lol nah! The problematic crew were looking bit better at lights on tday. Made some changes...upped humidity with a bin full of water and a towel... which actually worked! also flushed em with 0.6ec including some added Mag...fingers crossed (:
Good news. We'll turn you into a grower yet :D (Yeah I know I'm a cheeky c*nt)
In the old days they'd get an orange at half time (:
I think Bitcoin will crash right when America's economy crashes from the latest tax cut disaster. A few people will start taking profits out of it and then there will be a mad rush for the exits and the value will collapse.

There isn't anything substantial to any of those currencies; it's another tulip bubble. There's no Central Bank moderating value.

They're considered assets rather than a medium of exchange. Treat it like a speculative bet.
sweeeeeeeeeet! whaaaaaaata bellend! Did have a lol a @Madmungo telling him whats what!

Fighting talk!

But you'll be waiting a while....Bitcoin is anti fragile and benefits from disorder. The stock market will crash first - driving bitcoin even harder. Mark my words - Its the new gold.

actually gold is still the new gold
but it is being fk'd by paper trading of gold that does not exist and then the buy sell algorythm
does the work..
gold is the only real thing..but this world /monetary system is not real
but we are starting to live in a virtual world..btc itself makes sense..lets hope the bankerpapertraders/do not
find out how to crash it every week for their little profit..and never say never
that said i do wanna get a bit..pardon the pun
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I think Bitcoin will crash right when America's economy crashes from the latest tax cut disaster. A few people will start taking profits out of it and then there will be a mad rush for the exits and the value will collapse.

There isn't anything substantial to any of those currencies; it's another tulip bubble. There's no Central Bank moderating value.

They're considered assets rather than a medium of exchange. Treat it like a speculative bet.

and the central bank [BIS/Fed Reserve ]is scummy as it gets..and they have 20 or so trillion debt to prove how good the system..they seem to have ahandle on matket crashes now whichb is even more unsettling

really is[n't]..they have total control to screw anything real....say gold

once we were off "pay to the barer on demand in gold" we were fk'd

but you are correct B"it" is speculative...but feels way less
@ttystikk China was the biggest btc market until they banned it recently, it dipped and within 2 weeks it was at an all time high.
There's no Central Bank
thank god for that! Those fuckers can jog on.

The tulip bubble story is something btc gets compared to a lot, mostly by people that dont understand how or why btc has value. The whole tulip thing wasnt even really a bubble

Ive been trading digital currencies on/off for 5 years. At the moment bitcoin is moving more toward the Store of value side of things because of the scaling issue - Bitcoin is slow, really slow compared to visa. But secondary layers like Lightning network will fix this but core wont rush it. N o one expected this year to unfold like it has.

Blockchain is the THE biggest digital revolution since the internet. It is right now changing the way millions of industries work - cutting out the expensive middle man via a trustless digital ledger is saving billions already. ive invested into countless blockchain projects via altcoins, theyre absolutely fascinating.

Im surprised that someone as efficiency driven as yourself isnt ALL OVER IT

i could go all day man (:
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