Well-Known Member
Good looking out PDB! Your a good dude. It only took 2 weeks, but I got em haha
I discovered that you gotta move FAST! I've done had too many mishaps with getting my hands on the JP. I pulled the trigger at $62 and with 1/2 off promo I dont feel too bad about that lol
Thank you Red. You have saved me a lot of head ache and done good things for me my man. You ever grown out any chem 91? I have it... The real deal, not the the fake shit. Something tells me there will be some cuts around here in a month or so... Hmmm... Anyway, point is good karma shall come your way bro!
And WhyteWidow, yes the Jelly Pie is back now. When I got it it said one pack left and then said out of stock. Now is your opportunity bro go grab it!