Aside from everything else listed one of the perks is not having to have a lightproof growspace for flowering. So you can generally get started up with little costs and not much of a hassle.
If you wanna bang out a good yield in 90 days with autos.
1 buy a 600 watt HPS
2 Plop 4-6 autos in 3 gallon pots (depending on their finishing sizes)
3 LST those badboys throughout their entire veg cycle and 2 or so weeks into flowering. Every day counts in veg as does every potential node/budsite.
Then just keep em watered and fed until chop time.
If you're adding CO2 into the mix you can get some impressive little plants out of them.
But on my whole growspace comment.....
You can slap em in a spare bedroom, bathroom, closet or whatever.
There's several advantages. If you have to up and hide your plants for some BS reason? You don't have to worry about jacking up their light schedules.
You can get some bumper crops in to get some extra scratch to invest in a proper grow area if you're broke.
As far as guerrilla growing they're OK. Personally I have to start them either 4-6 weeks early. If I have plants in late flowering during June/July that mean they're sitting in 100 - 105 degree heat with 80% humidity all day. Budrot city on top of heat stress. April and May they're good to go though. They can finish in may with little to no problems.