Well-Known Member
Anyone ever do any research into what PETA did with people's PETS after Katrina? Got any idea what PETA's kill rate is? You know that their goal is to basically eliminate pets and all domesticated animals, right? Wanna keep a goldfish? Better not according to PETA! I think Skiskate knows exactly what I'm on about, don't you?
That alone is reason enough to torch them ALL. Motherfuckers.
There's a restauranteur in Switzerland who wants to offer foods made with breast milk. I think he was offering something like 3 pounds British for 14oz. of milk. That's almost a day's production (or it was for me, your mileage may vary). $6 U.S. for a day's worth of production? Fuck THAT, you asshole, do you know how hard it is to get it out of there yourself? Git.
Again, an org designed to have an impossible goal... Total animal liberation is a sham, they are ripping people off with this sham and odds are donating to known terrorist too!