What did you accomplish today?

Day 5 no alcohol. I feel like I made it 5 days, I can make it a week. If I make it a week, I can make it a month.

I'm done folks. I just don't get what I used to out of it. But I have been feeling a little dizzy since yesterday. I looked it up and they say its from lack of dix! lol jk They said its could be withdrawal...

Then good news is, I don't even want to drink. No cravings or "Damn I sure could go for a beer" And I've got so much done these few days.

Oh yeah, my sleep pattern has gone from totally fucked off to regular af! Ive been going to bed around 9-10pm and waking up around 6-7am and feeling refreshed.
I gave up alcohol then all soda, now when I try it, it just tastes shit
I gave up alcohol then all soda, now when I try it, it just tastes shit
My and the fam gave up sodas about a year or so ago. We ordered pizza not too long ago and it came with a free 2 liter of coke:spew:it tasted like syrup water. I was like "why did we ever drink this shit" none of us liked it. So it sat on the counter for like a month before I poured it out.

Now, I will admit, I do like energy drinks.
Day 5 no alcohol. I feel like I made it 5 days, I can make it a week. If I make it a week, I can make it a month.

I'm done folks. I just don't get what I used to out of it. But I have been feeling a little dizzy since yesterday. I looked it up and they say its from lack of dix! lol jk They said its could be withdrawal...

The good news is, I don't even want to drink. No cravings or "Damn I sure could go for a beer" And I've got so much done these few days.

Oh yeah, my sleep pattern has gone from totally fucked off to regular af! Ive been going to bed around 9-10pm and waking up around 6-7am and feeling refreshed.
Good for you! :clap:
I've cut way back and may join you on the wagon! The older I get, the more alcohol fucks with my digestive system. And when I drink in the evening it totally fucks up my sleep.
Heck, I'm even cutting back on cannabis these days. I've been unmotivated to do much of anything, for quite a while. :leaf:o_O:leaf:
My and the fam gave up sodas about a year or so ago. We ordered pizza not too long ago and it came with a free 2 liter of coke:spew:it tasted like syrup water. I was like "why did we ever drink this shit" none of us liked it. So it sat on the counter for like a month before I poured it out.

Now, I will admit, I do like energy drinks.
Dr. Pepper killed my dad. (diabetes)
I won't touch that shit.
Oh, I had a piece of aluminium L-channel in the knee already yesterday kicked back from the offending table saw. Luckily it didn't weigh much.