Well-Known Member
Dunks seem to have not been working as well as a few months ago. I've used them with effect for years. Watering Neem 5hrough seems quite effective if this grower does it every 2 weeks or so. Plants really seem to enjoy it. 1000 Fungus Gnats don't make me sweat like 1 Spider Mite.
I have no experience with the dunks, but have only ever used neem regularly and have sticky traps up. I have found the key with the neem is to spray everyday or every second day for a week. I just spray the top of the soil until it is saturated. That is what has worked for me when they seem to take a hold.
Not watering too much, weekly neem treatments in veg, and keeping things clean have all worked wonders for me.
For anyone having a problem finding neem oil in Canada I found my stockpile at an east indian grocery store. Cheap as hell too lol
Good luck with your gnats. As stated they are noway near as damaging as some pests.