THE SECRET COVENANT author unknown


Active Member
No Vi, We hate excessive ownership. Is starvation an optional choice for some on this planet? I'm sure if it was, they'd choose not to starve. Why do some people have a chance to get rich and others live in a shit infested slum, or a mud hut? We're sitting in the richest nation on earth arguing about left and right while 75% of the rest of the world lives in squalor. Well then, should we become Isolationists, living like the pigs we are and and turning a blind eye to the rest of the world, or better yet, how about being the Capitalistic pigs we really are, that while ignoring the plight of the rest of the world, we are actually subjugating them while raping and pilaging their resources. Naw, just kidding, go on out and buy that new car you've been tempted to, you can afford it. Better hurry before the housing market turns into the Warsaw ghetto.

(:weed:(passes a big fatty boombatty reefer to medicineman):weed:)

whats all this left an right millarky? what side have i been put in?
I got a little bit left, but i think i'm all right. :clap:


New Member
Unbelievable! (as I shake my head in bewilderment).

Property rights ... the right to own private property, is the basis for Human Rights.

I believe that xxlisa hit upon one of the main tenants of the ultra left ... they hate private property, and that speaks volumes about their hatred of corporations as well.

Where in the fuck did you come up with this one? "The right to own property is the basis for human rights", That is certainly a 180 on the truth. One may say one of the basic human rights is to be able to own property, But property does not come first. Geeze you wingers are warped.


Well-Known Member
Ya mean like North Korea?

If you don't believe in private property then 'search and seizure' shouldn't be a problem.
Its not your home.

Home is where the govt says it is.


New Member
Ya mean like North Korea?

If you don't believe in private property then 'search and seizure' shouldn't be a problem.
Its not your home.

Home is where the govt says it is.
Where did you get that Idea, That I "don't believe in private property"? I just don't believe property rights came first. I have private property that I don't want to share, My guns come to mind, my home, my autos, my money, But they do not come first and foremost. Human rights are more important. Hey, I can't solve the worlds problems. If I gave everything I have away, it wouldn't put a dent in anything. Those with the real power need to give a little, I mean, who needs a few billion bucks anyway? Well, it seems that those rascals on wall street do.


Well-Known Member
I really hate capitolism. i dont believe in private property. over here we the working class are slaves to corporations. we work all week bulding a product for minimum wage, a wage which we then use to buy the product we built back from them. we dont question this or why the main labour only pays the minimum wage simply because our class has no time to question any of it. not if they want there children to eat that week. I read marx's comunist manifesto an i do strongly believe in old school true comunism. not the bastardised false choice that we see now. real comunism has no leaders. I am not at all an expert on any of this as u probs can tell lol. I just know what I see around me.
my children must pay for water that belongs to them allready. them and all biengs of the planet. water that is laced with flouride clorine etc.
I dont care what catagory my beliefs put me in. fuck with my children an i will come at you with every part of me. motherism.
trying to read the Gulag Archipelago by solzenitzin but its a real painfull read. scary.
Ma'am, with all do respect, do you think it might be possible that it was your choices that you must blame, and not our system?

No one forced you to do drugs, nor did any one force you to commit crimes. While I agree that drugs should be legalized, I don't think that blaming others for your failures is proper, or honest.

Though, I do agree with you that ccodaine was insulting, and I hope you'll accept my apology for that, even though I have no control over him, nor any connection to him.

Sometimes, the hottest fire forges the strongest steel, and there's nothing better than a good argument for tempering a person's idealogy, and world-view.

As far as my opinion of your world view (and medman's) I have no choice but to disagree with it. I don't see corporate America screwing me over, I see it enabling me to live a comfortable life style. Of course, when I was stuck working for near minimum wage, I was living at my parents, and I have since escaped the bondage of my ignorance and found knowledge that guarantees my a comfortable income.

What it doesn't guarantee me is the ability to avoid having almost a third of my labor stolen from me by the government in the form of taxation. (Yes, I understand that government provides the roads, and other vital services, but that's at the local and state level. I also understand that it provides for the common defense of this country, but surely that doesn't require that I pay $16K per annum to pay for my "fair" share.)

I see myself forced to what can only be called the brink of insolvency after bills by a government that thinks that it is proper and moral for it to lie to everyone about its social programs. The government isn't interested in helping the poor, the poor are just a convenient target for "help". No, the real goal of government is to line its own pockets.

Government is evil, but even more evil than government is the socialist ideology that gave rise to our current bloated canceours mass of government.