The Irish Growers Thread!

little oil rad would be ideal yeah...

i can see where your coming from with the leccy, bastards were on me straight away for a magnet, so fiddleing it is not as easy as it was...
Yeh, I use them with a plug in thermostat, just set them at 22.
Best to have the rad as far away from the extract as possible and make sure to disable the power on light on the rad.
Lights off temps, humidity and total darkness should be the first thing you dial in, it helps having a speed controller on the extract .
yeah if you the dollars to buy a fan controller... barely have money for fags from friday to friday...

hard to make money the honest way, so i`ll be more than happy when this is finaly set up and i don`t have to pay stupid money for shit weed...
Yeah think i might just get one the mini oil rads think it pulls like 450 watts.

What leccy company are yous with? Ive never gone with a bill company have always been with pre pay power since we moved in here.
Yeah i know what you mean man. I looked on switcher and if i went with energia id be saving meself like 7 quid a week. Doesnt sound like much but it is to me lol
You need to change power company every year for good discounts. They fuck you over if you stay with them.
Costumer loyalty is not a thing with them.

Oh dont worry i fleece them every year for free top up credit for the meter. I do it with every company lol ye have to stay on the ball with that stuff man or you wont get the offers haha
Vaping temps effects
The legend is as follows;

AI=anti inflammatory
AE=antiemetic (anti nausea)

Temperature oC Temperature oF General Effect
140 284 2AI
150 302
160 320 E,2AN,3AI,AE,AX,AS,BD
170 338 AX,2AN,AS,2AI
180 356 AE,AD,2AI,AX
185 365 SE
190 374 2SE,AD,AX
200 392
210 410
220 428 AI,AN,E,SE
225 437 SE
230 446 SE
yeah if you the dollars to buy a fan controller... barely have money for fags from friday to friday...

hard to make money the honest way, so i`ll be more than happy when this is finaly set up and i don`t have to pay stupid money for shit weed...
I got my sms twin speed controller on eBay auction for Fuck all and that was like 4yrs ago man youd be suprised
I got my sms twin speed controller on eBay auction for Fuck all and that was like 4yrs ago man youd be suprised

more a cash buyer than online.... no need for it till now ...

got myself 5 gal of resin to seal the shed roof, so i`m along ways of fan controllers anyways hahahahaha...

hows the back dude...
Pay as you go meters, what a pile of shit. They are trying to install them here in ontario canada. This way they can completely circumvent the winter disconnection rules. They say its not disconnected its stopped. Fucking crooks. This what happens with private sector greed. Cheaper rates, yes im sure. Cheaper for about a milli second. Not even enough time to pre-lube your ass.
dont know about canada but this is one of the most crooked countrys in the world... people get done over all the time here and the big companys are allowed to walk all over us...

our own police force assaulted pensioners and women to allow fitting of water meters, happened on a daily for months, then they scrapped the scheme...

same happened to pur off shore gas and oil rights , people walked on big money sold off and us left fucked... man i could keep going but i`d get wound up about it...
the provincial government sold off a large chunk of our hydro utility. They claimed big future cost savings and then took the check to the bank. Then the rates went through the roof. Now they are talking about putting pay as you go meters which will circumvent the laws. It seems the only thing that will have a chance of stopping it will be the courts and their crooked and useless as fuck.

I think we as people just need to steal power as a unified force. They cant arrest us all.