Amos Otis
Well-Known Member
Yes. Here's how:does life get any better than this for a bean glutton with these auctions?
I was looking around the auctions to see what I could spend my nuggets on, when I get an e-mail on my other tab from Greenpoint. It says the Butch Cassidy that I'd sent payment for was unavailable to go out with the Hickok Haze from the '2018' promo. Asked if I wanted a replacement or refund.
I replied that either Cookies and Chem or Jelly Pie or refund, as the BC was in the discount bin @ $37.77 when I copped it...whatever they choose.
In less than ten minutes I get a reply, that finished by saying this:
This shipment includes the following items:
Item # Description Qty
GPS-3-A2 Hickok Haze 1
Discount for Cash/Money Order 1
GPS-1-D2 Cookies N Chem 2
GPS-1-C2 Jelly Pie 2
Thank you for your business and we look forward to serving you in the future!
How I feel about this: