Millionaire Donor Threatens Democratic Party: “If They Go Far Left, I’m Out”

using hyperbole like that only illustrates how weak your argument is, holocaust denying jew hater.

tell that to the ones who escaped hitler's holocaust and stole the palestinie lands and committed war crimes against innocent people who had nothing to do with the holocaust.
I was under the impression that the palestine sold them land that was considered unusable swamps, until it was and drained by Jewish settlers
you sure don't mind Hitler's actions being repeated in Palestine for over 70 years, Palestinians are Semites too you know, and above all, they are humans like you and me.
You can support Palestine without hating Jewish people. By being an antisemitic piece of trash, you discredit antizionism.

Have you considered suicide?
I was under the impression that the palestine sold them land that was considered unusable swamps, until it was and drained by Jewish settlers
some Palestinian families did sell their lands and immigrated, that does not justify stealing more land by the new owners.
hey everyone, the holocaust denier who says the jews holocausted themselves and compares them to vermin and swine is promoting love charity and understanding
sure you do that a lot in your threads :bigjoint: it's your nature to promote positive values, beside personal hygiene.
Yeah, wasn't it for 24 dollars-worth of beads?

From the 1880s to the 1930s, most Jewish land purchases were made in the coastal plain, the Jezreel Valley, the Jordan Valley and to a lesser extent the Galilee.[8] This was due to a preference for land that was cheap and without tenants.[8]There were two main reasons why these areas were sparsely populated. The first reason being when the Ottoman power in the rural areas began to diminish in the seventeenth century, many people moved to more centralized areas to secure protection against the lawless Bedouin tribes.[8] The second reason for the sparsely populated areas of the coastal plains was the soil type. The soil, covered in a layer of sand, made it impossible to grow the staple crop of Palestine, corn.[8] As a result, this area remained uncultivated and under populated.[4] "The sparse Arab population in the areas where the Jews usually bought their land enabled the Jews to carry out their purchase without engendering a massive displacement and eviction of Arab tenants".[8]

In the 1930s most land was bought from small landowners. Of the land that the Jews bought, "52.6% of the lands were bought from big non-Palestinian landowners, 24.6% from Palestinian-Arab landowners and only 9.4% from the Fellahin".[10]
From the 1880s to the 1930s, most Jewish land purchases were made in the coastal plain, the Jezreel Valley, the Jordan Valley and to a lesser extent the Galilee.[.[10]


The first Ottoman parliament convenes in Constantinople; first Palestinian deputies from Jerusalem are elected.


Peta Tikva, the first Zionist colony is established in Palestine.


The Ottoman government announces permission for foreign (non-Ottoman) Jews to settle throughout the Ottoman Empire, excluding Palestine. It allows foreign Jewish businessmen and pilgrims to visit Palestine but not to settle. In Paris, Baron Edmund the Rothschild financially backing of Jewish colonization in Palestine. The first wave of Zionist mass immigration to Palestine begins. The Ottoman government views Zionist colonization as in Palestine as a political problem and revokes permission to foreign Jewish businessmen to visit Palestine but not to Jewish pilgrims. European powers pressure the Ottoman government to allow foreign Jews to settle in Palestine, provided they do so singly and not en masse.


The German Jewish Baron Maurice de Hirsch founds the Jewish Colonization Association (JCA). The Ottoman government, concerned with Zionist colonization, forbids the sale of land to foreign Jews in Palestine. European powers pressure the Ottoman government to permit Jews legally resident in Palestine, to buy land provided they establish no colonies on it.


The First Zionist Congress convening in Basel, Switzerland, Issue Basel program on colonization of Palestine and the establishment of the World Zionist Organization (WZO). Shortly after the congress, a Zionist delegation is sent to Palestine to explore the viability of settling Palestine with persecuted European Jews. The delegation reported back with a cable that stated: "The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man."

1901- 1914

Pressured by European powers, the Ottoman Government allows foreign Jews to purchase land in northern Palestine. The Jewish National Fund (JNF) is established as land acquisition organ of the WZO and decides that land acquired by the JNF is inalienable Jewish and exclusively Jewish labor is to be employed on it. This causes great distress among Palestinian administration, parliamentarians and citizens. The Jerusalem administration strongly objects to Zionist land acquisition in Jerusalem district. Various newspapers warn that Zionism seeks national sovereignty in Palestine. JCA representative Antebi states that “ill will of the local population coincides with the creation of Zionism”. Tensions develop between Zionist colonists and Palestinian farmers, occasionally resulting in clashes.


Outbreak of World War I. The Ottoman government sides with the German forces. Correspondence between Sharif Hussein of Mecca and Sir Henry Mc Mahon, British high commissioner in Egypt is understood by Arabs as ensuring post-war independence and unity of Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire, including Palestine.


The signing of the secret Sykes-Picot agreement, which divides the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire between Britain and France. Sharif Hussein proclaims Arab independence from Ottoman rule, based on his correspondence with Mc Mahon. Arab revolt against Constantinople begins. In November Hussein is proclaimed ‘king of the Arabs’.


British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour sends a letter to Baron Lionel Walter de Rothschild pledging British support for the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine (Balfour Declaration) In December Ottoman forces in Jerusalem surrender to Allied forces under command of General Sir Edmund Allenby.


Whole of Palestine occupied by Allied forces under General Allenby. October 30th: the End of World War I.


Paris Peace Conference decides Palestine will not be restored under Ottoman rule. The first Palestinian national Congress convenes in Jerusalem and rejects the Balfour declaration, demanding independence.


The Haganah, a Zionist paramilitary organization is founded.


The League of Nations approves British mandate of Palestine without consent of the Palestinians. The first British census of Palestine shows population of 757,182, with 78% Muslim, 11% Jewish and 9.6% Christian. The Fifth Palestinian Congress agrees to the economic boycott of Zionists. Zionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky calls for forcible colonization of Palestine and Transjordan. A Palestinian general strike breaks out in protest of a private visit of James Balfour to Jerusalem.


First attempts are made by some Jewish religious leaders to change the status quo at the Wailing Wall. Zionist militants demonstrate by the Wailing Wall. Riots break out in several towns in reaction. In resulting clashes, 133 Jews are killed and 339 wounded; 116 Palestinians are killed and 232 wounded, mostly at hands of British military. The Islamic Conference demands protection of Muslim property rights at Wailing Wall. The League of Nations Council appoints an international commission to investigate legal status of Palestinians and Jews at Wailing Wall.


The second British census of Palestine shows total population of 1,035,154 with 73.4% Muslim, 16.9% Jewish and 8.6% Christian.


Several Palestinian political parties are founded, such as Istiqlal (Independence), the Palestine Arab Party and the Reform party. The Arab Executive Committee calls for general strike to protest British pro-Zionist policies, especially the sponsorship of Zionist mass immigration. Disturbances break out in the main towns.


Revisionist groups quit the World Zionist Organization and form the New Zionist Organization which aims to forcibly ‘liberate’ Palestine and Transjordan. Revisionists and dissidents from Haganah found the military organization Irgun, with Vladimir Jabotinsky as commander-in-chief. Large quantities of arms smuggled from Belgium by Zionist groups are discovered at Jaffa port.

Leaders of Palestinian political parties submit a joint memorandum to the British High Commissioner requesting cessation of Zionist mass immigration and land acquisition, and to establish a government based on proportional representation.


The High Commissioner proposes the establishment of a 28-member Legislative Council with Palestinians holding only 14 seats; Palestinians accept in principle. Pro-Zionist members of the British House of Commons defeat it. The Conference of Palestinian National Committees calls for no taxation without representation. Great rebellion begins. British military reinforcement is brought to Palestine. Irgun carries out armed attacks on Palestinians, through bomb blasts in busses, markets and cafés. Palestinian militants respond with bombs and mines.


Malcom MacDonald, Colonial Secretary of State, issues the White Paper of 1939 promising: conditional independence for unitary Palestinian state after ten years; admission of 15,000 Jewish immigrants annually into Palestine for five years, with immigration after that subject to ‘Arab acquiescence’. The plan also encompasses protection of Palestinian land rights against Zionist acquisition. The Stern Gang, formed under Avraham Stern by dissident Irgunists, in protest against 1939 White Paper policy, calls for alliance with Axis powers in war against British.

World War II breaks out.

German forces occupy large parts of Europe and systematically murder approximately 6 million jews. The arrival of over 60,000 Zionist immigrants, including 20 - 25,000 who entered the country illegally, increases Jewish population in Palestine to 31% of total. Registered Jewish land ownership rises to 6% of area of country.

Up until the end of the British mandate, Jewish paramilitary organizations carry out a wave of attacks targeting infrastructure as well as British political figures, civil servants and soldiers.


Land Transfers Regulations, provided for in the White Papers of 1939 are published. They contain regulations to protect Palestinian lands against Zionist acquisitions. The British forbid the entry of illegal Jewish immigrants for security reasons.


Zionist Biltmore Conference held in New York and attended by leading Zionists from US and Palestine, urges that ‘Palestine be established as a Jewish commonwealth’ in the whole of Palestine and the organization of a Jewish army. The US Congress introduces joint resolution endorsing Biltmore program.


The Stern Gang and Irgun join forces in a terror campaign against the British. The British Labor Party passes a resolution recommending that Palestinians be ‘encouraged’ to move out of Palestine to make way for Jewish immigrants. The Preparatory Conference on Arab Unity held in Alexandria, Egypt, and attended by Palestinian representatives, proposes the formation of an Arab state in Palestine in which the non-Arab community will have full citizenship rights.


On visit to US, Ben-Gurion meets with 19 prominent American Zionists, who pledge to finance purchase in US of military industrial machinery for use of Haganah. The US House of representative states that the US shall facilitate unrestricted Jewish immigration into Palestine and in order to reconstitute the country as Jewish commonwealth. A Covenant of the League of Arab States, emphasizing Arab character of Palestine, is signed in Cairo by representatives of Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Transjordan and Yemen.


An Anglo-American Committee report estimates size of Jewish armed forces at around 61 to 69,000 people and declares "private armies" illegal. It recommends the admission of 100,000 Jews into Palestine and abolition of Land Transfers Regulations. Palestinians strike in protest. US president Truman backs a request by the Jewish Agency asks for a Jewish state comprising the area recommended by the Royal (Peel) Commission in 1937, plus the whole of the Negev.


The UN General Assembly appoints an eleven-member Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP). In their report, the majority of UNSCOP members recommend partition and the minority recommends a federal solution.

With resolution 181, a modification to the UNSCOP proposal, Palestine was to be divided into A Jewish state on 56 % of Palestine, an Arab State on 43%, and an international zone surrounding Jerusalem. The Arab Higher Committee for Palestine also rejects partition, as Palestinians make up for 70% of the total population and own 93% of the land. The Jewish Agency announces acceptance of partition.

Haganah occupies strategic positions in country .The Arab League organizes Arab Liberation Army (ALA), a voluntary force of Arab irregulars under guerrilla leader Fawzi al-Qawuqji to help Palestinians resist partition.


Hagana desgins and carries out plan Dalet, a set of guidelines that envisaged the ethnic cleansing of Palestine i.e. to conquer as much of Palestine and to expel a maximum of Palestinian civilians. The ALA responds with bombs and attacks on Zionist commandos.

On April 9th Irgun and Stern Gang massacre some 245 inhabitants at Deir Yassin village, mainly elderly, women and children. Consequently hundreds of thousands Palestinians flee their towns and villages.

On May 14th the state of Israel is unilaterally proclaimed, one day before the end of the British mandate and immediately recognized by the US. On May 15th, the first Egyptian regular troops cross the border into Palestine and attack colonies in the Negev. Three Transjordanian Arab Legion brigades cross the Jordan River into Palestine Lebanese regulars retake Lebanese villages on the border from Haganah. Syrian troops retake the town of Samakh and capture Zionist colonies of Masada and Shaar Hagolan.

Hagana conquest of Palestinian cities, towns and villages continues. The UN Security Council appoints the Swedish diplomat Folke Bernadotte as its mediator in Palestine and calls for cease-fire, that takes effect on June 11, lasting until july 8th.

Bernadotte suggests economic, military and political union of Transjordan and Palestine containing Arab and Jewish states: Negev and central Palestine to go to Arabs, Western Galilee to Jews, Jerusalem to be part of Arab state with administrative autonomy to Jews, Haifa and Jaffa to be free ports and Lydda to be a free airport. His proposal is rejected by both sides.

Security Council calls for prolongation of truce, which takes effect from July 18th till October 15th. Bernadotte proposes a new partition of Palestine: Arab state to be annexed to Transjordan and to include Negev, al-Ramla and Lydda; Jewish state in all of Galilee; the internationalization of Jerusalemand the return or compensation of refugees. The proposal is rejected by both the Arab League and Israel. In September the Stern gang murders Count Bernadotte in Jerusalem by the Stern Gang.

January-February: Israeli-Egyptian armistice is signed: Egypt keeps coastal strip Gaza-Rafah and evacuates Faluja pocket. By the end of February, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), made up of the core part of Haganah, intimidates 2-3,000 villagers into leaving Faluja pocket in violation of Israeli-Egyptian Armistice Agreement.

March: IDF Negev and Golani brigades complete occupation of Negev as far as Umm Rashrash/Eilat.

March 23: The Israeli-Lebanese Armistice is signed: Frontier of Mandate Palestine accepted; Israel withdraws from most of Lebanese territory.

April 3: Israeli-Jordanian Armistice: Jordan takes over the Iraqi-held Nablus-Jenin-Tulkarem triangle but is forced to cede area around Wadi 'Ara; Israel controls Chadera-Afula road; the existing status quo in Jerusalem is accepted by IDF and Arab Legion.

July 20: Syrian-Israeli Armistice: demilitarized zones established around 'En Gev and Dardara (including Mishmar ha-Yarden).

The Armistice leaves Israel in control of 78% of the former mandate Palestine more than was envisaged in partition plan. The armistice line is internationally considered as the borders of Israel. The Gaza Strip (1,5 % of mandate Palestine) is placed under Egyptian, and the West Bank (21,5 %) under Jordanian control.

750.000 Palestinians, 64 % of the entire population, have been made homeless. Out of 476 villages and towns, 418 have been depopulated. Zionist militia completely destroyed 385.


The Knesset, the Israeli Parliament passes the Absentee Property Law. Any person who on 29 November 1947 was a citizen or resident of the Arab States or who was a Palestinian citizen who had left their place of residence even if to take refuge within Palestine, is classified as an ‘absentee’. Absentee property is vested in the custodian of absentee property who then ‘sells’ it to the Development Authority authorized by the Knesset. The theft of the property of a million Arabs seized by Israel in 1948 is thus authorized. The Knesset passes theLaw of Return’ whereby any Jew, from anywhere in the world, is entitled to full Israeli citizenship.

The UN General Assembly establishes UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency).To this day, UNRWA provides assistance, protection and advocacy for some 5 million registered Palestine refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the occupied Palestinian territory, pending a solution to their plight.


The Law of Nationality affirms the Law of Return and legislates that resident non-Jews can acquire citizenship only on the basis of residence if they can prove they are Palestinian or by naturalization. Palestinian Arabs remaining under Israeli occupation literally became foreigners in their own country as in the conditions of proving residence was in practice often impossible to fulfill.


President Nasser of Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal. Israel, in collusion with Britain and France, invades Sinai Peninsula. Israel occupies Gaza and most of Sinai, attack Qalqilya in the West Bank and massacre villagers of Kafr Qasem in occupied Palestine.Prime MinisterMoshe Sharett agrees on negotiation and ratification of Israeli borders with Arab states in his talks with John Foster Dulles. Israel withdraws from Sinai and Gaza: UN Emergency Force moves in.

UN Secretary General Hammarskjold proposes the absorption of Palestinian refugees by the Middle East states. Fatah is established by Yasser Arafat and associates.


The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) founded. The Arab Summit meets in Cairo and "Welcomed the establishment of the PLO as the basis of the Palestinian entity and as a pioneer in the collective Arab struggle for the Liberation of Filastin."


In his speech during a visit to a Palestinian refugee camp in Jericho, President Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia proposes that Arabs recognize Israel within the boundaries of the UN's partition plan of 29 Nov. 1947, in exchange of the repatriation of refugees.


The June War breaks out. Israel begins military occupation of West Bank and Gaza Strip, Sinai of Egypt and Golan Heights of Syria. Some 280.000 to 325.000 Palestinians fled the territories. Israel annexes old Jerusalem and begins Jewish settlement in the occupied Palestinian territories. The UN General Assembly Resolution 2253 calls upon Israel to "rescind all measures taken (and) to desist forthwith, from taking any action which would alter the status of Jerusalem." In addition, the UN Security Council passes resolution 242, urging Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories.

January-February: Israeli-Egyptian armistice is signed: Egypt keeps coastal strip Gaza-Rafah and evacuates Faluja pocket. By the end of February, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), made up of the core part of Haganah, intimidates 2-3,000 villagers into leaving Faluja pocket in violation of Israeli-Egyptian Armistice Agreement.

March: IDF Negev and Golani brigades complete occupation of Negev as far as Umm Rashrash/Eilat.

March 23: The Israeli-Lebanese Armistice is signed: Frontier of Mandate Palestine accepted; Israel withdraws from most of Lebanese territory.

April 3: Israeli-Jordanian Armistice: Jordan takes over the Iraqi-held Nablus-Jenin-Tulkarem triangle but is forced to cede area around Wadi 'Ara; Israel controls Chadera-Afula road; the existing status quo in Jerusalem is accepted by IDF and Arab Legion.

July 20: Syrian-Israeli Armistice: demilitarized zones established around 'En Gev and Dardara (including Mishmar ha-Yarden).

The Armistice leaves Israel in control of 78% of the former mandate Palestine more than was envisaged in partition plan. The armistice line is internationally considered as the borders of Israel. The Gaza Strip (1,5 % of mandate Palestine) is placed under Egyptian, and the West Bank (21,5 %) under Jordanian control.

750.000 Palestinians, 64 % of the entire population, have been made homeless. Out of 476 villages and towns, 418 have been depopulated. Zionist militia completely destroyed 385.


The Knesset, the Israeli Parliament passes the Absentee Property Law. Any person who on 29 November 1947 was a citizen or resident of the Arab States or who was a Palestinian citizen who had left their place of residence even if to take refuge within Palestine, is classified as an ‘absentee’. Absentee property is vested in the custodian of absentee property who then ‘sells’ it to the Development Authority authorized by the Knesset. The theft of the property of a million Arabs seized by Israel in 1948 is thus authorized. The Knesset passes theLaw of Return’ whereby any Jew, from anywhere in the world, is entitled to full Israeli citizenship.

The UN General Assembly establishes UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency).To this day, UNRWA provides assistance, protection and advocacy for some 5 million registered Palestine refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the occupied Palestinian territory, pending a solution to their plight.


The Law of Nationality affirms the Law of Return and legislates that resident non-Jews can acquire citizenship only on the basis of residence if they can prove they are Palestinian or by naturalization. Palestinian Arabs remaining under Israeli occupation literally became foreigners in their own country as in the conditions of proving residence was in practice often impossible to fulfill.


President Nasser of Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal. Israel, in collusion with Britain and France, invades Sinai Peninsula. Israel occupies Gaza and most of Sinai, attack Qalqilya in the West Bank and massacre villagers of Kafr Qasem in occupied Palestine.Prime MinisterMoshe Sharett agrees on negotiation and ratification of Israeli borders with Arab states in his talks with John Foster Dulles. Israel withdraws from Sinai and Gaza: UN Emergency Force moves in.

UN Secretary General Hammarskjold proposes the absorption of Palestinian refugees by the Middle East states. Fatah is established by Yasser Arafat and associates.


The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) founded. The Arab Summit meets in Cairo and "Welcomed the establishment of the PLO as the basis of the Palestinian entity and as a pioneer in the collective Arab struggle for the Liberation of Filastin."


In his speech during a visit to a Palestinian refugee camp in Jericho, President Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia proposes that Arabs recognize Israel within the boundaries of the UN's partition plan of 29 Nov. 1947, in exchange of the repatriation of refugees.


The June War breaks out. Israel begins military occupation of West Bank and Gaza Strip, Sinai of Egypt and Golan Heights of Syria. Some 280.000 to 325.000 Palestinians fled the territories. Israel annexes old Jerusalem and begins Jewish settlement in the occupied Palestinian territories. The UN General Assembly Resolution 2253 calls upon Israel to "rescind all measures taken (and) to desist forthwith, from taking any action which would alter the status of Jerusalem." In addition, the UN Security Council passes resolution 242, urging Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories.