F*ck the market this year!

Over the last 30+ years, I developed a group of high end customers, mainly professionals. 75% of the business is by mail order. Since 1990, I have charged 300 per, no matter how much you buy. Top shelf stuff, 4 crops a year with a different strain each crop for variety. NO PRICE BREAKS, NO DEALS.

This year, for the first time ever, I was selling p's for $4K, a discount of $800. Now I know most of you are just dreaming of these prices, but it's East Coast, guaranteed delivery and quality, a totally organic product. My last stuff tested out at 29% THC. Business has gotten better, I'm moving some back stock, and there's some real excitement in the air- but I need to make it another 4 years before retiring.

So, I guess most of my people are willing to pay for the convenience and quality as of now...........at $2K a p, I'd stop growing tomorrow.
Def really bad.

It was always getting like this, regardless of legalization though.

Most people are not willing to pay 30% tax though on Cannabis.

Black market shoudl flourish greatly. we will see
my buddy showed me some BOMB looking forbidden fruit he swooped for 1500 a unit, think it was greenhouse, but damn. def makes my outdoor worth no more than 1k a pack, and even that is pushing it.
How's that market appearing this year thus far?

The last time I recollect a mate brought back some unpleasant smoke from the legal states.
Now I know most of you are just dreaming of these prices, but it's East Coast,

Then you know that both MA and ME are rec legal, and that VT and NH soon will be. Next up will be NY and NJ.

That only leaves CT as a standout. Prices are already falling and will continue to fall.

Sure, south of NJ is mostly red, for now, but if FL goes blue there is a strong chance they too will go rec legal. As will VA if the blues can get 2 more state house seats.

It may not be a dying craft, but the profit per unit will be greatly reduced.
NJ has been legal for a few years, probably 75% of my business is from there. Fact remains, and I hear it all the time- the dispensaries can't touch my quality. DC is legal, as is MD now for medical, and the rest of my business comes from that area (and FLA) . I also grow things not readily available, boutique strains mainly, and that help keeps up the interest. Just 6 months ago I would have said, yup, business profit is on the downswing- but the last 2 months have shown me, with new customers (actually very old friends and customers from 30 years ago), that there's still life in this old dog. I can't really worry about it, since I can't control what happens. All I can do is grow the best I can and continue being very customer oriented, deliver timely, offer 1 month dating to pay, which I haven't mentioned, and offer some additional perks to my high volume people. The east coast may become like CO or CA in 5+ years, but I don't see it anytime soon.
NJ has been legal for a few years, probably 75% of my business is from there. Fact remains, and I hear it all the time- the dispensaries can't touch my quality. DC is legal, as is MD now for medical, and the rest of my business comes from that area (and FLA) . I also grow things not readily available, boutique strains mainly, and that help keeps up the interest. Just 6 months ago I would have said, yup, business profit is on the downswing- but the last 2 months have shown me, with new customers (actually very old friends and customers from 30 years ago), that there's still life in this old dog. I can't really worry about it, since I can't control what happens. All I can do is grow the best I can and continue being very customer oriented, deliver timely, offer 1 month dating to pay, which I haven't mentioned, and offer some additional perks to my high volume people. The east coast may become like CO or CA in 5+ years, but I don't see it anytime soon.

Maybe I have it wrong, but isn't NJ mmj only, and doesn't it have a really restrictive list of conditions that apply?

That is legal in name only. Not enough volume there to impact prices at all. But your new Gov is promising to change that from what I hear. So is NY.

Not saying you will be impacted if you are essentially a craft grower, but market prices will drop if other states are a guide.
Markets fuck for many but best season ever for out of Towners I see 300 lb of bomb shit up to 15 but 1000 some indoor!!! Many throwing in the towel
sauce people love it and oil folk loving it... Pin people fucking loving it..
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I think NJ is still for medical patients, but I’m hearing that is a joke. Most pot Dr.’s are willing to write you whatever if you are willing to pay their price-is what I hear. My customers what quantity anyway, and I think they only allow you to a couple of oz a month, maybe 3 which won’t get you far. Quality I hear is ok, nothing great but taxes are high for it and it really jacks up pricing.

Again, many people don’t want to bother seeing the Dr. and lying, driving to the dispensary, being put on a government list, etc., etc. Just call me and 1-2 days later, you’ll have it AND won’t have to fork over dough for a month.
Buyers aren't getting cheaper, the competition is just increasing. The market is over saturated with outdoor bud. If people are only getting $1200 a pound for indoor then that doesn't leave much room for outdoor.

The good old days of 2-3K a pound for outdoor is over or rather reserved for black markets.

The good old days are happening at the state house because of the crazy taxes being paid at dispensaries now. They will raise the price, making a black market more viable, giving the cops the ability to still arrest pot people and their no judge sniff warrants.
". Now if we're talking premo indoor you're just getting low balled. A good indoor unit still goes for at least fifteen. "

Really good indoor in Maine currently sells for 20 an 8th. Price has dropped like a rock in a few years
I have never been to a shitty town on the coast,thats where all the money is at up here in maine,want to c shitty go inland 40-50 miles

Like Lewiston or Augusta or Sanford to name a few. Lewiston nickname is the armpit of Maine, and Augusta's is Disgusta. You are right about inland. Funny things, is all these towns were huge mill river towns that have seen better days. With all the dams in the way river travels is just about impossible to most these posts by boat, though dams are coming down recently.
IMG_20180115_100055598.jpg IMG_20180115_100055598.jpg Yes there is more product in the market, I got word today that the glut is not expected to last lone, this coming from harbour side a big multi million dollar a year cannabis company .
The sale at cheap prices will not continue because Cali going legal has increased sales , supply's are going to drop and prices will go up.
The fires have wiped out huge portions of California's growing region . Supply's latter on will be almost non existent .
Humbolt Sonoma , Napa . Literally hundreds of growers wiped out .
It's a shame ,
Hundreds of growers shut down in Trinity.
The fires have decimated the largIMG_20180115_100055598.jpg est farming region of the country .
I have been looking at fire damage for a couple of days now and it's real ugly .
Like Lewiston or Augusta or Sanford to name a few. Lewiston nickname is the armpit of Maine, and Augusta's is Disgusta. You are right about inland. Funny things, is all these towns were huge mill river towns that have seen better days. With all the dams in the way river travels is just about impossible to most these posts by boat, though dams are coming down recently.
we used to have a joke as kids,if u want to kiss a girl where it stinks bring her to westbrook,SD WARREN STRAIGHT UP ROTTEN CABBAGE! the mills r dead thank god for weed
View attachment 4074291 View attachment 4074291 Yes there is more product in the market, I got word today that the glut is not expected to last lone, this coming from harbour side a big multi million dollar a year cannabis company .
The sale at cheap prices will not continue because Cali going legal has increased sales , supply's are going to drop and prices will go up.
The fires have wiped out huge portions of California's growing region . Supply's latter on will be almost non existent .
Humbolt Sonoma , Napa . Literally hundreds of growers wiped out .
It's a shame ,
Hundreds of growers shut down in Trinity.
The fires have decimated the largView attachment 4074291 est farming region of the country .
I have been looking at fire damage for a couple of days now and it's real ugly .

What are you doing up in Fountaingrove? I'm there every night hunting cats. We should burn one.