Fvcking Baby Boomer Hippies Wrecked America

Legalize drugs.
Untax labor.
Tax service side economy. Dividends, stocks bit coin etc

Then we model on three simple ideas, we need to eat breathe and drink and be part of the planet [biocentric].

Too many strategies....
Homes could be 75% more efficient withan passive energy building codes....
More calcium, Higher cec [cation exchange capacity] and less nitrates and phosphorous....
50% or more of all food grown and produced is wasted.....
Landfills are full of used lumber good for recycling to probably build the country over and we need Canada for new lumber because stateside can't meet demand

And on and on......
Legalize drugs.
Untax labor.
Tax service side economy. Dividends, stocks bit coin etc

Then we model on three simple ideas, we need to eat breathe and drink and be part of the planet [biocentric].

Too many strategies....
Homes could be 75% more efficient withan passive energy building codes....
More calcium, Higher cec [cation exchange capacity] and less nitrates and phosphorous....
50% or more of all food grown and produced is wasted.....
Landfills are full of used lumber good for recycling to probably build the country over and we need Canada for new lumber because stateside can't meet demand

And on and on......

stepping on it is the American way..everyone HAS to make a buck.
The Hippies were the only ones in the 60's/70's that had their shit together (and died for it) by dragging us out of needless wars, showing America the damage being done to our environment, decrying racism and poverty in our cities, and the cost to America by a needless war on drugs, or shall I say a war on truth.
I paid my taxes, worked hard for my money, and got fucked by every single one of my Republican employers, so that's a big reason I went underground and now am a criminal in the eyes of the Law.
These are the ones that fucked this country, the Republican God Fearing Evangelical Boomers, not the Hippies.
So Millennials/GenX, get off your skinny asses and do something to help to straighten out the continuing mess that you have inherited, just like the one I inherited, which without the "Hippie" you would have shit all, like every liberal protocol that you enjoy today, like LGBTQ rights/Civil rights/Equal pay/Planned Parenthood and legal herb in 8 states in this country.
We invented political activism motherfuckers, so don't blame your hippie parents, learn from them and do something besides moan, you little boys and girls
The Hippies were the only ones in the 60's/70's that had their shit together (and died for it) by dragging us out of needless wars, showing America the damage being done to our environment, decrying racism and poverty in our cities, and the cost to America by a needless war on drugs, or shall I say a war on truth.
I paid my taxes, worked hard for my money, and got fucked by every single one of my Republican employers, so that's a big reason I went underground and now am a criminal in the eyes of the Law.
These are the ones that fucked this country, the Republican God Fearing Evangelical Boomers, not the Hippies.
So Millennials/GenX, get off your skinny asses and do something to help to straighten out the continuing mess that you have inherited, just like the one I inherited, which without the "Hippie" you would have shit all, like every liberal protocol that you enjoy today, like LGBTQ rights/Civil rights/Equal pay/Planned Parenthood and legal herb in 8 states in this country.
We invented political activism motherfuckers, so don't blame your hippie parents, learn from them and do something besides moan, you little boys and girls

Respectfully disagree or at least have different perspective.

Anti war protesters of the '60's learned tactics from the civil rights movement which had been going on long before the peace sign became the standard salute of young white people.

A lot of those boomer hippies became white evangelical conservatives. White boomers abandoned the civil rights movement in the 70's and voted for Reagan in large enough numbers to give him and the republican party their first chance at enacting trickle down tax and spending legislation. Not all, but most did. The war on drugs that Reagan expanded with passive acceptance by white boomers ended the civil rights movement.

Gen x and Gen y never had the numbers Boomers had to be a political block. They also had no real convictions other than the desire to be good consumers.

Millennials are showing up and their numbers are large enough to match the Boomer generation. Their demographic is going to challenge conservative boomers and replace the boomers now in charge of the Democratic party. They were the ones to shed blood in Berkely, Portland, Charlottesville. They made a difference in Alabama recently. I think there is a lot of hope for this group.