Why I have an Attitude!!! seeds that is..


Active Member
I just made my last order for sometime and I went with Attitude. The order was just over $1000. Like always I paid with my credit card, had it sent to my house and the funny thing about it was the postman read the label wrong and thought a signature was required but it wasn't. I still signed for them. Paid for the stealth.

Ordered on Sept 17. One order shipped on the Sept 17 and the other on the 18th. Got the Sept 17th order on 25th and the Sept 18th order today (27th Sept).

Here is what I got.

Barneys Farm Blue Cheese Feminized 10 Pack
Paradise Seeds Ice cream Feminized 5 pack
Sensi Seeds Fruity Juice 10 pack
Greenhouse Seeds Alaskan Ice Feminized 10 pack
Barneys Farm Phatt Fruity Feminized 5 pack
Barneys Farm Sweet Tooth Feminized 5 pack
Sensi Seeds Big Bud 10 Pack
Sensi seeds Mr Nice G13 Hash Plant 10 Pack
Sensi Seeds Jack Herer 10 Pack

And the freebies

G13 Labs Power Skunk
G13 Labs Thai Super Skunk

I'm still in the process of building my grow room and hope to have that done by the end of October. I followed whulkamania's advice and put all my seeds in a big orange box and labeled it "Dope Seeds Inside"! No one will ever know :) All joking aside they are well taken cared of. See the pictures. BTW the 44 Mag Desert Eagle and UZI did not come with the seeds but they have become very good friends!!!

So if you are a newbie like I was a month or so ago, you can feel very safe ordering from Attitude. Now this was a big order and Attitude shipped them but if they had been stopped by customs you can't blame Attitude. I thought their stealth was quite good.




Well-Known Member
Attitude is the real deal.
Nice selection of seeds............they should keep you busy for sometime.
I had simular results with Attitude myself.
Just curious did you use your real name on the package.?
Glad your order went through.


Well-Known Member
The Jack Herer can be picky but you'll not be disappointed!! You'll get a few different phenotypes from the seeds. They report there to be 4 different Jack phenotypes, I have personally only seen 3 distinctly different ones myself. Jack Herer will give you phenotypes that are either more Sativa dominant or more Indica dominant. If you intend on cloning, which one/s you choose as a mother plant depends on your personal preferences and the space you have to grown in. The Sativa dominant plants will tak

There is an Indica or Skunk dominant phenotype which will be shorter and stalker. This phenotype will produce dense buds, flowering will be faster than the Sativa dominant plants but you'll veg them a bit longer since they don't get tall during flowering like the Sativa phenos will. This pheno will have a strong Indica effect along with the Sativa high.

The other three phenos are Sativa dominant, and get much taller during flowering and take longer to finish but you'll veg for a shorter period to avoid them getting too tall. The main difference between these 3 phenotypes is in bud structure. You can get the typical running buds of Haze or the solid Indica bud clusters that take up most of the space on the plants. [FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]On the two taller of the three Sativa dominant phenotypes, you'll notice the buds are denser and more angular, almost like like little pine trees.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]The Haze pheno is my keeper. It's yields are a bit lighter but the high is fantastic. If your growing for personal and not cash this is what I would suggest keeping.


Well-Known Member
stik with hashpIant youII never go wrong, reaI couchIok shit, high yieIder.grew 7 times in a row besides these i have goin now, they were out of my strain.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I just made my last order for sometime and I went with Attitude. The order was just over $1000. Like always I paid with my credit card, had it sent to my house and the funny thing about it was the postman read the label wrong and thought a signature was required but it wasn't. I still signed for them. Paid for the stealth.

Ordered on Sept 17. One order shipped on the Sept 17 and the other on the 18th. Got the Sept 17th order on 25th and the Sept 18th order today (27th Sept).

Here is what I got.

Barneys Farm Blue Cheese Feminized 10 Pack
Paradise Seeds Ice cream Feminized 5 pack
Sensi Seeds Fruity Juice 10 pack
Greenhouse Seeds Alaskan Ice Feminized 10 pack
Barneys Farm Phatt Fruity Feminized 5 pack
Barneys Farm Sweet Tooth Feminized 5 pack
Sensi Seeds Big Bud 10 Pack
Sensi seeds Mr Nice G13 Hash Plant 10 Pack
Sensi Seeds Jack Herer 10 Pack

And the freebies

G13 Labs Power Skunk
G13 Labs Thai Super Skunk

I'm still in the process of building my grow room and hope to have that done by the end of October. I followed whulkamania's advice and put all my seeds in a big orange box and labeled it "Dope Seeds Inside"! No one will ever know :) All joking aside they are well taken cared of. See the pictures. BTW the 44 Mag Desert Eagle and UZI did not come with the seeds but they have become very good friends!!!

So if you are a newbie like I was a month or so ago, you can feel very safe ordering from Attitude. Now this was a big order and Attitude shipped them but if they had been stopped by customs you can't blame Attitude. I thought their stealth was quite good.

Nice setup you got there. over a G worth of beans good goobly goo, that's doing it BIG. So Attitude broke them up into two shipments, good to know for future references. Happy Growing Supa D :weed:


Active Member
God damn over $1,000 in beans wow.

I'm like that with all "hobbies". When I start I don't start small. This was one of 4 orders although this was the largest. I got an order from Nirvana, another order from Attitude and 1/2 order from Doc. So in the last few months I've spent quite a bit on beans alone.

When I have time I'll post my whole "what do you have in your closet" stain list.

Now I have to get my grow room ready... you should see the living room. It is packed with all kinds of stuff. And they said growing was easy :o



Well-Known Member
Go big or go home. Get ready for people to start hating on you...
If I had that seed stock I'd be able to stop checkin my f'n mailbox every half hour...

I know guns = mandatory sentences, but they also will save your life during an attempted robbery. Or they will get u killed in a raid. Cou;ld go either way


Well-Known Member
as for as protection goes, i see wat he's sayin. if you fk with one , you get the other,haha.heres my seed coII. got 11 sensi g13 hashpIants growing 10 days aIready, have 9 bIuemoonshine seeds germ. now,have 9 Iarge orange skunk bud pIants in my other grow room 6 weeks into fIower 4 ft. taII Iarge buds aII over(wiII pic in two weeks fini. product) on the side have 3 pacs power skunk seeds , 1 pac bIue cheese seeds , 4 pacs of BB seeds, 1 pac bIue austraIian seeds, have a pac of sensi hashpIant seeds on the way. i think thats it , not sure,. gonna PuII a maI out of the sensi g13 HP. and seed a coupIe of branches on the hashPIants and bIuemoonshine and see wat we can come up with. just gonna grow the maIe under fIorecent Iite tiII severaI maIe fIowers open up , tap the poIIen on a piece of paper, and put it in the freezer. its good for 30 days PIenty time :weed:


Well-Known Member
gonna grow the maIe under fIorecent Iite tiII severaI maIe fIowers open up , tap the poIIen on a piece of paper, and put it in the freezer. its good for 30 days PIenty time :weed:
I love to see u saying that! I'm doing the same.. It's time to stop making these fuckers selling seeds rich! It's a god damn beaner for crying out loud:cuss:


Well-Known Member
Is there a way to make the pollen last longer, I tried sealing some up but it just turned to mold.


Well-Known Member
Man all I am going to say is you have balls!Please take this witha grain of salt but I think you just hit every red flag a fed would be looking for.I am going to throw some things I see wrong. You ordered an ass ton seeds to your house(no.1) with your real name (no.2) with a credit card(no.3) you signed your real name when a postal guy came to your house when it was not needed( That should throw a red flag on your part)(no.4) and then you post some pics of your buzuka's with your seed's(which was not needed)(no.5)!Oh and I almost forgot your location says USA (seed USA illegal) (no.6) You are screaming to get busted my friend. I know after you read this you are probably going to call me a asshole for posting this but come on man you have got to have some more commonsense than what you are using.Expecially if you want to see these things even pop out of there shell. Well the best of luck to you and from the looks of your path you are going to need it.


Active Member
I know after you read this you are probably going to call me a asshole for posting this
Nah... I'm not like that. You are entitled to your opinion BUT I feel a lot of the things people are worried about are blown way out of proportion and people get paranoid. Sure I guess they could have got them at customs but like I said before I don't just don't think this is a big concern to them. If I'm wrong.. please show me some proof. In my opinion the proof that a lot of the paranoia is uncalled for is in this forum itself. Look at the user base size, how many people have flashed their seeds and are still to this day ordering and still growing in the US.

Big order... small order it doesn't matter. If they want to get you they could do it on any size order. A seed is a seed. To be honest I felt that the larger order looked and felt like a legitimate package compared to the first smaller one I received. You will always have the guys who spread paranoia about ordering but lets face it... they are just seeds. An if you use common sense, yes they are illegal but if I was sitting in customs the last thing I would be worried about coming into our country is seeds AND it's not like they are not here already. We have just found a easy way to get them for a few bills.

As for the bazooka's... just another thing I collect. Someone should start a poll that asks some questions like "Have the police visited your house after you purchased seeds" or "Did customs call you" or what ever. I'm sure you will find a lot of the stuff is BS. NOT to say it couldn't happen and may have a time or two but I don't think it's as common as some people make it sound. Take a look at this thread and see just how stupid it sounds.. https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/114338-raided-indiana.html

Anyway, I appreciate your comments and your not an asshole but I think you be a bit overley careful BUT if I do get busted I'll be the first to say... "The told me this would happen".

Also I live in a place where they found a guy dead who had been hit in the head 18 times and the cops tried to declare it a suicide. No joke!!!!



Well-Known Member
^^^^^ Well GL man I just would hate to see you go away for something dumb. You and I might realize it is just a plant bet the cops don't see it that way. But then again I don't even grow anymore because of my situation. A friend of mine just got popped with almost a lb and he is looking at some serious trouble. Just do your self a fav and DO NOT show anyone!!!! That is how 90% of the people get busted. :)