
As a medical patient, is it better to drive sober and ill or medicated and well?

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Well-Known Member
Anyone see these new commercials? Just saw one on Viceland Channel.


Drug-impaired driving is dangerous and against the law
There's a lot going on around you when you drive. You need to be totally focussed so that if a split-second – and potentially life-saving – decision needs to be made, you're ready for it.

Drugs affect your ability to react and increase the chance of a crash. Don't get behind the wheel or get in a car with an impaired driver — it's just not worth the risk.

Drugs impair your ability to drive by affecting:
  • balance and coordination
  • motor skills
  • attention
  • judgment
  • reaction time
  • decision-making skills

Every 3 hours
How often a drug-impaired driving offence is recorded in Canada.

It's illegal
You could face consequences like a fine, criminal charges, even jail time.

Over 1 in 4
Number of cannabis users who reported having driven under the influence.

2 times more likely
Marijuana doubles your chances of being in a crash.

The facts about drug impaired driving in Canada
What you can do
Plan to get home safely
You have options:
Have a designated driver
Call a friend or loved one
Call a cab or ride-share
Take public transit
Stay over and sleep it off

Parents: What can you do?
Parents play a vital role in teaching their kids to drive responsibly.
Here are some tips on talking to your child about drug-impaired driving.
Start a conversation
Get help with drug abuse
Are you or someone you care about struggling with problematic substance use?
Here are some resources to help you find the assistance you need in your area.
Find help.

7 reasons not to drive high
  1. You could hurt or kill someone you care about
  2. You could get in a crash, hurt yourself or die
  3. You could hurt or kill an innocent stranger
  4. You could get arrested and face trial
  5. You could get your license suspended
  6. You could get a criminal record
  7. Impaired driving is 100% preventable!

In their own words:
Stories from Canadians impacted by drug-impaired driving

Gregg Thomson woke up on a Sunday morning to find out that his 18 year old son Stanley had not come home after a night out with friends. The panic set in immediately and Thomson had a gut feeling that something was wrong, so he decided to call the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). "When I walked up to the OPP officers and they told me, I fell over… I just fell. The way it hits you, it's… when you lose a child, it brings a whole different set of emotions that before you've had this type of experience, you don't even understand." The night before, Stanley decided to get into a car with an individual who was under the influence of marijuana. Not only did Stanley lose his life that night, but the lives of those closest to him were changed forever. Feeling tremendous guilt and devastation, Thomson asked his daughter: "Where did your mum and I fail? Like why did Stanley get in the car that night?" His daughter explained that her parents had not failed, since they had "taught [them] well about alcohol and driving." The trouble was that these conversations did not include the dangers of driving under the influence of marijuana.

Gregg Thomson
Ottawa, ON

"Drinking and driving is something that we as a society have been talking about for a long time. People know it's dangerous and illegal. But drugged driving isn't on everyone's radar yet. There are a lot of people who don't think driving while under the influence of a drug is as serious as driving while drunk. People don't realize the seriousness of it or the devastating consequences. But drugged driving is impaired driving. My family knows just how deadly drugged driving can be. We deal with the impact of it every single day."

Nancy Stewart
Oakville, ON

with their proposal? can't say the last time I would pass thier test..
Ill take a sobriety though
and Kill it!
only thing thats impaired here occifer is YOUR ATTITUDE.
been doin this since I was 16
never had an accident in my life. Im a pilot as well.
with their proposal? can't say the last time I would pass thier test..
Ill take a sobriety though
and Kill it!
only thing thats impaired here occifer is YOUR ATTITUDE.
been doin this since I was 16
never had an accident in my life. Im a pilot as well.

I haven't finished watching an hour long program yet, and I have already saw this add 5 times.
I would have a hard time believing that smoking mmj and driving would double the chances of an accident....
it implies that if you smoke you have a 50/50 chance of having an accident...
I kinda think those are the standard odds for people who are alive,...you leave the house and 50/50 you will come back home..
you drive a car or walk the roadside,swim a lake,climb a mountain....50/50 you don't come back...

these are the standard odds for everything...assuming you are actually alive and able to move...
I would have a hard time believing that smoking mmj and driving would double the chances of an accident....
it implies that if you smoke you have a 50/50 chance of having an accident...
I kinda think those are the standard odds for people who are alive,...you leave the house and 50/50 you will come back home..
you drive a car or walk the roadside,swim a lake,climb a mountain....50/50 you don't come back...

these are the standard odds for everything...assuming you are actually alive and able to move...
I remember actually seeing a chart on things that effect your reaction time while driving. Listening to music was higher risk than under the influence of cannabis.
I really think med patients should push the government towards the idea that being medicated allows us to be capable driver's. This is a fact, and I feel like it has been undermined by people outside the culture. I can write neater, work more focused and am a better driver when I feel well versus the days I go without meds. Anyone else agree?
there are so many other distractions for drivers... and 99 percent of them are not regulated in any way...why because its usually common sense...
just like this issue....there are not many Canadians, dumb enough to think ...that it is okay to drive, when actually impaired.
regardless the substance...
if the "impaired driving" message has not gotten to you by 2018....then you are either completely isolated....or just plain dumb....
and neither is a good excuse.....

With legalization I never expected that they would just give medical patients a pass...I mean... of course they could not, nor would not....
I was good with that...its just plain logic....don't smoke in the car....and 99 percent of the times you would not even be suspected of being high.
medicate a while before and wait until after....or pull off the road on a long journey and take an hour break....medicate....rest and then back on the road...
with no smell and no tell...

seriously....its 2018....everyone should be on board by now....don't whatever and drive.....simple shit
I really think med patients should push the government towards the idea that being medicated allows us to be capable driver's. This is a fact, and I feel like it has been undermined by people outside the culture. I can write neater, work more focused and am a better driver when I feel well versus the days I go without meds. Anyone else agree?
This is generally true to a point....especially with driving....
most people under the influence can actually focus better on any one particular project or goal....
where it starts to break down is when multi tasking...a bunch of very important jobs at once...
Then statistically I should have been in millions of accidents. Cannabis has no influence on reflex systems. Many of you guys are gamers and you will know that you play just as well stoned as sober. Tests are done under artificial conditions that are likely to affect the outcome of the test negatively.
Try driving sober with some guy on the seat next to you with a clipboard in hand making notes about your driving.
exactly raider....
If I smoked a ciggy now after quiting 12 years ago,..I'm pretty sure I would have the spins and turn green ....probably puke my guts out...
that stuff can be rough for some people.
Same for coffee or expresso...
Let's not get to carried away.....I'm way safer driving stoned....10 mph under the limit and piloting the spaceship......when I drive not stoned, I'm pissed at all the idiotic stoned drivers going way to slow and obeying all traffic laws.

It's funny you say that. On long road trips, the Mrs. always knows when to spark another joint, its usually when I start speeding up, tailgating and cursing out other drivers for being stupid. Spark that joint though, and I'm cruising in the slow lane lost in conversation!
We all know this....for sure...but how do you convince the non culture people of that....?
most of the non smokers experience revolves around booze...and if you drink...you get wasted and can't drive.
That is basically what we are up against....the basic lack of experience that non tokers have...
It's funny you say that. On long road trips, the Mrs. always knows when to spark another joint, its usually when I start speeding up, tailgating and cursing out other drivers for being stupid. Spark that joint though, and I'm cruising in the slow lane lost in conversation!
It's true .....chill ass driver when stoned.
I think if marketers made commercials to encourage stoners (i.e. people actually high at the time) to remain on the couch, they would get further ahead in achieving their fantasy goals.
Browbeating and chastising is a ridiculous tactic that tends to work against the intended aims.
It reminds me of a Freak Brothers comic...

They're acting as if this is something new that's going to start with legalization. How come there haven't been any commercials for drugged driving before this? Are there really no other drugs that impair you? I notice in the commercial no ones shooting up, or popping pharmas, just smoking something....I'm so glad I don't have tv as seeing this repeatedly would send me around the bend.
I bet you are going to find a money trail to the insurance people when you start looking at who is making the most noise about this.
They, by all means, stand a chance to increase their costs according to their calculations. I don't think they allow enough credit for the number of people who stop drinking when they can use weed.