Hazeman Seeds

You'll like the Mikado.
im really looking forward to those, in fact ive got another pack just in case, last season i planted a whole pack, but a heatwave wiped them all out, got 20 beans of the Mikado ready now, be using them as stud in upcoming heavy yielding early finishing pollen chuck, got a lot of quality types in stock here but no real yield & most are late finishers,
awesome thanks for the heads up! he still has the 88 g13 ? originally they were only being given as freebies as ndnguy didn't want anyone profiting off that seedline, but that was 5 years ago
In 06 ndnguy sent me his last ten seeds of the 88\g13 x HP f1 he had.
I did an open pollination using three males and four females,that would be the f2 gen.
So hazeman started with f2 seeds..........and they were never supposed to be sold.......fucking ever.
In 06 ndnguy sent me his last ten seeds of the 88\g13 x HP f1 he had.
I did an open pollination using three males and four females,that would be the f2 gen.
So hazeman started with f2 seeds..........and they were never supposed to be sold.......fucking ever.

Your saying you gave hazeman the f2’s you made? But for $40 a pack not like he’s making a killing or anything.
In 06 ndnguy sent me his last ten seeds of the 88\g13 x HP f1 he had.
I did an open pollination using three males and four females,that would be the f2 gen.
So hazeman started with f2 seeds..........and they were never supposed to be sold.......fucking ever.
Were they to be given away for free or do you mean they were supposed to be hoarded for the benefit of a small group? Because one scenario seems reasonably understandable but the other is just as dickheaded as selling seeds not to be sold. lol
i know 5 years ago they were being given away as freebies with orders. i guess that's how you increase the value of something tho right, manufactured scarcity? i'm finding it damn near impossible to find some strains. can't wait until tissue culturing is a bigger thing and you can buy from a library of everything
I took them to f9 and gave them away...........making seeds is by no means "work".
I have been making them for decades and its a minor Inconvenience at best not too mention extremely profitable,despite what they will have you believe.
So hazemans agreement was no sales of the pure line no matter what generation it was,I know because that was everyone's dealio.............
I like his crosses
I can see buying 3 or 4 packs from him
Guna try the kK StrCgh x StrDiesel
For sure