Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

Cloudy all day, but no rain so far. The pine tree seedlings ocyuld use a drink for sure.

At 1630 it's partly cloudy, 63F. Forecast high/low of 63/56 with 60% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high/low of 74/27F with 2 possible days of rain.

This is my slow time at work, and I don't do weed social media from home. So I will see you guys next week. Have a good one.
Timber down the road, and pine straw in about 10 years. I might just hide a spring crop in there between years 5 and 10.

I have 20 acres of longleaf behind the house. I get $100 an acre for the straw, or $2K per year. This will be a few hundred bucks more.
what ya do bale that pine straw. never saw that up here hard to get
It hit the mid 60s up here in northern Colorado today. As usually happens, tomorrow is bringing a big change, in this case rain and snow. Yes, I said rain. Again.
what ya do bale that pine straw. never saw that up here hard to get
Yes, they bale it up. A couple three years ago they went to a small round baler behind a tractor. They used to make small square bales with a hand baler. Here is a shot from last January when they got the straw. I'm expecting them any day now. They get 20 acres baled in two days. It takes about a week to get them all shipped out. He gets 7-8 semi loads off it.

It hit the mid 60s up here in northern Colorado today. As usually happens, tomorrow is bringing a big change, in this case rain and snow. Yes, I said rain. Again.
One of my cousins in Tampa posted his temp and the temp from Anchorage. It was colder in Tampa. Crazy weather.
Two more nights in the mid to low 20's this past weekend. But it was a warmer day today. At 1630 it's sunny, 53F. Forecast high/low of 57/32F with 0% chance of rain. 10 day high/low of 72/22F with 3 days of possible rain. Also three more nights in the low 20's. Of the 20 odd plants I had out, 1 of them is half-assed alive.
Speaking of longleaf pines, BIL, Sister, her friend from Colorado and I burned the 3 year old trees at the river field this morning. Got a real good burn with very little drama. Had one small jump, but we got it out before it got away from us. Winds were light, mainly from the northeast, so started on the southwest corner and backed it into the wind.

I worked on planting the skips in the burnt trees. It was cool early, but warmed up nicely. I was down to a T-shirt before I was done. At 1635 it's sunny and 66F. Forecast high/low is 66/28F with 60% chance of rain/ice. The high tomorrow is going to be 41F with 15-20 mph winds. And I have another day of planting trees planned.

My 10 day forecast high/low is 71/22F with the next four nights in the 20's. A Chance of rain Monday and Wednesday of next week.
Back to the 50s and 60s for northern Colorado. I guess the climate isn't too big a sacrifice for fossil fuel industry profits.
Didn't they have some snow down in Denver this weekend? Sister got off for her 3 month Colorado excursion. Her friend from out there had been in Key West cleaning beach houses after the hurricane, but she was ready for a break. She drove up from the keys, stayed on the farm a few days, then they took a leisurely trip to Denver. 1st day to New Orleans. 2nd day to Houston. The plan for the 3rd day {yesterday} was to drive until game time, then find a room. They should be there by now.
We had more cold this past week. 19.5F here in town, but it got down to 16F at the farm. It killed the rest of my plants, so I've got more time on my hands. None of the smoke {or seeds} I had hoped for, but more time. That is not true. I did pick though the dead Big Buddha and get a 1/4 ounce of bud. I'm trying not to think of the hours I have in this grow.

But anyway, we had a cloudy, now rainy, day here in Larry Land. At 1810 it's raining, 65F with 99% humidity. Forecast high/low of 72/50F with 80% {down from 100% a couple hours ago} chance or rain tonight. The 10 day high/low is not working, so we will have to fly blind for now. I have been having WiFi issues at work. Not sure if it's my laptop of the signal.
We are having a warm, overcast day here. At 1510 it's cloudy, 70F with 55% humidity. Forecast high/low of 73/58F with 100% chance of rain tonight. 10 day is not loading. I've had a wifi problem the last couple weeks at work. Will have to remember to ask the boss and the cleaning guy if they are having problems too.
The rain started a little before midnight. It's slowed down, but still getting a little. At 1245 it's light rain, 63F with 95% humidity. It's rained 1.34" since midnight. Forecast high/low of 64/52F with 90% chance of rain this afternoon, and 70% tonight. 10 day high/low is {not wanting to load. I'll edit when it comes up}