The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
First world problems here lads, will I have a cup of tea n get up to piss during the night or go without? Fuck it shes Friday lads ill fire up the kettle #cannabis life


Well-Known Member
hello again lads. about to enter apple store, see a gnome about battery defect so i can get pics rolling. need help with variegated mutant leaves, maeby nutrient issue.


Well-Known Member
Slobber it in garlic mayo n you wont give a fuck.

I want to get stoned but I dont want to roll or smoke a joint...suppose this is when heroin addicts start to inject.
Might have a bong actually.


Well-Known Member
There is no end to the spending. I too keep all the old stuff. Some of it gets cannibalized for parts and used as backup.
What annoys me is the lack of space I have if id the room id have the 600w hps air-cooled going n have two flowering tents n ive two spare 4x cobs just sitting there begging to be used.

So yeah ive literally another grows gear sitting there,silently judging me


Well-Known Member
Ive all the grills taken off my circulation fans...shits kinda scary with the ran fan,shes got metal blades..things I do for a little extra umph


Well-Known Member
Do we ever have enough room?
Wife was happy when i gave her a load of used CFLs
Ur fucking house must look like a fucking spaceship with those high powered cfls lol
My gf literally allows me a room and thats it but shes the first to take the dosh out my hands but bless she doesn't smoke so its all for me so I shouldn't be complaining..but I will


Well-Known Member
I honestly wouldn't hesitate if all id to do was kill some eejit gor a grow bunker stealth to the core like under a shop in a small village so u can legally pay for ur leccy without raising an eyebrow.

Fuck it id kill a few ppl for that