Black Market your finds LP buyers what they won't get

Are we de-trolled yet? There is something seriously wrong with the individual that comes here to bother decent law abiding folks. I'm sure he is sorry after he realizes the error in going after nice folks here.
most of all the regulars here are great people imo. A lot like
Are we de-trolled yet? There is something seriously wrong with the individual that comes here to bother decent law abiding folks. I'm sure he is sorry after he realizes the error in going after nice folks here.
most of all the regulars here are great people imo. A lot like
lol, mother Theresa-like really ;)
the golden nectar

shatter is not my thing....but I do remember when I made it before...
That there was another step I tried. where I took .the broken up shatter,.about 60 grams
in a pot under low low heat.... has softened it and once it started to go soft and melt
I added 1/2 an ounce of 99 percent iso...
almost instantly, the oil began to throw off tiny little bubbles,,sorta like an effervescence ,
similar to soda water, this was the last of the butane residue, coming off the warm liquid.

It was like night and day, when you compared the taste...of it,compared to just a butane run...

I could never seem to get 100 percent of that butane,,, residue taste or smell...out and did not have a Vac oven...
But that step improved the taste and completely removed any smell...of the butane
but did require a bit more time,since you had to now evaporate alcohol added...
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Nice collection, I like those little containers.

I hope to make some crosses that help with my pain, while keeping me awake, without triggering anxiety someday.
Cheers, that's only the door ;) I settled on those little containers just recently, I was running out of room in there. They hold ~400 seeds but take very little room, stack easier and seal well. They're actually paint containers, grab them at the dollar store in the crafts section. I figured since they can hold liquid without leaking they're good to go for seed storage...

Don't know if you've tried anything with CBD, I wouldn't recommend anything that's all CBD but a mixed strain like 1:1 or 2:1 (THC/CBD) might do the trick for you. I have a keeper/mother pheno that's ~3:1 THC/CBD, gets me high, takes care of any ailments, but no burn out, you can smoke that all day and never get tired. I'm developing those in the Blue Harley cross, eventually I want a high CBD, medium CBD, and low CBD line.
Cheers, that's only the door ;) I settled on those little containers just recently, I was running out of room in there. They hold ~400 seeds but take very little room, stack easier and seal well. They're actually paint containers, grab them at the dollar store in the crafts section. I figured since they can hold liquid without leaking they're good to go for seed storage...

Don't know if you've tried anything with CBD, I wouldn't recommend anything that's all CBD but a mixed strain like 1:1 or 2:1 (THC/CBD) might do the trick for you. I have a keeper/mother pheno that's ~3:1 THC/CBD, gets me high, takes care of any ailments, but no burn out, you can smoke that all day and never get tired. I'm developing those in the Blue Harley cross, eventually I want a high CBD, medium CBD, and low CBD line.

I have tried a few cbd strains, they all unfortunately were "spicy" flavor wise which has always turned me off of strains so I stopped looking for them. 3:1 sounds pretty solid, most seem to be almost entirely cbd or a 50/50 split.