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Well I'm confused, because as it is ur making me the centre of yours?
" a distinctive cosmological bias is generated by the character of explanations and justifications that are plausible in each social context"

Asking women to respect themselves in order to ‘earn’ the right to be treated like a human being is total bullshit. But suggesting that you have the right to treat her exactly as you please because she didn’t adhere to your self righteous views of feminine propriety is misogyny, plain and simple.
Asking women to respect themselves in order to ‘earn’ the right to be treated like a human being is total bullshit. But suggesting that you have the right to treat her exactly as you please because she didn’t adhere to your self righteous views of feminine propriety is misogyny, plain and simple.
Don't worry about them. They think treating women disrespectfully and insultingly on the internet is OK. Imagine what their wives and girlfriends cop......well maybe not, not a pretty thought at all.

Its easy to insult people on the internet, takes a certain type to do so to women. Knowing that they wouldn't say the same things in front of the husband or boyfriend without consequence.
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Don't worry about them. They think treating women disrespectfully and insultingly on the internet is OK. Imagine what their wives and girlfriends cop......well maybe not, not a pretty thought at all.

Its easy to insult people on the internet, takes a certain type to do so to women. Knowing that they wouldn't say the same things in front of the husband or boyfriend without consequence.
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