Upsizing to 10x10


Well-Known Member
So its time to retire the 5x9 space and upsize.

I have a 10x10 basement room and inside of that i plan to light up an 8x8 area, with 2x1000w HIDs and 4x310w COB bars (Tasty's T4-2100s). Be nice to have a little bit of space to work and move around.

Part of me is thinking seal it up and get on the CO2 program. But i dunno...

Anyway... plan to aircool the HID hoods. And not sure how to cool the room, which is where i need some help/suggestions.

I had my 5x9 space dialled in quite nicely with aircooled hoods and a 12k btu window a/c.... but i doubt that set up will work in 10x10... the ac would likely have to work too hard.
That AC unit won't keep up with the streetlights but it will handle the rest nicely. Keep buying Tasty's lights and you won't need the heat lamps at all and the AC unit should manage through the winter at least. Put the heat it sheds to good use in your house if you can.

If you use cold outside air to cool the bulbs, you'll likely have condensation problems and your lamps won't run at their design operating temperature, which will result in degraded spectrum and reduced light output.

Honestly, I'd give the big streetlights the heave ho and increase your gardening space with LED lighting as you can afford it. I'm not sure how well the two will play together; HID wants cooler air temperatures than LED, leaving you stuck trying to split the difference and compromising.

A smaller sealed room with better environmental control- especially with CO2- will be more likely to give you better results than throwing watts at the problem.
That AC unit won't keep up with the streetlights but it will handle the rest nicely. Keep buying Tasty's lights and you won't need the heat lamps at all and the AC unit should manage through the winter at least. Put the heat it sheds to good use in your house if you can.

If you use cold outside air to cool the bulbs, you'll likely have condensation problems and your lamps won't run at their design operating temperature, which will result in degraded spectrum and reduced light output.

Honestly, I'd give the big streetlights the heave ho and increase your gardening space with LED lighting as you can afford it. I'm not sure how well the two will play together; HID wants cooler air temperatures than LED, leaving you stuck trying to split the difference and compromising.

A smaller sealed room with better environmental control- especially with CO2- will be more likely to give you better results than throwing watts at the problem.

Hahahahah..... pretty much.

I just use the basement ambient air to cool the lights so no condensation probs at the moment. Not sure that would work well in a bigger space. Anyway, i cant afford to make the jump to more COB yet. Got to hold on to my cash right know (you have a pretty good idea why and ill be emailing you about that later). Plus, i never did get dialled on when i was just running the cobs alone in the 5x9 space. So i went back to my old streetlights to rebuild my confidence for now.

Then i figured they might work well together.... and then i could ease over to cob only.

That was the logic anyway.
Interesting logic and you know your situation better than I. I'll follow along and we'll both learn something!

Yes, streetlights. Most have forgotten that 400W, 600W and 1000W single ended HPS lamps were originally designed as traffic illumination.
Skip the COBs, and reduce size to 7x7. In three years, build COBs that are 50% more powerful, at half the cost, then expand garden.
Skip the COBs, and reduce size to 7x7. In three years, build COBs that are 50% more powerful, at half the cost, then expand garden.
Skip the COBs, and reduce size to 7x7. In three years, build COBs that are 50% more powerful, at half the cost, then expand garden.
So its time to retire the 5x9 space and upsize.

I have a 10x10 basement room and inside of that i plan to light up an 8x8 area, with 2x1000w HIDs and 4x310w COB bars (Tasty's T4-2100s). Be nice to have a little bit of space to work and move around.

Part of me is thinking seal it up and get on the CO2 program. But i dunno...

Anyway... plan to aircool the HID hoods. And not sure how to cool the room, which is where i need some help/suggestions.

I had my 5x9 space dialled in quite nicely with aircooled hoods and a 12k btu window a/c.... but i doubt that set up will work in 10x10... the ac would likely have to work too hard.
Just do like me and use Led and sup lighting.stove box for veg,under stair flower,i have a inline fan with speed control for exhaust, for summer time , that's it works fine me.


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I was posting this just to show people here that you don't need the big lights,exp in small areas,what your talking about doing your going to need to get rid of a lot of heat.but to each his own,your trying to be on some commercial shit cool,,I live in Detroit and the summer can get hot so I keep it simple good luck doe
Plus in basement growing mold can be your enemy if you want to go big in the basement you would be better off using LEDs because what your talking about doing is to much hot light you will fuck around and fry ,and pay to much on electrical,unless you got Money to burn no pun
I imagine a mini split is in your future but I know fuck all about them
Good luck with the upgrade though. I'm envious, I'm in the opposite situation. Scaling down in 2 harvests! :(
Mold is only a problem if you let it be a problem. Having said that, i live in a very dry, cold part of the planet... so heat/mold are easily controllable.

I do see a mini split in my future if i upgrade.
Mold is only a problem if you let it be a problem. Having said that, i live in a very dry, cold part of the planet... so heat/mold are easily controllable.

I do see a mini split in my future if i upgrade.
Get a bunch of HID lights and a mini split and your golden.
Get a bunch of HID lights and a mini split and your golden.
Well...i wont spend any more cash on HID. Thats antiquated tech. Itll be more cob or quantum boards. Just have to figure out the cobs first. Lol

But that too will be down the road. Right now i have to work with what i have... see if i can combine the hid and cobs...
You good then , .I also do a little outdoor Barrell grow.they can't wait to get out.


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