me for over 6 years. Unlike others who hate me and I hate them back and we never get along. I could never hate him. I have German heritage and a German name. I know why he hated me. Nothing he did ever got a reaction from me. After 6 years or so gradually we became friends.
Thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.

I'm the same on line and some of you that hate me now will like me later.

So with a skill at trash talk and being given an unusual opportunity to say things on this thread that I could never get away with in the rest of the LED section because they would have piled on with a thousand personal insults towards my family, I just could not resist and got maybe a pinch carried away.

Now I'm gonna shut the fuck up and enjoy the show.

Edit: You guys want to know what gets me fired up.

When it takes me 1 minute looking through the LED section just now and I see a new member being conned into getting an LED by more than one member while the salesman swoop in from the heavens. That gets me fired up. Happening as we speak. No one would dare interfere unless they want a fight. I would not give a shit if it wasn't a fellow grower being pushed to hurry up and buy.
When I 1st arrived in the LED section a few month ago I would be one of the people who would say. Wait a minute dude your getting bad advice and you know what happened to me. See at that time I did not understand, I thought others did not see what I saw. Now I know that many of you including some of the good salesman see it. Now I can let it be what it is.
Only takes one bad salesman to spoil the bunch. Most are great I'm sure.
Anyway, I'm out of here. Gonna go to a furniture store and see how long I can get a salesman to shadow me around the store. Always remember to count a stack of C notes when you do this to see if you have enough money for a $2,000 couch.
Tip of the day:
If you ever carrying large amounts of cash, don't ever be a fool and use a money clip to show off money. Always use a fat old rubber band.
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Going to drop some seeds in a few days.

Don't know why the dawg won't add me. Just because of asking for clarification. Still got none. Never even said I was going to use the hose on the hole in the bottom.

He even just said hoses are allowed as long as they are contained in the cup. I just don't get how it breaks the rules.

Anyways. Dawg add me to the list. Ill follow the arbitrary no hose in the bottom.

I'm using soil anyways. Probably pure compost.
No You Came In Being A Rude Azzhole Telling Contestants What They Could And Couldn't Do And You Promoted Cheating. This Type Of Attitude Will Not Be Tolerated. Let Me Lay A Piece Of Wisdom at Your Feet. You Catch More Fly's With Honey Than You Do With Vinegar :joint:

Registered Participants
1) The Dawg
2 )Sour Wreck
3 )DearOlThankfulGrower
4) Wunderw
5) ProstheticNinja
6) cannabis.queen
7) ChuckEduck
8- Underground Scientist
9) JP.the pope
10) needsomebeans
11) mc130p
12 ) MonkeyPickAzz
13) OneHitDone
14) 3GT
15) Dubekoms
16) SS Grower
17) natureboygrower
19) ButterBudFace
20) Rusher
21) Thetr33man
22) nfhiggs
23) Cob_Nut
24) Victor6634
25) Desert Plants
26 ) numberfour
27) Psychedelicdad
28- Rolla J
29- Richard Rahl
30) Hyroot
31) DankBudzz
32) HiloReign
33) HydroDan
34) Whitebb2727
OK before I make this dawg I'm within the rules right?

16oz party cup with 1/4" hole in the center of bottom, 1.5" of perlite on bottom, 16oz netcup shortened 1.5" with flyscreen net sides to hold my coco and empty bottom? So the netcup sits on 1.5" perlite with an airgap between flyscreen walls and party cup? The 1/4" hole in the bottom will be plugged till I want drainage? Cheers brother
I Dont Remember A 16oz Netpot Or Flyscreen Being In The List Of Allowed Tools To Use. Beside No Modifications Can Be Approved After The Prize Pool Has Been Announced :wall:
No You Came In Being A Rude Azzhole Telling Contestants What They Could And Couldn't Do And You Promoted Cheating. This Type Of Attitude Will Not Be Tolerated. Let Me Lay A Piece Of Wisdom at Your Feet. You Catch More Fly's With Honey Than You Do With Vinegar :joint:

Registered Participants
1) The Dawg
2 )Sour Wreck
3 )DearOlThankfulGrower
4) Wunderw
5) ProstheticNinja
6) cannabis.queen
7) ChuckEduck
8- Underground Scientist
9) JP.the pope
10) needsomebeans
11) mc130p
12 ) MonkeyPickAzz
13) OneHitDone
14) 3GT
15) Dubekoms
16) SS Grower
17) natureboygrower
19) ButterBudFace
20) Rusher
21) Thetr33man
22) nfhiggs
23) Cob_Nut
24) Victor6634
25) Desert Plants
26 ) numberfour
27) Psychedelicdad
28- Rolla J
29- Richard Rahl
30) Hyroot
31) DankBudzz
32) HiloReign
33) HydroDan
34) Whitebb2727
Come on and get some that thicker skin you were talking about.

I went rude at all. You said read the rules. I read them. It doesn't break them. You made a judgement on it. No reason to not allow it unless you think it may cause you to lose.

All I'm asking is for the explanation why it breaks the rules.

The way you originally wrote the rules it doesn't break it.

I digress. No need to get all tore up.