Would a 20 Watt CFL be enough for one plant?


Active Member
Man...your with your parents....your going to have an odor control problem later on.
Yeah, I considered that. But the thing is I have an animal cage a few feet away from the closet and it always smells absolutely horrible - if the stench of animal urine and feces festering for a week or two can't cover up the stench of cannabis, then nothing will.

I would go outside with it if I was you.
I did plant one on the side of the house behind a few other plants, but marijuana is marijuana, not that hard to spot and say "Hey, what the hell?". My mom is cool with me smoking, so maybe she won't be pissed about growing? I'll just have to take the risk and see how things go.

Id say best thing to get is a grow light, which you can get for ten bucks at any garden store.
What kind of grow light do you recommend? A single 60 watt grow light will get a plant how far, through vegging at least, right?

I've also got to consider I have two other plants that haven't sprouted yet, and I can't all give them the same light. I would just toss them out once my current one is growing fine, but if it turns out to be male, I'd be pissed.


Active Member
High wattage cfl's if your on a budget.
That would be something like 75-100W+, correct? And would that be a single CFL of that wattage or more than one to get me through maturing the plant? I should probably just come out and tell my parents so this would be a whole lot easier. Maybe the gardener in them will show some sympathy, eh? :mrgreen:

And another two questions, I have 3 germinated seeds left over just sitting in the jar. Any way to store them, or will they die soon if not planted? And also I have heard that 16/8 is preferred for the first two weeks after sprouting, but I started 24/0 yesterday. Should I keep it at 24/0 or change to 16/8 for 2 weeks?


Well-Known Member
if you havent read it already check this thread out

for every watt you use its about 10-20c per grow, based on 6wks 18/6 and 9wks 12/12 at 7-15c/kwh.

16/8 18/6 20/4 doesnt really matter, pick one and stick to it untill flowering.
some ppl use 24/0 for a few weeks then switch to 18/6, others just use 18/6 from the start untill flowering. mines only 2wks into flowering and its on 10.5hr days outside, it vegged with less than 12hrs/day.


New Member
if you havent read it already check this thread out

for every watt you use its about 10-20c per grow, based on 6wks 18/6 and 9wks 12/12 at 7-15c/kwh.

16/8 18/6 20/4 doesnt really matter, pick one and stick to it untill flowering.
some ppl use 24/0 for a few weeks then switch to 18/6, others just use 18/6 from the start untill flowering. mines only 2wks into flowering and its on 10.5hr days outside, it vegged with less than 12hrs/day.
Of course it matters what lighting schedule you pick. The 16/8 cycle should not even be a consideration. Your outside plant will grow differently to indoor ones. If you try and veg' a plant indoors with less than 12 hours light you're asking for a whole heap of problems. Outdoor plants have the power of the sun, indoor plants get a lightbulb.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Just go buy a used 400 watt hps light from ebay or something.They are reasonable I pick up new light all the time for under 50 bucks. A 105 watt or 250 watt grow cfl will cost $100-185 bucks.And clean what ever animal cage you have in your room as thats just disgusting


New Member
Animal cage? in your room?

What kind of animals you got that they need to be kept in a cage?

I have a friend that keeps gerbils or something, they make me fucking sick. Dirty little bastards.


Well-Known Member
these should be simple questions.

If it "really" matters what light schedule you use then what is the "correct" schedule to use?

why should a 16/8 schedule not even be a consideration?

what are the whole heap of problems youd be asking for if you were to veg with less than 12hrs of light?


New Member
To my mind the correct schedule to use is 24 hours light in veg' for the main. Although a week here or there with 20 hours to save money/let equipment cool etc is fine.

Now, we're talking indoors here and you can't see any problems arising from vegging with less than 12 hours light?


New Member
OK, I'll tell you.

There's a good chance the plants will still grow although they will be very, very tiny. A plant takes roughly two months before it begins flowering, no matter how much light it gets, although I imagine if the amount is too low they will just die.

Even if you gave them 12 hours through veg' stage they would grow, but like I said the plants wouldn't even be worth growing.

You want a heap of problems? How about... no heap of bud?

So, do you still think it's ok to give a plant as little light as you please?

More light=more bud. fact. This doesn't just mean more wattage, this also applies to length of time the lights are on.


New Member
I asked a man called jorges cervantes... now let's hear the correct information from you.

What happens if you veg for less than 12 hours?


New Member
Here's what i found when running a search on google.

All You Need to Grow

Oops! Wrong Light Schedule
I’m growing six indoor clones with a good set-up (proper lights, ventilation, fans and soil), but I mistakenly grew them on a 12/12-hour light pattern since the start. Now the plants are very short, with few leaves, but they are starting to show flowers and white pistils. Can I put my clones through 24 hours of light so they can return to the vegetative stage to grow bigger, then switch back to 12/12 to get good-sized buds, like I should have done from the start?
PS: It’s been two months.
Rabid Child

Dear Rabid,
Yes, you can make your plants return to vegetative growth, but it will take a while and will definitely stress them out. They have had 12 hours of light for the first two months. Normally, plants will start to flower about two months after they germinate. Your plants are at this point. Since they were grown from seed, they passed through the seedling and vegetative-growth stages even though they received 12 hours of light and 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness.

Genetically, most plants are programmed to flower after they have gone through the seedling and vegetative-growth stages. When the nights are long and the days are short, this function is basically automatic.

Since your plants just started to flower, and since they are at the proper chronological age to do so, turning the lights to 24 hours now should induce vegetative growth in a month or less. The growth will be strange at first—that is, the leaves will produce one blade, then three blades a few weeks later, and finally progress to five or seven blades. The stem will also be a bit gnarly near the base.

Within a month or two, the plants will be 12 to 18 inches tall. Induce flowering with the 12/12 day/night light schedule at that point.
The plants will have suffered a lot of stress, and they could easily become a target for pests and diseases. If you have more seeds, start them now as an insurance policy against any mishaps with your current crop.


Well-Known Member
a few things to consider:
i have made no claims that cannot be substantiated and i have never claimed to know the answers to those questions, whereas you have.

"What happens if you veg for less than 12 hours?"
assuming you mean 12hrs/day, then the plant is likely to grow at a slower rate than if you were to use an increased lighting period. the reason for this is beacause the plant uses a process called photosynthesis to grow and photosynthesis requires light to work. so with less light the plant grows less than it would have if it had more light.
it is also likely to go into flowering earlier than a plant of the same age growing with a longer lighting period. the reason for this is because the plant is usually triggered to flower by the shorter days in nature and once mature enough it will flower with 12 or less hours of light. since the plant is already at less than 12hrs of light the plant will start to flower as soon as its ready to, as opposed to the plant growing with more than 12hrs of light which will usually only flower when the light is reduced to 12hrs or less.

your turn.


New Member
a few things to consider:
i have made no claims that cannot be substantiated and i have never claimed to know the answers to those questions, whereas you have.

"What happens if you veg for less than 12 hours?"
assuming you mean 12hrs/day, then the plant is likely to grow at a slower rate than if you were to use an increased lighting period. the reason for this is beacause the plant uses a process called photosynthesis to grow and photosynthesis requires light to work. so with less light the plant grows less than it would have if it had more light.
it is also likely to go into flowering earlier than a plant of the same age growing with a longer lighting period. the reason for this is because the plant is usually triggered to flower by the shorter days in nature and once mature enough it will flower with 12 or less hours of light. since the plant is already at less than 12hrs of light the plant will start to flower as soon as its ready to, as opposed to the plant growing with more than 12hrs of light which will usually only flower when the light is reduced to 12hrs or less.

your turn.
This is what I said. You asked me what the problems are from vegging with under 12 hours light. I gave you this answer (only far less long-winded, even backed it up with a cut n paste). How is it my turn when you have just repeated my answer back to me?

The plant being vegged already at 12 hours light will flower after aprox. 2 months. This is the standard maturity time. Although it will be extremely small.

I already gave you the answer that you repeated to me.

fact is, lighting times are important. There are many debates on the 24/0 v 18/6 schedules in veg'. Although both sides firmly agree that a 16/8 is not good enough. Any less and you're asking for a shit grow. This was my point in the first place... how can you argue with me when you feel the same way?


Elite Rolling Society
Hey, man, listen to posters here who have grow galleries and have posted over 200 times. STRANGERS and Newbies will tell you anything and haven't ever even grown pot.
Normally, you grow pot outdoors, and they get ABOUT an average of 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. AND that normally takes from April or May until Sept or October, an average of 6 months.
IF you going to grow inside, and be able to control the light, then you want to do it in 3 months? or 6 months? Start with 24/7, lights on 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week and stay on 24/7 until you are ready to start the FLOWERING or BUDDING process, AND THEN go to 12/12.


Active Member


Well-Known Member
I don't know? But I'm using one 105 watt cool white cfl for one plant in a small space and she is doing fine in veg at the moment. I intend to fit another two in there, I have a good shade and the space is lined with a silver survival blanket which helps max the down light.:blsmoke: