Security solutions? For creative thinkers only

I wanna upload a pic' of my dog... it's just that he and I are synonymous. He also stands out quite a lot as he's large for his breed and is pure white (a rare colour in his breed in my country).

so I'll resist once more... I even once considered having him as my avatar, but it's too risky.
Where I live if the dog is in a fenced in yard or in your house well, that is just the intruders ass.
All a beware of dog sign does is cover your ass so you can say I told you so but it is not necessary.

My dog is not mean.
If someone broke in while I was not there then woah be unto them.

All my point was...was to tell someone who knows nothing about training or maintaining a protection get one...and do a bad idea. If he followed those instructions lets say....and dude leaves his dog home to protect his grow...lets say the roomies invite a friend over...and the friend stumbles upon a room accidentally and the dog bites...thats not a good thing. To each their own. But a bad idea is a bad idea. Would you tell a guy who likes to smoke bud to go and grow some? Dont you think a good understanding of what they're getting themselves into is in order?

But I digress...if they think thats a good idea...then have at it. In the long run its up to him.

Now...Back to our regularly scheduled program lol. Just bringing another aspect to the convo thats all.. Hmmmm...Where did I put my lighter? Again, no disrespect intended.
No worries, dogs aren't allowed in my building anyway.
Besides, a plant-protecting thief-killing robot would be more suited.
All my point was...was to tell someone who knows nothing about training or maintaining a protection get one...and do a bad idea. If he followed those instructions lets say....and dude leaves his dog home to protect his grow...lets say the roomies invite a friend over...and the friend stumbles upon a room accidentally and the dog bites...thats not a good thing. To each their own. But a bad idea is a bad idea. Would you tell a guy who likes to smoke bud to go and grow some? Dont you think a good understanding of what they're getting themselves into is in order?

But I digress...if they think thats a good idea...then have at it. In the long run its up to him.

Now...Back to our regularly scheduled program lol. Just bringing another aspect to the convo thats all.. Hmmmm...Where did I put my lighter? Again, no disrespect intended.

Unless you remove the voice box dogs will bark/growl a warning if they think you haven't seen them. I've never known them not to, and I'm coming from both angles here protector and perpetrator.

So unless your friend is deaf, and also blind (to not read the sign) everything should be fine.

Dogs are the best criminal deterrant you can get. They even beat guns as I know criminals will target homes just because they know the owner has a cabinet-full. Dogs take a different approach.

The only way to get past a guard dog is to fire a crossbow bolt through the letterbox (if you have one, I'm aware in the us you have outside mailboxes?). Even a well-trained guard dog will run to the letterbox to see who's opening it, this lines the dog up for a perfect shot.

So unless some heartless motherfuckers want to rob you, which chances are they'd rather pick on someone easier, your best bet, better than any alarm system is a dog trained to attack intruders (which is fairly easy when you consider this is their natural instinct anyway, since cave-man days in fact).

Ok, my training methods may not be up to approved spec.'s... but my system works, and i have a loving family pet.
Hey Skunk...I was going thru my Int'l news online and I see that a gorrila went on a rampage in a zoo over there...bit/dragged some woman across the zoo. werent there that day and happened to give that gorilla one of those "special" brownies did you?
Even if you slept with a loaded gun under your pillow (which would be a bit silly!) what you going to do when you wake up to find 4 men standing at the end of your bed in ski masks?
Hey Skunk...I was going thru my Int'l news online and I see that a gorrila went on a rampage in a zoo over there...bit/dragged some woman across the zoo. werent there that day and happened to give that gorilla one of those "special" brownies did you?

I never said anything about getting my dog stoned.
One last thing...a half assed trained guard dog is pretty much a waste. Example....Im a croook...Im wanna break into your home by scaling your fence then breaking a window...but you have your dog thats kinda semi trained for protection back there....Now if that dog isnt thoroughly trained...he'd end up dead. How? Most crooks know how to get around a guard dog. Poison food being the easiest way around him. Only a dog trained (usually taking about 6 months) not to accept food from anyone but YOU could resist a free hunk o' hamburger meat (packed with rat poison). These are the things that a guard dog MUST be trained to understand. Any ole big dog that looks intimidating wont do. And almost no novice would be able to thoroughly train a dog for protection...unless they themselves are trained to train a protection dog. Ok Im done.

How about this alternative Im sure we both could agree on....Buy a protection dog...and pay a paid professional to properly train the dog. Problem solved.
One last thing...a half assed trained guard dog is pretty much a waste. Example....Im a croook...Im wanna break into your home by scaling your fence then breaking a window...but you have your dog thats kinda semi trained for protection back there....Now if that dog isnt thoroughly trained...he'd end up dead. How? Most crooks know how to get around a guard dog. Poison food being the easiest way around him. Only a dog trained (usually taking about 6 months) not to accept food from anyone but YOU could resist a free hunk o' hamburger meat (packed with rat poison). These are the things that a guard dog MUST be trained to understand. Any ole big dog that looks intimidating wont do. And almost no novice would be able to thoroughly train a dog for protection...unless they themselves are trained to train a protection dog. Ok Im done.

lol. you're talking to an ex prolific criminal, about what criminals do? The type of criminals you're talking about (the type that plan things) wouldn't be robbing some small time guy with just one dog with .

Also, this you may not believe, but my dog never accepts food from strangers. Even my friends. He's had old ladies offer him a treat a couple of times and turned his nose away.

Dogs are not just animals, they understand what we require of them... they always have. There were no dog protection trainers back in cave-man days, yet dogs were there doing what they do, guarding the camp. Why they need specialist training for something that is instinctive is beyond me.

what i do with my dog is more like a game, and it's not something you can do very often.
Are you female? It's just that that is exactly what my gf says to me sometimes when she can't find a response to what I've said. Except the lol part.

Come on, it's only a debate.

Do you agree that it is a dog's instinct to protect it's feeder/master? That dogs are also very loyal?

If you agree, then you must also agree that your job is a very easy one indeed. old are you again? I disagree with you and try to end this peacefully....So now Im a girl? (Utter disrespect!) Stick with what you know....cause this aint it!

What you are saying makes little sense...There were no dog protection trainers back in cave-man days, yet dogs were there doing what they do, guarding the camp. Why they need specialist training for something that is instinctive is beyond me.

Going by that line of thinking...Marijauana will naturally grow by itself with no human intervention either...yet you tend to your crop to make sure its as bountiful as possible dont you?

Even if growing still tend to your plants to get the most out of them. Same with a dog.

Why train a dog at all? They should naturally know what you want....going by your thinking. Obedience training/socialization comes natural huh? old are you again? I disagree with you and try to end this peacefully....So now Im a girl? (Utter disrespect!) Stick with what you know....cause this aint it!

What you are saying makes little sense...There were no dog protection trainers back in cave-man days, yet dogs were there doing what they do, guarding the camp. Why they need specialist training for something that is instinctive is beyond me.

Going by that line of thinking...Marijauana will naturally grow by itself with no human intervention either...yet you tend to your crop to make sure its as bountiful as possible dont you?

Even if growing still tend to your plants to get the most out of them. Same with a dog.

Why train a dog at all? They should naturally know what you want....going by your thinking. Obedience training/socialization comes natural huh?

Your a bit of a dick really aren't you
if money isnt a big deal i would get a magnetic door lock. not to hard to install and you can use a key card to open the door. if you are stealthy you could hide the pad that you run your card across behind a wall so no one would ever know its there. just a suggestion but it could be pricey
if money isnt a big deal i would get a magnetic door lock. not to hard to install and you can use a key card to open the door. if you are stealthy you could hide the pad that you run your card across behind a wall so no one would ever know its there. just a suggestion but it could be pricey

Not to be rude, but I'm growing in my closet, with CFL's. Money is kinda a huge deal. Besides, I think a critical point people are forgetting here is that I'm talking about a 22' wide hollow core door. Anyone even halfway motivated to get in could punch a hole right through it. I'm talking about a practical, cost effective solution to keep people who don't know better from opening it on accident. I'm not trying to keep people out who know whats behind the door, thats not practical.
I can't drill any huge holes in the door. No changing of knobs or locks or fingerprint scanners or key cards or RFID or retina scanners or hand print readers or voice activated ANYTHING. I'm talking about dropping a few dollars to keep a guest from looking inside.
So far the best idea (and the only feasible one) was a simple bolt lock locked from the outside using a magnet.
well it was just a suggestion. however it must be said that with the magnetic locks there is still very little drilling involved. the lock goes on the inside of a closet door. if the door is hollow it doesnt matter what kind of lock you put on it as you said. the magnetic lock is not cost effective but it is very effective at keeping people out of where you dont want them plus it has the stealth aspect. sorry i couldnt be of help.
Not to be rude, but I'm growing in my closet, with CFL's. Money is kinda a huge deal. Besides, I think a critical point people are forgetting here is that I'm talking about a 22' wide hollow core door. Anyone even halfway motivated to get in could punch a hole right through it. I'm talking about a practical, cost effective solution to keep people who don't know better from opening it on accident. I'm not trying to keep people out who know whats behind the door, thats not practical.
I can't drill any huge holes in the door. No changing of knobs or locks or fingerprint scanners or key cards or RFID or retina scanners or hand print readers or voice activated ANYTHING. I'm talking about dropping a few dollars to keep a guest from looking inside.
So far the best idea (and the only feasible one) was a simple bolt lock locked from the outside using a magnet.

The people that will rob off you are the ones you least expect. Be careful who you trust. old are you again? I disagree with you and try to end this peacefully....So now Im a girl? (Utter disrespect!) Stick with what you know....cause this aint it!

What you are saying makes little sense...There were no dog protection trainers back in cave-man days, yet dogs were there doing what they do, guarding the camp. Why they need specialist training for something that is instinctive is beyond me.

Going by that line of thinking...Marijauana will naturally grow by itself with no human intervention either...yet you tend to your crop to make sure its as bountiful as possible dont you?

Even if growing still tend to your plants to get the most out of them. Same with a dog.

Why train a dog at all? They should naturally know what you want....going by your thinking. Obedience training/socialization comes natural huh?

No, I wasn't calling you a girl, I asked if you were one. I thought it might be a girl thing, that's all. Obviously you're not.

Of course obedience training and socialisation comes naturally. Just like cannabis would grow freely in the wild. To get the best out of it you may need to tend it (although there are those that would disagree with this strongly), but not much. The same is true of a dog. Your analogy actually works against you in this instance.

As for sticking to what I know, that's what I'm doing. Dogs hhave protected us since caveman days, what specialist training did they receive? None. the reason? Instinct.