The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

What about Manafort, Flynn, Kush and Don Jr? What about all the other people who are gonna be charged? The trials won't even begin before summer, there's a long road ahead...
Mueller better act fast. But he doesn't seem capable of that.
threads like this and many others did more to elect him than his supoorters ever could. You guys and guys like you ignited a huge fire that burned your candidate out for good.
What exactly are you for? What Trump policies do you like? Since Trump has no policies how can you like what he stands for? Perhaps he's so white that it's blinding you to his faults.
Anybody with a fucking brain in their head would be terrified to have the likes of Bob Mueller with a giant hard on for ya. Donald is no match for him, Mueller will have Trumps balls bronzed on a plaque over his fireplace before this is done and he's gonna have a lot of help doing it. Donald is as good as done, his future lies between the grave and a supermax cell 23/7, he'll only see the light of day feet first.
A lot of republicans are gonna have shit on their faces before this is over, Donald will spread it wide, he's the slime master, ya can't get near without getting some on ya. The GOP will squirm this summer fur sure, it promises to be a hot one indeed!
threads like this and many others did more to elect him than his supoorters ever could. You guys and guys like you ignited a huge fire that burned your candidate out for good.
What? Folks are not allowed to talk about the news, it upsets the base? The election has been over for a while now, America has now had one full year of Trump, judgement time. FAIL.

This is what a failed presidency looks like, he did it all on his own.
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What? Folks are not allowed to talk about the news, it upsets the base? The election has been over for a while now, American has now had one full year of Trump, judgement time. FAIL.

This is what a failed presidency looks like, he did it all on his own.
Manners maketh man.
Russia Testimony: It Appears Russia Infiltrated The NRA

The NRA should try wrapping itself in the American flag after this one.
They're com'n fur yer guns next!

No wonder the GOP is fighting tooth and nail for Trump, they're just as guilty.
What's da Don gonna do when Mueller cracks open frado like an egg on national TV? Pardon time! Too bad he can't plead the 5th after he takes it, cause it's an admission of guilt. He would have to testify, period, no 5th amendment protection, yet another pardon please daddy!

With Bannon due to testify before Mueller next week, it should be a busy tweet weekend, wonder what da Don is gonna pull outta his ass next! Maybe he'll blame the democrats for the shutdown as a distraction or perhaps something new and completely off the wall!

I hear Ivanka is running around the WH in a panic, what has daddy done now! Jared is looking to cut the Don's throat in a heartbeat, no fucking way is he going to jail if there's anybody to throw under the bus in his place. That drunk Bannon is now a loose cannon and who the fuck knows what's gonna come out next. A typical day at the Trump oval office!