Spider mites problem day 28 in flower ): please read

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Actually, what you said was it caused non-Hodgkin lymphoma in rats in certain cases.

I was merely pointing out that it also caused that cancer in people.

Why so angry? What’s keeping you from being civilized?

Seriously, are you like 19? No offense to our more mature younger users here, but that would explain a lot.

No need to stoop to name calling...lol... it’s not that big a deal bro, don’t get so worked up.

My guess is he has been smoking pesticide laden buds for too long. Not only does it cause cause cancer but it makes people hostile.
Any vegetable you've ever eaten, any piece of meat you've ever eaten, any fruit you've ever eaten in your entire fucking life all use pesticides you fucking moron.

According to you, you should be dead already.
Wrong buddy we are in a grow forum smart guy. I know how to grow food along with buds. So when i pull veggies out of my garden and eat them I KNOW I DIDN'T USE PESTICIDE. I would highly suggest you get a very very good indica strain to puff on so maybe you chill out a bit. Lifes to short to run around pissed off all the time.0718171931a.jpg
Wrong buddy we are in a grow forum smart guy. I know how to grow food along with buds. So when i pull veggies out of my garden and eat them I KNOW I DIDN'T USE PESTICIDE. I would highly suggest you get a very very good indica strain to puff on so maybe you chill out a bit. Lifes to short to run around pissed off all the time.View attachment 4066488

Thank you.
I can also assure this chemical using, harm inducing lover, That not only does NONE of what I eat not contain pesticides, hormones, antibiotics. It also ALL comes from within a 20 min drive from my house.
See I have not only in fact noticed the huge increases in the cancers these chemicals cause, but just how prevalent their use actually is.I have actually watch far too many people die far too young. This is why I am so passionate about this. Not because I am some vegan hippie fucking dirt in the woods. But because I am not ok with ignorant motherfuckers poisoning people.
You say we are talking shit but this stuff is very well documented and backed up by science. That science will only get stronger as the years pass. Everyone thought agent orange and ddt were fine too. That is until it was blatantly obvious they were killing thousands upon thousands of people and untold wildlife every year.
It does not shock me that some people actually think they are safe. I can only imagine what Monsanto and DOW and the likes spend on PR a year.
I will leave my last post on this thread with once again saying.
Cheers :)
I agree to your statememts, not that it matters if i do, your reports say it all.
Being this is my 3rd grow, and not my 20th or whatever, ill look back at this as a learning experience. Besides that this was my first time using heavy pesticides , and that i have discontinued all use of forbid/avid since reading it takes multiple ipm foliars rather than a end all cure all with nukking with 1 or 2 heavy pesticides foliares [they get imune]
I realize i did not mention in op that i will discontiue avid/forbid, but in general yes, i dont plan to sell if its fails acceptable pesticide tests, of course, but am i tripping on 1 harvest [a small scale 5x6 flw rm], nah not really, im runnning perpetual, so this is just a learning experience.
I do this for kicks, growing. I by no means sell to dispencerys.

If for some reason i dont fail the toxcity report, i will not take anyones input reguarding garbage meds,and 9lan to sell to for all i know your some organic vegan hippie, in the woods having sex with the soil because you just love that o natural feeling.
Those were my testso_O
Post ONE LINK to ANYBODY that has ever been poisoned by smoking pot a pesticide was used on.

Go on. We'll wait.

I didn't think so. Now shut the fuck up, drama queen.
Dude, you are way out to lunch here.
As others have said, the fact that certain chemicals are approved for use on food crops has absolutely nothing to do with those same chemicals being used on marijuana.

And yeah, tell this lady that pesticides have no affect.
still early days my friend, you normally notice the nasty botritus just before harvest.

Ill keep an eye out, thanx for the heads up, i have 2 16in fans ocilllating, and a 6 in fan booster through bottom cannopy.
I plan on using a shop vac 6 hp, to gentilly attempt to suck up mites on buds, im debating getting less hp shop vac though im not sure if that could/would disrupt buds, and possibly lightly spray method 1 pps on fan leafes up till begening of week 6, but will not unless i see mite activity, im hopping my ipm since week 2 of veg will do its magic from here.
Its not ingesting it, but smoking it when the poisons turn into carcinogens. It completely changed the makeup of the chemical, and the toxins it puts off. OP isnt using the poisons on tomatoes here. Im not against using stuff to remedy bugs, mold etc. But you have to use it appropriately and follow the half life of the product or it can make people sick. When you dump 11 different poisons onto your plants 4 weeks before harvest....that is completely irresponsible and careless to the end user.

Whoolly shit man, i must not have descibed my ipm, witch is why im hasty to call all you gwabs, my appologies for doing so but listen closley.

1St off the only stuff sprayed on my girls since flip was, method 1 pps, captin jack deadbrew, 1 possibly 2 foliares of eienstein oil, and go gnats witch has ceder oil and is organic, i used what i thought was organic?????
These are all organic foliares, idk what the hell your all saying, i sprayed according to directions and as described. I can read a labels...

Are you not famillar with switching up organicides, in hopes to not allow mites or what have you build a immunity?

I get some might say 3 -5 foliares gets rid of there issues, but i have a unkillable bug here man. One not even avid or forbid could kill, even after multiple foliares[ not within same week i waited at least 2 or 3 weeks b4 applying again [i vegged these girls for abt 2 mo btw], and all the other organacide i threw at it inbetween.
Again i only applied avid/forbid in veg, with the exception of a light foliar on underleafes b4 flip, then rinsed with phed ro water.
I see why you would talk garbage i guess being i did not use all organic spray, as im turning into a organic junki myshelf, i mean at the end of the day, i used appropriatley imho. But even using this as a foliar once constitues my herb as garbage according to goop gwaps like you. Witch is valid if not used as directed, but i get it ive seen the studies on this stuff,and. I think it shouldent be used either, i have a 300$ bottle of avid i wont be using anymore. I just came to realize what exactly what the stuff was half way through this grow. No disrespect im not one to blast well know members, but i wad just looking for organacides i could use in flower, or certain tricks, like the habanero spray a member recomended, the cyatin clem clem stated killed everything, i listen, but not to absolute one mided gwabs, not that you are, this message was intended for all who talk trash, and to clear up my methods that got me to where i am today, methods you call garbage, but methods non the less.

If im so far off the pole, go type avid or forbid on google relating to mmj and see how many forums this topic is on the boards. Its not like i woke up and thought ohh i think ill spray motor oil on my buds and present them this to a forum such as this one, and get mad if someone calls me out.
Its more within the realm of general asked questions, then a all witch hunt.
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Did you watch the videos i posted? If not, you should. If so, did you see the point being made? Ipm starts with healthy plants. Its like the 3 little pigs. Straw house=plants not healthy, showing deficiencies but growing. Stick house=healthy looking plants, good growth, but not as structurally integral as they could be. Not visibly anyway. Brick house=nutrient dense, healthy plants. Plenty of calcium, high brix. Even in this scenario you may still get mites. But they will struggle to thrive. Your foliar ipm will be far more effective. Your danger zone will be last couple weeks of flower. Once the plant has shot its load and is finishing, those couple mites that made their way through the gauntlet can quickly go apeshit. But you still have hope! There are great products like green cleaner, flying skull nukem and big time exterminator that are safe to use even towards end of flower (they claim day of harvest but i would avoid that for quality sake) even just cold water foliar, maybe some aloe and or silica will make their lives miserable. Further contributing to their struggle to survive. Thats my battle plan anyway. Give them a food source that tastes like shit and is difficult to eat in veg. In flower, make their lives hell with frequent foliar and a continued nutrient rich diet. First 6 weeks of flower consist of regular foliar sprays of nectar for the gods bloom khaos (calcium facilitator only first 2 weeks foliar) kelp, fulvic/humic, aloe, silica, vermicompost tea, yucca, i think thats it? The girls love it, mites hate it. Intergrated pest managment. Key word is managment. You have pests, it is unlikely you will get rid of them, but you can manage them. Just focus on plant nutrition first. This is most important and you will benefit. Fwiw, im not oganic. I use alot of organic inputs because i use what i feel is the best for what im trying to do. I have no problem with synthetic nutes. If someone can easily grow healthy plants with a simple regimine of inputs, im all for it!
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