Anyone successfully clone an autoflower?


Well-Known Member
Good evening all! Not sure if im putting this in the correct section (because i dont think im even close to being in the advanced growing section) but has anyone successfully cloned an autoflower? I bought some Mephisto Genetics - Auto Blues (x3), which is a sister to U.K. Exodus cheese and was crossed with Purple Indica. Haven't really found much on the strain (smoke report wise), but from what a few websites describe, its sounds pretty dank. I want to keep a rotation going (of autoflowers) after my first grow and was thinking about cloning. Have you had any success doing so with autoflowers? Will they remain autoflowers if it is successful? Unfortunately Fire/Rescue doesn't pay well so i cant keep paying for seeds but every once and great while lol

The timing of collecting the cutting would have to be near perfect, and at best you would only achieve 70-80% of the growth of the parent plant.
@chris42393 if you want it you will need to get colloidal silver (either purchase or make) and begin spraying the plant daily around week 2 or 3 (or about a week before flowering begins, if you know when that will be). continue spraying daily until you see male pollen sacs forming. once they develop and you are able to collect some pollen you can use that to either pollinate the same plant, or another plant. it will create all female seeds, and if you pollinate another auto they will be all auto seeds as well.

a self pollinated plant will have the same variability as the original plant, so if it's stable genetics chances are the seeds will be quite similar to the parent.
@chris42393 if you want it you will need to get colloidal silver (either purchase or make) and begin spraying the plant daily around week 2 or 3 (or about a week before flowering begins, if you know when that will be). continue spraying daily until you see male pollen sacs forming. once they develop and you are able to collect some pollen you can use that to either pollinate the same plant, or another plant. it will create all female seeds, and if you pollinate another auto they will be all auto seeds as well.

a self pollinated plant will have the same variability as the original plant, so if it's stable genetics chances are the seeds will be quite similar to the parent.
If you want a constant supply of auto seeds, make your own with colloidal silver.

Edit. @legalcanada beat me to it
Thank you very much for the reply! Ill definitely look into that! That would be awesome to have! That would save me a butt load of money lol +1 Appreciate it :)
Thank man :)
it's very easy to make your own colloidal silver. everywhere will tell you you must user pure 999 silver but that is only if you plan on drinking it. for making seeds, cheap 925 silver will work well enough. i purchased sterling silver wire from a craft store, three 9v batteries and some alligator clips from home depot, and that's everything i need for under $20. very easy to make the silver. but you need to make sure you begin spraying it ~a week before flower otherwise it will add a lot of extra time forcing it to revert from female back to male and you may not have enough time to pollinate the same plant, or you will need to let it run a few extra weeks to let the seeds mature. or you could start a 2nd plant a week or 2 after the pollen donor plant.

just don't smoke the bud that was sprayed with silver
You can also use a Silver Nitrate & Sodium Thiosulfate Mixture to create pollen. This is the solution I use because you only have to spray a couple of times. You spray once and then again in a couple weeks.
This thread has some information on using it. I have a post a few posts in with a picture of the results.

You would definitely be better off making pollen from and auto and pollinating another one to make seeds than trying to clone an auto. Plus if you had to stop growing for some reason you would have seeds to start up again. If you do go that route you would want to get the plant you're going to collect pollen from started before the plant to be pollinated. That's to ensure that you have pollen ready when the other plant is ready to be pollinated. Pollen can be stored for at least a couple months if done correctly. A single pollinated branch can produce hundreds of seeds. So it would definitely save you money.
Good luck with whatever direction you go.
the problem with cloning an auto is not the cloning bit, but rather the fact that auto's, by nature, flower by age, so there's no real veg state to them..
so what's all of that mean.. by the time an auto gets to an age, and size, where you can cut clones from it, it's either flowering, or very close to flowering, so the clone you cut from it will also be the same age as the parent, meaning, that by the time you get a clone to root, it'll be well in the flowering stage, meaning that your not going to be harvesting much since she never really had a chance to veg to a decent size..
it's very easy to make your own colloidal silver. everywhere will tell you you must user pure 999 silver but that is only if you plan on drinking it. for making seeds, cheap 925 silver will work well enough. i purchased sterling silver wire from a craft store, three 9v batteries and some alligator clips from home depot, and that's everything i need for under $20. very easy to make the silver. but you need to make sure you begin spraying it ~a week before flower otherwise it will add a lot of extra time forcing it to revert from female back to male and you may not have enough time to pollinate the same plant, or you will need to let it run a few extra weeks to let the seeds mature. or you could start a 2nd plant a week or 2 after the pollen donor plant.

just don't smoke the bud that was sprayed with silver
You can also use a Silver Nitrate & Sodium Thiosulfate Mixture to create pollen. This is the solution I use because you only have to spray a couple of times. You spray once and then again in a couple weeks.
This thread has some information on using it. I have a post a few posts in with a picture of the results.

You would definitely be better off making pollen from and auto and pollinating another one to make seeds than trying to clone an auto. Plus if you had to stop growing for some reason you would have seeds to start up again. If you do go that route you would want to get the plant you're going to collect pollen from started before the plant to be pollinated. That's to ensure that you have pollen ready when the other plant is ready to be pollinated. Pollen can be stored for at least a couple months if done correctly. A single pollinated branch can produce hundreds of seeds. So it would definitely save you money.
Good luck with whatever direction you go.
the problem with cloning an auto is not the cloning bit, but rather the fact that auto's, by nature, flower by age, so there's no real veg state to them..
so what's all of that mean.. by the time an auto gets to an age, and size, where you can cut clones from it, it's either flowering, or very close to flowering, so the clone you cut from it will also be the same age as the parent, meaning, that by the time you get a clone to root, it'll be well in the flowering stage, meaning that your not going to be harvesting much since she never really had a chance to veg to a decent size..
Thanks for the replies! Definitely appreciate it! 20$ isnt bad at all, very do able :) xtsho, thank you! ill give that way a look see too and Ty for the other link, it was good! Racerboy, i totally understand now, thank you!
Thanks for the replies! Definitely appreciate it! 20$ isnt bad at all, very do able :) xtsho, thank you! ill give that way a look see too and Ty for the other link, it was good! Racerboy, i totally understand now, thank you!
You can also use gibberellic Acid (GA3) to make your female autos grow pollen sacks. You can buy it on amazon.
Good evening all! Not sure if im putting this in the correct section (because i dont think im even close to being in the advanced growing section) but has anyone successfully cloned an autoflower? I bought some Mephisto Genetics - Auto Blues (x3), which is a sister to U.K. Exodus cheese and was crossed with Purple Indica. Haven't really found much on the strain (smoke report wise), but from what a few websites describe, its sounds pretty dank. I want to keep a rotation going (of autoflowers) after my first grow and was thinking about cloning. Have you had any success doing so with autoflowers? Will they remain autoflowers if it is successful? Unfortunately Fire/Rescue doesn't pay well so i cant keep paying for seeds but every once and great while lol

Thanks!i have had luck cloning dr greenthumbs iraian auto, just gotta find the right one