Best Raw Silica Options for Organic Soil


Well-Known Member
Hey any suggestions on which silica brand to use for the sole purpose of raising pH? The pH of my water after adding nutes (organic plant food, molasses, aloe vera, etc.) ends up being around 4.8-5.0.

I was looking to use silica to raise the pH slightly above 6.0 and of course reep the benefits of using silica. So kill two birds with one stone - raise pH and strengthen plant.

Any ideas on which to buy? Is this one any good: ???

ON the instructions that I have read, most of them state to add the silica before the nutes to avoid precipitation. But my sole purpose of using silica is to help raise the pH after I have added my nutes to the water. So im starting out around 7.8-8.0pH after boiling tap water. I figure I can add the silica first assuming it will raise the pH, then add the nutes, which would in turn lower the pH. Hoping it settles around that 6.0pH mark...
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It's simple. Make a batch of your regular nutrients then at the end measure how much silica it takes to raise your pH to the correct level. Next time you make the same batch add that amount of silica first. Silica needs to be added first so that it doesn't lock out other nutrients in your mix. Best of luck.
It's simple. Make a batch of your regular nutrients then at the end measure how much silica it takes to raise your pH to the correct level. Next time you make the same batch add that amount of silica first. Silica needs to be added first so that it doesn't lock out other nutrients in your mix. Best of luck.
yep exactly what i was thinking of doing. Great point and follow-up. Thanks much for confirming. Greatly appreciate it.

Now I read somewhere that I i am growing organically and use silica its not really growing organically. Is this true?
yep exactly what i was thinking of doing. Great point and follow-up. Thanks much for confirming. Greatly appreciate it.

Now I read somewhere that I i am growing organically and use silica its not really growing organically. Is this true?

I use a blend of salts and organics so I can't really answer that question.I would think that it would just be a matter of what source your silica was derived from.
I use a blend of salts and organics so I can't really answer that question.I would think that it would just be a matter of what source your silica was derived from.
makes sense...have you ever heard of this or used this:
Earth Juice Godsilica, 1 Quart - I know EJ professes they are mostly organic in nature...
Never used it....
I do use Earth Juice Catalyst though. Good stuff.

yea i heard that is some awesome stuff. I wonder if its worth getting this and using it in conjunction with the coast of maine organic plant food I use or if its overkill to use both...

@HookahsGarden - What do you use Earth Juice Catalyst for exactly? What is your end goal by using it?
Stonington Plant Food 5-2-4 – Coast of Maine Organic Products

Also if you had to pick one which would you pick: EJ Natural Up or Raw Silica or baking soda (id prefer not to use baking soda as you know the ill effects and no benefits for the soil).
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yea i heard that is some awesome stuff. I wonder if its worth getting this and using it in conjunction with the coast of maine organic plant food I use or if its overkill to use both...

@HookahsGarden - What do you use Earth Juice Catalyst for exactly? What is your end goal by using it?
Stonington Plant Food 5-2-4 – Coast of Maine Organic Products

Also if you had to pick one which would you pick: EJ Natural Up or Raw Silica or baking soda (id prefer not to use baking soda as you know the ill effects and no benefits for the soil).
I use the Earth Juice catalyst to feed my microbial herd.

I would go with the EJ natural up. Because you can overdo it on silica.

Best of luck.
Never used it....
I do use Earth Juice Catalyst though. Good stuff.
@HookahsGarden - 1 more for you (sorry about the many) -
I use the Earth Juice catalyst to feed my microbial herd.

I would go with the EJ natural up. Because you can overdo it on silica.

Best of luck.
Thanks much. That is what I was reading as well that it can be overdone. I will get the EJ natural up. Thats kind of the way I was leaning anyways...
Hey any suggestions on which silica brand to use for the sole purpose of raising pH? The pH of my water after adding nutes (organic plant food, molasses, aloe vera, etc.) ends up being around 4.8-5.0.

I was looking to use silica to raise the pH slightly above 6.0 and of course reep the benefits of using silica. So kill two birds with one stone - raise pH and strengthen plant.

Any ideas on which to buy? Is this one any good: ???

ON the instructions that I have read, most of them state to add the silica before the nutes to avoid precipitation. But my sole purpose of using silica is to help raise the pH after I have added my nutes to the water. So im starting out around 7.8-8.0pH after boiling tap water. I figure I can add the silica first assuming it will raise the pH, then add the nutes, which would in turn lower the pH. Hoping it settles around that 6.0pH mark...
Rock dusts and sharp sand have silica.
Wot the 'ell? ^^

It took all my spacings and paragraphs and ran it all together into a wall of text. Went to edit and the edit showed the spacings and such and it still came out in a clump.

Wot the 'ell? ^^

It took all my spacings and paragraphs and ran it all together into a wall of text. Went to edit and the edit showed the spacings and such and it still came out in a clump.

Lol all good I was able to follow along. Great info.
all silica is organic, it doesn't matter what you use. If you want a good deal buy the powder on buildasoil and make your own bottle's of protekt.

things that break down over time will not raise your ph like you are asking.
I just add diatomaceous earth to the soil as an amendment when I recycle spent root balls. It is a good source of natural silica but takes awhile to break down. Also a sprinkle of DE on top works well to deter gnats; haven't seen one around here in years..
DE will not affect ph; add dolomite lime for that. Ph is regulated by the soil mix itself in an organic grow not the water.