Water question


Well-Known Member
I have these fountains that were drained and cleaned mid September since then they have filled with leaves etc. Water looks really like it could be filled with all sorts of microbes and is a green/brown tint. Can this be used to water my plants and make compost tea?
Just google a bit and in a nutshell
Tannic acid has antimicrobial properties.

I'm interested in the leaf n algae
I remove once it is decomposed myself. Has to be good for something.

Again I'm speculating so I'll shut up n watch the thread. You may be onto something
Just google a bit and in a nutshell
Tannic acid has antimicrobial properties.

I'm interested in the leaf n algae
I remove once it is decomposed myself. Has to be good for something.

Again I'm speculating so I'll shut up n watch the thread. You may be onto something

I've heard leaf mold is a good thing. I'm gonna have to do some more digging. I have also heard the soil from the woods where leaves have composted for years is also good to make compost tea
I've heard leaf mold is a good thing. I'm gonna have to do some more digging. I have also heard the soil from the woods where leaves have composted for years is also good to make compost tea
For sure all that stuff is good.
It's the water I would be Leary of because that tea color is from the tannins that were leached from leafs.
Anyway. If you figure out something good let us know.
I have no shortage of leaf water. Lol
I love using organic stuff with sources of microbes.
Yesterday I found some sheets of dried algae in the bottom of one dried up pond and crumbled it in with my brewing EWC tea.

Keep an eye on pH, yes leaves add some acid when newly added to water, but as it breaks down it releases more ammonia which will push up the pH.
An observation over several years.
I keep 4 to 6, 5gal buckets for spot watering on the deck. They get leaves and debris in there, plus I rinse my hands off in the buckets.

Invariably, when critters come to drink they go right to the bucket with the greenest/brown water in it, even if there is a bucket next to it full of fresh water.

My wife makes me keep one bucket with fresh water in it and that one is constantly ignored. Pisses the wife off that her well intentioned gesture is blown off, but they know what they need. Now, I make sure there is always at least one bucket full of brown water for the critters to drink.
An observation over several years.
I keep 4 to 6, 5gal buckets for spot watering on the deck. They get leaves and debris in there, plus I rinse my hands off in the buckets.

Invariably, when critters come to drink they go right to the bucket with the greenest/brown water in it, even if there is a bucket next to it full of fresh water.

My wife makes me keep one bucket with fresh water in it and that one is constantly ignored. Pisses the wife off that her well intentioned gesture is blown off, but they know what they need. Now, I make sure there is always at least one bucket full of brown water for the critters to drink.
I give my chickens fresh water every morning and they always manage to skip that and run to the nearest dirty puddle to drink from. I always thought they didn't trust me lol but maybe its just the water.
My dog eats dog shit.
If you feed my dog too much protein it will smell it in its feces.
Then eat it.

So my dogs professional opinion is the remedy for too much protein is more protein via shit eating.

My only point was that tannins are antimicrobial and if you are brewing microbial tea how this would be beneficial. It would probably work regardless it just sounds like starting with a handicap.

Not talking about composted organic matter.

I'm talking about fountain water that recently soaked a bunch of fresh leafs.

Also my leafs are huge maple leafs
And millions of them.
So when I hear leafs in water.
I might be over reacting.