Fvcking Baby Boomer Hippies Wrecked America

Legalize drugs.
Untax labor.
Tax service side economy. Dividends, stocks bit coin etc

Then we model on three simple ideas, we need to eat breathe and drink and be part of the planet [biocentric].

Too many strategies....
Homes could be 75% more efficient withan passive energy building codes....
More calcium, Higher cec [cation exchange capacity] and less nitrates and phosphorous....
50% or more of all food grown and produced is wasted.....
Landfills are full of used lumber good for recycling to probably build the country over and we need Canada for new lumber because stateside can't meet demand

And on and on......
None of the rest will happen unless we get money out of politics. Until that happens, mass bribery and extortion will count for more than votes. Even the Republicans are saying it; 'if we don't get the tax bill passed, our donors will turn off the taps'.

Legalized corruption. MAGA!
None of the rest will happen unless we get money out of politics. Until that happens, mass bribery and extortion will count for more than votes. Even the Republicans are saying it; 'if we don't get the tax bill passed, our donors will turn off the taps'.

Legalized corruption. MAGA!
Humans are no different than any other living thing. Survival of the richest. Used to be fittest. Is that a word? Anyway just as the strongest virus survives. Some are wired with more compassion etc. but generally these die off and don't continue the line. Those with the propensity to look out for themselves tend to be at the top which isn't good for society. Most Japanese I know find the US to be strange. It's a bit different.
If only the millennial BernieBaby's hadn't put trump in office......:cuss:
I'm sure she would have been just as happy to give handouts to corporate America, only it would have been okay with the 'leftie' crowd because she's a Democrat.

Does this mean I'm happy Trump was elected? Of course not. But apathy is a form of death and American politics was on life support.

At least this way it's obvious that the system is failing everyone but the already egregiously wealthy and people are mad enough to get involved.
They have a cure for old age..they are waiting for the baby boomers to die off before they whip it out. The BB's are the most brainwashed victims..there are a few good ones in the bunch that know how to turn on a pc.
I'm sure she would have been just as happy to give handouts to corporate America, only it would have been okay with the 'leftie' crowd because she's a Democrat.

Does this mean I'm happy Trump was elected? Of course not. But apathy is a form of death and American politics was on life support.

At least this way it's obvious that the system is failing everyone but the already egregiously wealthy and people are mad enough to get involved.

Lol, you're more obsessed with Hillary than an average trumptard. Get over it, btkk
If only the millennial BernieBaby's hadn't put trump in office......:cuss:

I thought you were going to secede?

At 70 tech was my career and still is. I saw my firewood, I raise an acre of garden and we freeze and can. I can design and build anything electronic. I love genetics. I can program in assembly as well as compiled languages like C. I used to raise and butcher my own meat. I don't hunt anymore but have guns. I prefer beef. I was raised with an outhouse and hauling water. I just think most people just don't have enough life experience to make good well rounded decisions. If never poor you can't empathize. And some just don't have a zest for life.
None of the rest will happen unless we get money out of politics. Until that happens, mass bribery and extortion will count for more than votes. Even the Republicans are saying it; 'if we don't get the tax bill passed, our donors will turn off the taps'.

Legalized corruption. MAGA!

You're getting warmer grasshopper, at least you're getting the bat on the ball and hitting some weak foul balls.

Nothing significant will change until systemic coercion is removed and the voting process / involuntary government goes away. Extortion and bribery are inextricably linked to an involuntary overarching political process and the best that could ever be achieved in that scheme is a kinder master.

Of course that makes too much sense for most people to grasp.
All these years and you still have yet to offer any solutions at all.

That's really funny, slave. You can;

a) stay on the plantation and keep picking cotton, hoping for a master who will only whip you when you've been bad and whip the people you disagree with

b) free yourself, tell master (the political process itself) to go away
Spoken like an old hag. Example would be breast of a 20 year old versus the breast of a women in her 60's.
one stands at attention, the other falls to the floor.
which category do you fall in
Proof positive that you have nothing to contribute.

Stop wasting planetary resources; end yourself.
Spoken like an old hag. Example would be breast of a 20 year old versus the breast of a women in her 60's.
one stands at attention, the other falls to the floor.
which category do you fall in

You sound a little lecherous, lusting after the young stuff and all.
That's really funny, slave. You can;

a) stay on the plantation and keep picking cotton, hoping for a master who will only whip you when you've been bad and whip the people you disagree with

b) free yourself, tell master (the political process itself) to go away
Are you going to make in large purchases before the end of the year to file against this coming tax season ?
How will you be filing ? Head of house ? or joint ?

The article is pretty tough on the baby boomer generation.

Maybe growing up self absorbed and coddled makes people immature, selfish and greedy?

They sure made a mess, so now what do we do as a country?

Ah, don't blame me but my generation's leaders have a lot to explain. I didn't have shit except my imagination and good LSD. I was basically on my own since I was 12 but always had a place to sleep so I was a lucky boomer. I just worked all my life and retired and don't see how I could have contributed to this mess we're in now. I voted for McGovern but was unaware the greed that was in Nixon's agenda. I was able to buy a new care in 1974 working at a small factory with my wife staying at home (worthless shit head she was) but didn't go hungry. Shit's changed a lot but I'd start the blame game with Nixon and Reagan and they were not baby boomers.
That's really funny, slave. You can;

a) stay on the plantation and keep picking cotton, hoping for a master who will only whip you when you've been bad and whip the people you disagree with

b) free yourself, tell master (the political process itself) to go away
Again, you have suggested no solution yet try to call yourself Enlightened while calling others names.

As soon as groups are larger than families, politics becomes a necessary technology. Your insipid denials of this fact are the fundamental error in your thinking. Until you grasp that, nothing you say will be relevant.

The hour is late and time is running short for you. Will you ever catch on? The World Wonders...
Are you going to make in large purchases before the end of the year to file against this coming tax season ?
How will you be filing ? Head of house ? or joint ?

I usually smoke joints. I sometimes pre-roll a shitload and file them according to their effect.

Now shouldn't you be listening for the footsteps of your wife so she won't catch you viewing perky breast websites old timer?