Pistils turning brown week 3

Ok, theres a couple things I want to address in this post:

1. You're using too many bottles of "stuff" that you really dont need. Ever hear of the K.I.S.S. method? (Keep It Simple Stoner)
You have everything in there but spaghetti sauce. Get rid of all the "bloom boosters" (first 3 you listed) along with the GH Armor silica & Mammoth P and just run your basic AN 3 part with the cal/mag since you are under led's.

2.Yes, you overused it and in a way that it isnt really meant to be used. Feed it by feeding the roots, not the foliage.
Also, you need to somewhat adhere to the directions on the bottles of the AN feed because they are there for a reason. Keep in mind the amounts of feed they recommend per gallon of water is for plants at optimal & peak growing.
Its too early for bloom boosters and there is no need for 4 different bloom enhancers on top of your 3 part. For the average grower, 1 bloom enhancer is overkill outside of their 3 part. If you do use it, its in the last weeks of flower.
As for feeding I would recommend using half of the amount the directions state to use of each per gallon. With the cal/mag I would suggest using 3ml per gallon.


As for their size, I think as you gain more experience and learn a bit more about how plants feed you will see a greater increase in the size of your buds and the quality you get from them. There were some mistakes made during this grow and your crop will reflect this, but thats how we learn.

Thank you so much for this reply I appreciate it,

So look at this picture below, you can see most of the pistils are brown,

Do you think if i stop foliar and just maintain AN nutes and cut down the strength as you recommended.

This plant will recover and form budd?

I mean every single budd sight looks like this.


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Usually at about 6 weeks is when they really swell, and blow up in size. They look good.

From the pics above, if you look at second last picture thats the one i an more concerned about.

Heres a picture of her from last Sunday when defoliated her.


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You can see in the picture above, the pistils were still white,

So i guess the two foliars i did back to back really fucked everything up
Weeks 3-5 2mil/gal. All you need to add along with regular Nutes.
Weeks 3-5 2mil/gal. All you need to add along with regular Nutes.

He really shouldn't be adding anything else right now other than his 3 part and cal/mag. If you read the thread, you will see he was already using a heap of stuff he had no idea what he was doing with, how to use it, or when he should be using it.
He really shouldn't be adding anything else right now other than his 3 part and cal/mag. If you read the thread, you will see he was already using a heap of stuff he had no idea what he was doing with, how to use it, or when he should be using it.
He also asked what to do instead of Foliar Feeding. I do read the threads B4 responding.
He also asked what to do instead of Foliar Feeding. I do read the threads B4 responding.

That means you read the part about him using 4 seperate boosters and me trying to convince him otherwise... and yet you offered up another p-k booster to use? And in wks 3-5? Hes looking to get his buds to size up (which he mentioned in previous posts), not mature early. A 0-10-10 boost in wks 3-5 will speed up the blooming process & potentially tox used along side his 3 part creating a lockout if not used correctly. I've gained the impression the OP is relatively new at this is why I urged him to Keep It Simple Stoner. He thought foliar feeding in flower was a good idea. Since its not, nothing is warranted to replace this action.
That means you read the part about him using 4 seperate boosters and me trying to convince him otherwise... and yet you offered up another p-k booster to use? And in wks 3-5? Hes looking to get his buds to size up (which he mentioned in previous posts), not mature early. A 0-10-10 boost in wks 3-5 will speed up the blooming process & potentially tox used along side his 3 part creating a lockout if not used correctly. I've gained the impression the OP is relatively new at this is why I urged him to Keep It Simple Stoner. He thought foliar feeding in flower was a good idea. Since its not, nothing is warranted to replace this action.
Guess you missed where I stated "The ONLY " Along with his three part. That would mean Instead of the 4 he's using now... I grow Lucas. Calm down.
I mean as i said above, i wont foliar feed anything for atleast a week or two to see if anything improves,

After that then maybe see where we at, but if you guys are telling me i shouldn't so i wont
If you want moldy buds full of bud rot that taste awful, spray them. Anything you spray on them will stay on them. If you want healthy clean buds, never spray anything on them at all, not even clean water.
I just looked up that foliar essence, they don't recommend spraying on buds. Only using it up to the first or second week of flowering, which is before the buds start to form. Foliae didn't say anything about foliar feeding during flowering that I could find. Snow storm was the only one that said to use it all the time, and I would highly disagree with that crap.

As I said once before, quit listening to miracle voodoo crap that say they can miraculously make your buds bigger/faster. You are just wasting a lot of money on unnecessary crap that does nothing.
There is so much hype and over-exaggerated claims regarding "miracle"plant boosting sprays. 95% of it is all bullshit. I stand with hydrored, don't keep wasting your money on all these bs products. Unless you do a true side by side comparison- one a control batch, and a trial batch with the exact same everything you'll never know if any of that stuff really worked anyhow. I've been growing indoors for ~20+ years. Over that time, very few foliage products truly deliver the performance they promise. And more often than not, do more harm than good.