Myco madness


Active Member
By humbolt nutes what ya think?

Myco Madness is a soluble powder which contains
a biologically active package: 9 mycorrhizal species,
15 beneficial bacteria and 2 trichoderma species well-suited
To a variety of media, soil conditions, climates and plants.
Myco Madness contains mycorrhizal fungi that colonize plant
roots and extend the root system into the surrounding media,
greatly enhancing the absorptive surface area of root systems.
Myco Madness can help in forming an essential link between the
plant roots, organic matter and fertilizers of all types.

Myco Madness can help plants improve nutrient and water uptake
for superior plant performance.Humboldt Nutrients employed one of
the leading mycologists in mycorrhizal studies to help in the formulation
Of this yield and quality-enhancing product. Many university studies have
proven the superiority of products created by this mycologist.

Guaranteed Analysis
Bacillus licheniformis…….…372 million cfu/lb
Bacillus azotoformans……372 million cfu/lb
Bacillus megaterium.….372 million cfu/lb
Bacillus coagulans,……372 million cfu/lb
Bacillus pumilis….372 million cfu/lb
Bacillus thuringiensis….372 million cfu/lb
Bacillus stearothermiphillis….372 million cfu/lb
Paenibacillus polymyxa….372 million cfu/lb
Paenibacillus durum……….372 million cfu/lb
Paenibacillus florescence...….372 million cfu/lb
Paenibacillus gordonae…….372 million cfu/lb
Azotobacter polymxa…….372 million cfu/lb
Azotobacter chroococcum.….372 million cfu/lb
Sacchromyces cervisiae….372 million cfu/lb
Pseudomonas aureofaceans.372 million cfu/lb
Glomus intraradices…1,135 propagules per lb
Glomas mosseae……1,135 propagules per lb
Glomas aggregatum……..1,135 propagules per lb
Glomus entunicatum……1,135 propagules per lb
Glomus clarum….1,135 propagules per lb
Glomus deserticola………1,135 propagules per lb
Gigaspora margarita……1,135 propagules per lb
Gigaspora brasilianum…1,135 propagules per lb
Gigaspora monosporum…1,135 propagules per lb
Trichoderma harzianum.150 million propagules per lb
Trichoderma konigii…….150 million propagules per lb

9.5% Humic acids (derived from Leonardite)
5% Alaskan humus, 5% worm castings
3% glucose
Shits dank, just add 1 tsp per gal an ur plants
Will fuckin love you lol. It's the only store bought additive
I run beside the soil I buy. I would mix my own soil but I'm
Pretty fuckin lazy. I do mix my own teas an shot tho!
Do you only need to use this once per plant? I'd guess the soil would just need 1 dose and the myco would colonize it but I'm not sure. I'm gonna order some soon and want to order the right amount. Thanks!
Yes i believe once The myco is colonized it is always in the soil. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I just recently switched things up and went to using Sub's super soil and within the first week of "cooking" I had Myco colonization. I believe the roots potting soil already has it in it.
I use Great White 3 or 4 times during the life of the plant. Factors that can negatively affect the microbes in your soil are chlorine content of your water and chemical nutrients. Another thing you may want to use is molasses as a food for the microbes. Goodl luck.
I use this stuff (and FF Microbe Brew) - but I also use it more than once in a plants life cycle - like 4-5 times - I fade from it in the last 3-4 weeks of bloom. Soil is live and needs help every now and then with Bacteria, Fungi, Enzymes and organic material. Soil is loaded with life and it is an EAT AND BE EATEN world...bacteria and fungi need to be replenished. it is not just NPK. a great book if you want organic farming. "Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web"
mycos are good for your plant roots.

my ideal mix:
activated bio char (optional)
composted leaves
worm poop
rock dust

and a cover crop / living mulch to keep the soil stable and more friendly to roots and the mycos and the microbes and the water absorption.
Unless you do the research and feed those microbes its useless. Each microbe species has its own necessary climate and diet. You cant just flood with microbes and expect success