Won't use bodhi again worst Hermies in 10 Bodhi

Look I'm not around my plant's 24/7 as they're not in my place and look up geo tagging on images, you leave a digital footprint behind whatever you upload on these sites so I am not interested in risking uploading photos and information to be busted later Just so you can see a photo, it's illegal here still so until laws changed i won't be doing journals

No mate nothing only the SSDD1, so I run it again with a cutting of SSDD 2 and a different pheno SSDD 2 only this time it's worse and pollinated everything in my Room because I have twice the amount of hermies, I've got more seeds from the hermies than the psychosis I intentionally pollinated months before in a different room i may add and grown no males since washed everything down run again with a different pheno,and the Only thing I can think of bro is fake pack or Just a act of nature that does occur even with the Best of breeder's as it's in the DNA of it anyway so I've learned now whatever it is it's a valued lesson but a great shame lol
Do you understand how sentences work?
The random capitalization is also interesting... :roll:
Defend what?

Anybody who has been around,would have seen his post by now....(Like the first page)
All you have to do is click his profile.

So in reality you have done nothing.... now pic your Mic back up.
Lol. Yea I thought about the mic thing after.

He is a liar. Now refuses to show a herm because of geo tagging. That's a straight up lie.

Yes I clicked his profile and went found all the pics he posted. One was of some nice finished plants. So why is it he can't show a herm?

Dude fucked up breeding and has a bunch of seeds and now its someone else's fault.
Does that look like 1 seed to you fuck off not interested in any of your expert knowledge stick it up your ass sidewards if you going to be a bitch about it and take a seat with the other little bitches in the silly little bitch ignore list this site is full of fucking know it alls And brown tongues and 20 pages into this thread and Only 1 person who has also been a prick has asked valid questions with valid points but to stick with the current trend decides to be a bitch and call me idiot or names so save your wise words for others I don't even use this site since I found out that people can't say anything unless they're not a well known member of the asshole club and on 420 where people have had Hermie issue's with bodhi gear and don't get but Hurt if I say so,too many tongue fuckers here sort head out,if I had done a journal no fucker would have said anything

Is that the same 36 seeds you made on purpose?
That don't mean shit I've never used or heard of it and don't change the fac

Didn't you hear wtf i just said,i am not taking photos of my plants and uploading Geo tagging or not there's still risk element for existing on my fucking phone in the First place, LISTEN I AM NOT TAKING PHOTOS AND SAVING THEM ON MY PHONE AS THAT'S STUPID AND RISKY AND CERTAINLY NOT DOING IT FOR YOU JUST BECAUSE YOU'VE SENT ME LINK TO REMOVE GEO TAGS FFS END OF CONVO

Lets break this down you are afraid of getting caught, BY SAYING YOU HAVE HERMIES YOU ADMITED TO GROWING.

You want to be strong and wrong!

If any special agent of the government wanted you, you would be caught. " I hate scarry cats ".

Im not insulting you, but your not built for this.


Up until a week you never heard of riu; but it has been here for about 10 years. See how much help comes your way.
I am fucking fuming got to the end of flowering and just realized my sunshine daydream is a Hermie or i pollinated it by accident which is very doubtful as I segregated it for a week sprayed the pollinated plant down with Water and put back in the grow room, and the amount of pollen wouldn't give me as many budsites with seed's, I have another in there with no pollenating taking place,if this is a Hermie i am going to give bodhi seeds my honest opinion,the sunshine daydream don't smell that good but stoned writing this lol