Well-Known Member
you are the most ignorant person on this forum.this will not affect me...I pay cash for everything..
you are the most ignorant person on this forum.this will not affect me...I pay cash for everything..
That like saying all the small towns with low paying jobs are full of uneducated people ... that's bull shit ... I know plenty in the area that have degrees and are doing as poorly as me ... so you are full of shit on that one ...Well, you live in a town with a lack of well paying jobs, most likely you don't have an education, because if you did, you can find a decent job in any town or city.
Again you show your stupidity ... I don't have children ... so wrong again ...No body told you to have kids you can't support. That is the bed you've made and now, you must lie in it.
First I have to have $50 bucks to blow ... after I meet all my basic financial obligations there's nothing left ... what part of that don't you get ... and when did I say it was your fault I'm struggling financially?Are you telling me that you don't blow $50 a month on things you don't need? Whether it be soda, cigarettes, coffee, or what ever. This is your money that you can invest. Its not our fault you decide to spend this money on something that is not needed.
Like I said before ... I have to HAVE $50 before I can invest it ... in your narrow mind you think everybody has money to save ... that is obviously not always the case ...$50 a month might not sound like a lot, but its $600 a year. If you are investing it, whether it be in the market, a 401k, or just a savings account, this money will add up. Everybody has money they can save. Some may have more than others.
Stop trying to project your own short coming on me ... it don't fly ... I'm not you ... nor do I behave as you do ... nor do I wish to ...I am one of those people that works paycheck to paycheck as well, but I understand it is my own fault. I blow my money on things that are not needed, and thats why I don't have a bunch of extra money lying around.
... and what does this have to do with me and my situation ... I didn't quit a well paying job ... I was discriminated by my union ... so I had to get the best job I could find in the area ...I quit a well paying job, close to $80,000 a year, simply because I hated what I was doing. 60hrs a week just isn't for me.
... it wasn't my choice to be discriminated against ... so you're wrong again ... no surprises though ...But it is my choice I am broke, just like it is your choice.
Explain how you move to a different city with no funds ... or get an education without funds ... and again ... when did I blame someone else for my situation ... you need to pull your head out your ass ... everyone isn't like you ...Move to a different city with more work, get an education so you can find another job, etc. There is no one to blame for your misfortune other than yourself.
Wow your a str8 up asshole dude.You don't blow $50 a month? You never buy anything to drink besides tap water? Right there you can save plenty of money.
Nope ... you? ... why drink when there is so much beautiful smokeGR ... are you drinking again?
well yeah...compared to a super intellectual person like are the most ignorant person on this forum.
awesome post. best post I have ever read on this websiteWell, you live in a town with a lack of well paying jobs, most likely you don't have an education, because if you did, you can find a decent job in any town or city. No body told you to have kids you can't support. That is the bed you've made and now, you must lie in it.
Are you telling me that you don't blow $50 a month on things you don't need? Whether it be soda, cigarettes, coffee, or what ever. This is your money that you can invest. Its not our fault you decide to spend this money on something that is not needed.
$50 a month might not sound like a lot, but its $600 a year. If you are investing it, whether it be in the market, a 401k, or just a savings account, this money will add up. Everybody has money they can save. Some may have more than others.
I am one of those people that works paycheck to paycheck as well, but I understand it is my own fault. I blow my money on things that are not needed, and thats why I don't have a bunch of extra money lying around. I quit a well paying job, close to $80,000 a year, simply because I hated what I was doing. 60hrs a week just isn't for me. But it is my choice I am broke, just like it is your choice. Move to a different city with more work, get an education so you can find another job, etc. There is no one to blame for your misfortune other than yourself.
Vi, what the hell does this have to do with my post. I was referring to friends and or family, not government."To move from one of these to a city is a very scary thing, unless you have some kind of support system."
Yes, Med ... what stand-up, red-blooded Americans REALLY need is an over-reaching, bloated federal bureaucracy to keep us all from being "scared."
Ok. I misunderstood u dude. To get to the top most ppl have to suffer a little bit. Nothing wrong with. It's actually good for u. I agree with you. It just struck me the wrong way when u were saying soda and a house are 'luxuries'.I am not telling you to live in your car. I never lived in my car, I didn't make as many bad decisions as you, so I never had the need to live in my car. What I did say was to quit blaming people, get off your ass, and get out and do something. If it takes living in your car for a month, or living with friends, or renting a room in the ghetto for a little bit, then thats what it takes.
Quit bitching about the economy, your low paying job, and your lack of opprotunity. It is out there, you just have search and sacrifice. If you are not willing to sacrifice for a month or two in order to succeed in life, then there is something wrong with you.
Most people who have done anything with their life had to suffer for a little bit. They had to live on top ramen, didn't have t.v., etc, etc. If you cannot bring yourself to suffer for a little bit, once again you have no one to blame but yourself.
People can call me an asshole all they want, but I am speaking the truth. It is nobody's fault someone is not successful but themself. If they didn't make it in life, don't be mad at the gov, at the successful people, or anyone else. Be angry with yourself.
Oh yeah ... you did ... I just don't have a very high regard for your opinion ... someone as ignorant and stupid as you couldn't possibly know what my decisions were let alone wether they were good or bad ... and I told your stupid ass before I haven't blame anyone ... and you don't know whether I'm on my ass or not ... but I can sure tell you can blow it out yours ...I am not telling you to live in your car. I never lived in my car, I didn't make as many bad decisions as you, so I never had the need to live in my car. What I did say was to quit blaming people, get off your ass, and get out and do something.
For you maybe ... even though I doubt you would practice what you preach ... like I said ... everyone doesn't have to live or react to life the way you think they should ... must be hard for you to take ...If it takes living in your car for a month, or living with friends, or renting a room in the ghetto for a little bit, then thats what it takes.
No ... there's something wrong with you ... pretending you know things that you obviously don't ...Quit bitching about the economy, your low paying job, and your lack of opprotunity. It is out there, you just have search and sacrifice. If you are not willing to sacrifice for a month or two in order to succeed in life, then there is something wrong with you.
...and once again ... I didn't blame anyone ... but it blows your know it all bullshit ... so you disregard it ...Most people who have done anything with their life had to suffer for a little bit. They had to live on top ramen, didn't have t.v., etc, etc. If you cannot bring yourself to suffer for a little bit, once again you have no one to blame but yourself.
Actually, I do practice what I preach. I've suffered, I've lived in the ghetto, I've had a car I had to push start, I've walked to the store to get food to save gas. Yes I have done all these things.
You're right ... you are not ignorant ... I have given you the facts ... so you are just plainI love how I'm the ignorant one when you are the one with the low paying job and bitching about things. I am not the one that can't afford to live. I am the one with a college education and a 135 IQ. But I know, I'm stupid and ignorant.
... and again I don't plan on basing my life or decisions on some asshole who thinks he know it all and has all the answers ... folks this Einstein think he know what I do during my day ... what "bad" decisions I've made in my life and how and why I spend my money! ... WTF is someone this brilliant doing on a pot board? ... You don't know a fucking think about me ... so stop pretending that you do ... get of your ass and get back to that job that's making you soooo much more money than me ... but all that shit is bullshit isn't it? ... you don't have a car ... a home ... a job ... your in the fucking basement of your mother house... get out of her house you bum ... get a job ... and a life ... and get off the friggin computer ... you don't have the time.If you were off your ass, you would be doing fine financially. You can work two jobs. You don't have to spend your time bitching online about how broke you are because of the economy. Shit, you don't need to spend your money on internet access being that you are so broke.
Yeah ... I will ... yeah I will see where it get me ... better government .... and so will you ... you will still be in your mother's basement playing on the internet ... Why? ... because you don't want to get up off you ass and get out of your mother's house ... you bum. Opportunity is out there you bum ... at least pay the poor woman rent ... and buy some food for a change ... geeezzzz ...You keep being mad at the gov. You keep bitching and see where it gets you. You will end up doing the same thing in 10yrs that you are today. Why? Because you don't want to get off your ass or sacrifice for a better life. Opprotunity is out there, get up and chase it!