The Irish Growers Thread!

Little Ava Barry is coming home lads. I'm so thrilled for her and her family. :clap: I'll be toking this weekend to celebrate!!! :bigjoint:

i would say i`m a habitual smoker, would love to be like you in the way you can leave it till weekend or whenever to have a a spliff, first thing i think of when i get up is a spliff, and half way through that one im thinking if i have time to smoke another before work... woldnt smoke in work, but soon as im home.... 3 skins and a cuppa....

also i like to smoke mine in 3 skins, red rizzla, full fag, think its from years of smoking hash the full fag thing, tried half a fag in spliff but its like a mountjoy joint...
Ah man I use to be mad into my 3 skins till it got to a stage where the 3 skins was taking too long lol.

Jaysus lads that little girl has been given an irish prescription for cannabis!!!
would love to be like you in the way you can leave it till weekend or whenever

PMSL!!! Aw man I'm not like that at all, the only reason I'm not smoking tonight is coz I don't have any! Pay day Friday, bring it on! Only smoke in the evenings after the munchkin is gone to bed.
The mister and I demolish it when we have it, though I can make it last if I need to. Himself, not so much but I account for that by telling him that the yields are smaller :lol:

3 skinners, damn! I don't miss them, only build with them when I run outta king size. Remember when all you could get was hash? Thank fuck that's changed.
tried loads of ways to smoke weed, just 3 papers suits me, and i love the thick heavy fat smoke you get from a spliff...

the time it takes to roll one can be both a curse and a blessing, curse when our hanging for a slpiff, but when you get to sit down a roll a proper joint theres finesse to it, dare i say a touch of skill, as theres a few lads round here that smoke and you can meet them walking there dags with a spliff in the job, little tiny roachs the fuck can you smoke a j with a tiny roach like 2mm.... mine are 4mm or a touch smaller than a fag butt, so you get a lot of the weed taste, helps when its street stuff as its mostly taste anyways the stone is meh!!
PMSL!!! Aw man I'm not like that at all, the only reason I'm not smoking tonight is coz I don't have any! Pay day Friday, bring it on! Only smoke in the evenings after the munchkin is gone to bed.
The mister and I demolish it when we have it, though I can make it last if I need to. Himself, not so much but I account for that by telling him that the yields are smaller :lol:

3 skinners, damn! I don't miss them, only build with them when I run outta king size. Remember when all you could get was hash? Thank fuck that's changed.

hahahaha i hate when you ask for papers and they had me the big ones, and one of them i would feel cheated, even tho there about the size of 3 skins there a shade smaller and my addict brain would be telling me i need to smoke 2 of these...

same here on the weed front, have 2/3 joints left and out till pay day thats if i can afford it, shit load to pay for this week, least the cars passed test today and fuck tic,, can get it now but hate owing for it its like been robbed when you get your wages...
ive loads of smoke thank God, never been able to moderate my smoke so thats why I dont buy Irish Street weed.i cant afford it tbh

problem with me is the sporadic growing and never doing enough plants when i do small grow to letting 2 turn into monsters and fucking up my timeing for the next grow or shutting down for so long that i run out long before i can harvest again and being habitual smoker i have to have it...

ps... also cant afford it and i hate handing over my dollars for it but what can you do but pay the piper...
If 3 skinners work for ya man, that's all that matters. I know what you mean about size though, they're a lot bigger than king size but the king size are fatter, esp silver rizlas. Can't bate tokin off a nice fatty.

Yeah hate paying for street weed, but times are desperate n all that. It'll be xmas eve or thereabouts before my stuff will be smokable, timed it perfectly just for the hols. As I'm aiming to harvest every 2 months, that will keep my purchases to a minimum. Don't wanna cut ties altogether with the guy though coz he's handy for other stuff too. ;)
How's the green fingered peeps :bigjoint:

I got well excited about my new seeds so I popped them.
But the thing is I'm off to the Dam Thursday and my mother is minding my kids for the weekend and i fear they won't last long in their dome without constant water.

Is there some way I can store them til I get back even if the taproot is showing ?

Great news about Veras daughter and hopefully great news for a lot of sick people who will benefit from these amazing plants :weed:
How's the green fingered peeps :bigjoint:

I got well excited about my new seeds so I popped them.
But the thing is I'm off to the Dam Thursday and my mother is minding my kids for the weekend and i fear they won't last long in their dome without constant water.

Is there some way I can store them til I get back even if the taproot is showing ?

Great news about Veras daughter and hopefully great news for a lot of sick people who will benefit from these amazing plants :weed:
Pot em up in soil,by the time youre back theyll be above ground
The 3 Gorilla popped but no life yet in the Sour.

I'm always amazed at the speed of these plants we grow.
From a simple seed to all this plant matter in a matter of weeks !

Fucking mad.


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