2017 After Harvest BBQ Sat/Sun Dec 9-10

Hey, we need details, campers.

How many made it, tell us about the food, how were the 'edibles', bud reports, who fell down and forgot to get back up, who went comatose in their chair by the fire??
The BBQ rocked as always.
30-40 people total.
Buds were a 10
Dabs were a 10
Edibles were a 10
Food was a 9.5 (no tamales this year)
We lost "east coast" (jimmybuffet246) for a bit, but he came back around in the "late innings" to have a good time. Good to see the east coasters come west and see how is Cali boys (and @fumble ) do it.
See you in April.
He got up at 6am to help me put the pig on the fire. He was "Potfaced" on dabs by 8:30....lol
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