Finding dealer for pound quantities


Active Member
Hey, all. I am a small-time guy who occasionally sells excess to friends, but I have inherited property that includes the perfect grow space. If I use it, I will be able to produce pounds of excess weed.

Now, most of my guys are really small-time, and frankly not exactly the brightest bulbs in the box. How would I go about finding someone who would want to buy in large quantities? This doesn't strike me as something you can post on Craigslist ("Hey, anybody looking to buy 5 pounds of marijuana, real good stuff?"). I've never dealt in this area before and wanted opinions.


Peace, love and proctology.
Hey, all. I am a small-time guy who occasionally sells excess to friends, but I have inherited property that includes the perfect grow space. If I use it, I will be able to produce pounds of excess weed.

Now, most of my guys are really small-time, and frankly not exactly the brightest bulbs in the box. How would I go about finding someone who would want to buy in large quantities? This doesn't strike me as something you can post on Craigslist ("Hey, anybody looking to buy 5 pounds of marijuana, real good stuff?"). I've never dealt in this area before and wanted opinions.


Peace, love and proctology.

Well, selling is kinda frowned upon in here...but oh for 5 pounds I wouldn't worry about that much until you had it in your hands. 5 pounds is a big harvest and a big grow. Have you grown before?

As for selling make sure you have someone you trust that you can sell large quantities to. :weed:
I'm not sure if this is an appropriate question for this site but I would STRONGLY recommend that you start small and work your way up. Move poundage to a few trusted front men and work ONLY with them. Trust me finding someone to buy your weed is the least of your worries! That is by far the easy part! Don't sell to idiots and move product in "dead" drop locations far from your grow. I would love to just provide you with a guide but I don't want LEO to know all the tricks.:wink:
No, no cop, just highly educated (U.S. and England) and have grown before. I have been growing for god I don't know how long, at least since I returned to the U.S. about twelve years ago. Anyway, anything said here is inadmissible. Any suggestions on how to meet someone doesn't make you party to a crime unless you give me someone's name and number (and notice I didn't ask for one). It's like suggesting methods of murder to a crime story writer. Until you do it, it's not a crime, so relax.
member for like a week then posts 1 topic about where to find dealers. I smell

"meant as bacon, not to be confused with bacon tits"
ya but u got a site where everyone is talking about growing this and that blah blah which is all fine and dandy, but when you have somebody actually putting out there an intent to distribute etc. etc. it seems it makes the tables turn some. needless to say, feds have got to be on this site all the time to try to get tips as to when one of us will slip up. providing hard evidence of your intent to distribute just doesn't seem a smart thing to do. just my 2¢
hey not me....I said just find a person that you trust...5 pounds is a lot to move and you can get in some serious shit for it.:leaf:
No, no cop, just highly educated (U.S. and England) and have grown before. I have been growing for god I don't know how long, at least since I returned to the U.S. about twelve years ago. Anyway, anything said here is inadmissible. Any suggestions on how to meet someone doesn't make you party to a crime unless you give me someone's name and number (and notice I didn't ask for one). It's like suggesting methods of murder to a crime story writer. Until you do it, it's not a crime, so relax.

I know but if I give out all my tips LEO is still free to read about it and the less info they have the better for me! Of course soon I'll be in Cali using a "broker" as Fdd put it making it MUCH easier.
Actually I just wanted to find a topic to post the bacon tits lady.
Fdd when you gonna play stairway to heaven on youtube?
ya but u got a site where everyone is talking about growing this and that blah blah which is all fine and dandy, but when you have somebody actually putting out there an intent to distribute etc. etc. it seems it makes the tables turn some. needless to say, feds have got to be on this site all the time to try to get tips as to when one of us will slip up. providing hard evidence of your intent to distribute just doesn't seem a smart thing to do. just my 2¢
I second that. Threads like this may not incriminate anyone, but it opens the door to more distribution questions, which could lead to posting restrictions. At any rate, it violates the relaxed atmosphere of this site, so I'd prefer to leave such questions out of the equation. I wouldn't recommend heavy distribution in the first place due to the high risk level, which can only be decreased, not eliminated, by a sound system with trustworthy dealers under you.
I don't think there is anything wrong with offloading large quantities of cannabis, as long as it is given medical facilities, by a patient, as long as it were grown to a higher quality standard.

I also don't think that ^this should be "frowned upon" -- It's a marketplace out here.
how about you set up a lemonade stand infront of your house..saying free drink with purchase of pound of ganga...come on man...if you dont know how to clear that much wieght you shouldnt be growing it in the first place...however \you should start with an aro garden and some bag seed and work your way up from in the mean time.. how about you let the pros do what they do best.....
how about you set up a lemonade stand infront of your house..saying free drink with purchase of pound of ganga...come on man...if you dont know how to clear that much wieght you shouldnt be growing it in the first place...however \you should start with an aro garden and some bag seed and work your way up from in the mean time.. how about you let the pros do what they do best.....


^ Pick one for yourself :-P