experimental mushroom substrate grows

Ive been researching and this is what ive desided on. Brf cake with gypsom birthed to bulk with cow manure, gypson coffee mineral water, kelp meal, verm, soy meal and flax seed oil. Seems to almost be the perfect sub.
I just made two shoe box mini monos using pasteurized compost and brf and vermiculite as the sub and I used broken up brf cakes as spawn.. and I used an aluminium baking tray of rabbit poo, brf and verm, spawned with crack corn..
I've been planting my used cakes( still good) in my palm tree planter and in with my kiwi.. I also placed face down my used prints in hopes they will transfer to the soil and grow ... I'm curious to see what if anything happens.

compost and vermiculite mixed about 50/50.. the compost is a mix of worm dirt rabbit and chicken poo , grass clippings,multched leaves,
two days mycilium growth after spawning with corn.. the myci. seems to like this sub.
ive expieremented with shroom cultivation before, if you want to go bulk, then i would google Damiens Elementary Coir Tek, Never grew fond of Cultivating since so little people like them,
trying something different ,slightly .
I normally use crack corn , dont know why but I have less problems with it verses whole corn(pop corn) .anyway I hydrated the pop corn in coffee 1124172104.jpg
when I use just crack corn my colonization times are around two weeks, when I use brf and verm it's around three weeks.
as long as these don't contam on me or slime out on me I'm hoping the colonizing time is shorted down to a week and a half..
we'll see..
ive expieremented with shroom cultivation before, if you want to go bulk, then i would google Damiens Elementary Coir Tek, Never grew fond of Cultivating since so little people like them,
I've seen that tek and was considering it.. I'm not growing for sales .. just a winter time project, I have the basics down so I'm expirementing with different subs.. basically using what I have on hand or made for my gardens..
I don't see to many shroom growers venturing away from proven teks . so it's what's inspiring me to try different things. I'm sure most of the things I'll try will fail, but I'm hoping I can stumble across something that will change everything and will make growing much easier and high large yields for beginners and have close to 100% success rates ..
thanks for the tip on the tek much appreciated ..
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I've seen that tek and was considering it.. I'm not growing for sales .. just a winter time project, I have the basics down so I'm expirementing with different subs.. basically using what I have on hand or made for my gardens..
I don't see to many shroom growers venturing away from proven teks . so it's what's inspiring me to try different things. I'm sure most of the things I'll try will fail, but I'm hoping I can stumble across something that will change everything and will make growing much easier and high large yields for beginners and have close to 100% success rates ..
thanks for the tip on the tek much appreciated ..
Yea i love to experiment its always good to do new things
I'm doing a side by side with these to see if casing cubes really produces more or not.. so far it seem uncased produces better. we'll see in time..
im itchin to take a go at some horse oats and knock those up with syringes and put em in coir in unmodified tubs after i get a pressure cooker and get that involved ..

i made me some hairy buffalo and golden teacher prints

next im gonna hit up some pre made jars and bags with some syringes i need to use up ..

I got nepal/chitwan , B+ , and burma

i like to micro dose ..

from what i've read most cubensis are the same ??
im itchin to take a go at some horse oats and knock those up with syringes and put em in coir in unmodified tubs after i get a pressure cooker and get that involved ..

i made me some hairy buffalo and golden teacher prints

next im gonna hit up some pre made jars and bags with some syringes i need to use up ..

I got nepal/chitwan , B+ , and burma

i like to micro dose ..

from what i've read most cubensis are the same ??
I'm not sure if they're the same or not.. some people I know say there's some differences , I can't speak on it personally because all I've grown so far is the Thai - koh samui super strain, I believe it's also called T2 or ksss.
I'm really thinking on getting some b+ or PF's. and I'm deffenatly considering some p. cyanescens in the near future.