Black Market your finds LP buyers what they won't get

Not my pic but.....cheese anyone? Not available at your nearest greed bag LP factory

I'd love to see some of you so called good home growers post your pesticides reports? Prove you are not spraying, it is not hard now a days, at least with LP's you can see what happened with every batch, I have never seen any of you guys who run your mouth on here post anything relevant. All kinds of all kinds of talk.
I'd love to see some of you so called good home growers post your pesticides reports? Prove you are not spraying, it is not hard now a days, at least with LP's you can see what happened with every batch, I have never seen any of you guys who run your mouth on here post anything relevant. All kinds of all kinds of talk.

I don't consider myself good but why would anyone spray what they plan on consuming themselves ? It seems illogical to me.
I'd love to see some of you so called good home growers post your pesticides reports? Prove you are not spraying, it is not hard now a days, at least with LP's you can see what happened with every batch, I have never seen any of you guys who run your mouth on here post anything relevant. All kinds of all kinds of talk.
Pesticide reports? Lol, dont have one since I dont need or use pesticides. Pretty simple
I'd love to see some of you so called good home growers post your pesticides reports? Prove you are not spraying, it is not hard now a days, at least with LP's you can see what happened with every batch, I have never seen any of you guys who run your mouth on here post anything relevant. All kinds of all kinds of talk.
You're assuming patients here use that shit...I think most have been pretty clear about how they feel about it...
I'd love to see some of you so called good home growers post your pesticides reports? Prove you are not spraying, it is not hard now a days, at least with LP's you can see what happened with every batch, I have never seen any of you guys who run your mouth on here post anything relevant. All kinds of all kinds of talk.
post yer shit man:)
My "pesticides" amount to readily available kitchen materials, Cheyenne pepper, garlic powder, vegetable oil, and a couple of drops of soap. Why would I consider spraying my plants with anything if I got into growing again to get away from BM shit with mould and crap in it. The best option is to keep things clean and never bring anything into the room from outdoor. I've had a couple of pests in the last 4 years which were quickly taken care of with that spray above, both times was because I slacked on keeping the rooms/tents clean.
My "pesticides" amount to readily available kitchen materials, Cheyenne pepper, garlic powder, vegetable oil, and a couple of drops of soap. Why would I consider spraying my plants with anything if I got into growing again to get away from BM shit with mould and crap in it. The best option is to keep things clean and never bring anything into the room from outdoor. I've had a couple of pests in the last 4 years which were quickly taken care of with that spray above, both times was because I slacked on keeping the rooms/tents clean.
Nematode aren't sprayed on...released into the soil from a water soak.
There are many options & practices that do not require chemicals/pesticides. Pesticides are for BM growers in it strictly for the money and short on good growing/management practices, and LP's.
Among the small number of growers I know...none use any pesticides. As said they also use the I do.
Among the small number of growers I know...none use any pesticides. As said they also use the I do.
yeah I know some that don't use crap to manage crops. I also know a couple that would do anything to save a crop. As always money-driven decisions are typically bad decisions...