DC Seed Exchange

Another happy customer here.
Ordered 5 Moscas Rage OGK on fri, got tracking info, should have been here tues but received today (thurs), was due to holidays, had me a bit nervous when it said "delayed" on tracking..

Also got 2 Moscas Mix regular freebies, and some cool stickers..

How long is the store supposed to be down? Cheers and happy holidays


Happy Holidays from your friends at the DC Seed Exchange. We would like to wish you and yours all the best this holiday season. We are very grateful for each and every one of you who supported us over the past year, thank you!

As a gift and token of our appreciation to our most loyal newsletter subscribers now through January 1, 2018 kindly use the promo code below to save 10% off your next order (limit one use per customer):


**Kindly note the shop will be closed "for maintenance" from December 20 - 28, 2017. We will be back to normal operating hours starting December 29th. Any donations not settled before the 20th will be sent on the 29th. There will be no local pickups during this time.**
Its back up now am i missing something looks like only change is cabin fever going up in price was hoping for new deals or drops
Lots on the way, the post has been slow, apologies.

Huge drop from Green Work (autos and regs), Digital Genetics drop today, restocks of DVG on the way, last of the PuTang should drop later today, GG#4 is on its way as well...and much more in the days to come!

You are correct CFSB did raise his prices which is out of our control, but use those loyalty points or the promo code above to save duckets.
Here's Green Work Collective's regular photoperiod line-up for 2018...some amazing new crosses! If you like DJ Short and JD Short from Second Generation Genetics then you will find some absolute gems here:
  • APBH ([{Afghani x Purple AK Auto IBL} x F9 Bangi Haze] x DJ Short Blue Heaven)
  • Cindy Hendrix (F4 Yeti x F5 C99)
  • Dream Float (Dream Lotus x DJ Short Flo)
  • FloNex (Cinex x F5 Flo)
  • Gorilla Time ((Gorilla Glue #4 x Clockwork Orange) x Malawi)
  • Krush Rush F1 (Grape Krush x Auto Blueberry)
  • Linux (Cinex x F5 C99 Pineapple)
  • Malberry Redux (F5 Blueberry x Malawi)
  • Mandarin Marmalade F1 (F4 Apollo 11 x Malawi)
  • OG Malawi (Florida Gold x Malawi)
  • Rainbow Trip (Rosaberry x Malawi)
  • Silver Heaven F1 (Super Silver Haze x DJ Short Blue Heaven)
  • Spaced Flaw (Space Dawg x F5 Flo)
  • Supafly (Super Silver Haze x F5 Flo)
  • Wake and Bake F1 (Malawi x F5 Flo)
Uploading and updating his 2018 Auto lineup now...
@bigworm6969 has been busy! Check out his Spring 2018 lineup below:
  • 97 Blue Moonshine x Purple Northern Lights #5 F3
  • Alien Tarantula F2 (Tarantula x Alien Tech)
  • Blue Chips ([97 Blue Moonshine x Purple Northern Lights #5] x Chernobyl)
  • Bravery (Luke the Brave x Buckeye Purple)
  • Calypso (Purple Voodoo F4 x Buckeye Purple)
  • Double Purple Kush (Kosher Kush x Double Purple Doja)
  • Killer Kimbo (Blue Kimbo x Buckeye Purple)
  • Primal Fear (Prime Crystal x Buckeye Purple)
  • Prime Crystal F2 (Crystal Blue x Optimus Prime)
  • Prime Knockout (Blue Kimbo x Prime Crystal)
  • Purple Cream (Black Cherry Cream x Buckeye Purple)
  • Purple Crystal Dojo (Triple Purple Doja x Prime Crystal)
  • Purple Kosher (Kosher Kush x Buckeye Purple)
  • Purple Stomper (Grape Stomper x Buckeye Purple)
  • Purple Voodoo F5 (Double Purple Doja x (Purple Urkel x Purple Diesel))
  • Superstitious x Buckeye Purple