Humidity fluctuation please help!

Hello, first time grower! My temp is staying between 75-78 day and 69-73 night, but my humidity day and night fluctuate from 38-67% because of my exhaust fan. I have it set on a timer every hour it will run for 15 minutes (which lowers my humidity to those numbers) and then shut off, so on, and so fourth thought the day. How bad is this humidity shift? It happens every hour?


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That is a big shift. It may not cause problems but it sure won’t give best growth and results.

You can get a speed controller for your fan to dial in temp and humidity and run it 24 hrs.

Only way to carbon filter the smell too.
I have a speed controller set to low when it comes on for 15 minutes. This is them now I hope the issue is solved by the time they grow up


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It is a small percentage dont worry about it. In general, but not this case, most devices have a "deadband". It allows for a bit of + or - range before the device starts again.
Get a temp/RH controller for your fan then it will only come on when it is told to. Speed controller is a good idea as well.
